OCCI investigators

Robert S. Beanlands, MD, FRCP(C)
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Phone: 613-761-5296
Fax: 613-761-4690
- Director of the Cardiac PET Centre and Chief of Cardiac Imaging, UOHI.
- MRC Scientist (2000 - 2004) and a well published (>60 peer-reviewed publications) investigator recognized as Canada's premier expert in clinical applications of cardiac PET imaging
- Research interests involve the investigation of new radiotracers to assess myocardial perfusion and metabolism. He has demonstrated the utility of FDG viability PET imaging in deciding therapy for patients with poor LV function (HSFO) and leads a large multicentre randomized-control trial evaluating outcome and costs of this approach (CIHR/HSFO). This is a pioneering study and will have major impact on the development and utilization of cardiac PET imaging in Ontario and worldwide.
- Developed new methods to define viability and cardiac efficiency.
- Other research interests include the utilization of PET as a resource to evaluate the effects of new therapies including pharmaceuticals, devices, interventions, surgery and new molecular therapies on myocardial blood flow, metabolism and physiology (HSF and Industry).
- National and International Honours & Awards include: Premier's Research Award Recipient (2000), Cardiovascular Council of Nuclear Medicine Young Investigators Award (1994), Canadian Cardiovascular Society Young Investigators Award Runner-Up (1993), Cardiovascular Council Society Nucl Med Young Investigators Award (1992). These awards were for work in myocardial tracer kinetics for blood flow and metabolism.
- In addition to publications and presentations, national and international recognitions include: Former President of Canadian Nuclear Cardiology Society and Past Canadian Representative on both the International Council for Nuclear Cardiology (ICNC) and the International Council for the Institute for Clinical PET (ICP). Dr. Beanlands has been advisor to Health Canada for PET radiophramceuticals and is the Cardiology Representative on the PET Steering Committee for PET Imaging in Ontario. Dr Beanlands is co-author of international practice guidelines for Cardiac PET imaging (JNC 2003) and is a member of the Faculty of the PET Learning Centre for the SNM.