Thursday, January 1, 2004
Challenging the Known
Miles Johnston discovers how cerebrospinal fluid really exits the brain, pointing toward future improvements in treatment for hydrocephalus.
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
Governor General's Gold Medal Award Winner at Sunnybrook
Lukasz Brzozowski, a new recruit to SRI, wins a prestigious prize for academic excellence for his doctoral thesis in photonics.
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
Digital Detection of Breast Cancer
Martin Yaffe is part of a crack team of scientists using digital technology to detect and diagnose tumours with better accuracy than ever before.
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Monday, January 1, 2001
Physiotherapist Gets More F.I.T.T.
Griffith Mercer didn't realize that a simple question about the care he was providing to his patients would lead to his first practice-based research project
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Monday, January 1, 2001
Occupational Therapist Spearheads Groundbreaking Study
Not only did her three-year study validate the role of OTs in the treatment of osteoporosis, it changed the way the clinician practices.
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