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Brain science news

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 How placebo effects can impact brain activity
New study has shown that placebo effects can alter brain activity in a way that is similar to targeted brain stimulation treatments for depression
Monday, December 13, 2021 Hip hop song of survival linked to decrease in US suicide rate
Study highlights how a clear, positive message of survival can have a protective effect on the public and can help prevent suicide
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 Dr. Anthony Levitt in the National Post
Chief of Sunnybrook’s Hurvitz Brain Sciences Centre spoke to the National Post about Seasonal Affective Disorder
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 COVID-19 and the brain
Dr. Rick Swartz, neurologist, was on CBC's The National sharing insight on COVID-19 research and brain fog
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Sunnybrook researchers demonstrate groundbreaking evidence of focused ultrasound enhanced delivery of targeted antibody therapy to breast cancer that spread to the brain
Research team captured world-first images of the antibody therapy drug, Trastuzumab, precisely targeting tumours which spread to the brain from breast cancer, across the blood-brain barrier