Department of Surgery

Dr. Sender Herschorn, BSc, MDCM, FRCSC
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room MG408
Toronto, ON
M4N 3M5
Assistant: Helen Chau
Phone: 416 480-4733
- Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto
- Division of Urology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Odette Cancer Program
Postgraduate and Specialty Training:
- Clinical Fellowship in Urology/Urodynamics, Prosthetic devices in urology, St.Luke’s Episcopal
- Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston (1979)
- Surgery of the lower urinary tract and urodynamics, The Middlesex Hospital/The Institute of Urology (1978)
- Urology Training Program, University of Toronto (1973-1978)
- MDCM, McGill University (1972)
Current Appointments:
- Attending Surgeon, Urology, Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Attending Urologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Director of the University of Toronto Research Program in Functional Urology
- Head, Urodynamics Laboratory, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Courtesy staff, St. Michael’s Hospital and Toronto East General Hospital
- Martin Barkin Chair in Urological Research, University of Toronto (2001-2012)
Clinical Expertise:
- Urinary incontinence
- Neurogenic bladder
- Urologic reconstruction
- Urinary fistulae
- Urologic cancer surgery
- Erectile dysfunction
Research Interests:
- Overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, urologic reconstruction, interstitial cystitis
- Radiation and post-surgical complications