Holland Bone and Joint Program
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Hip and Knee Arthritis Program

Smiling physician at Holland Centre

The Hip and Knee Arthritis Program offers comprehensive care for patients with hip and knee arthritis through access to assessment services, education, referral to self management programs and other treatment programs, including consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon, as needed. 

Key elements of the program include:

Referral information » 

Toronto Regional Arthroplasty Collaborative

Building on the success of our program's model, we are now working together with Michael Garron Hospital to help reduce wait times for hip and knee replacement surgery in Ontario through the newly formed Toronto Regional Arthroplasty Collaborative (TRAC).

By opening our operating room on weekends, the Holland Centre and TRAC partnering hospitals will be able to increase the number of patients who can receive hip or knee replacement surgery – 1,200 more patients a year – and shorten everyone's wait. Learn more

Location and contact

Hip and Knee Arthritis Program

Holland Centre
43 Wellesley Street East

Toronto, ON M4Y 1H1 


Central intake fax:

Toll-free fax: