Today, I want to send my highest respect to our Veterans who had saved our lives. I also want to send my upmost respect to Sunnybrook's Veteran's Center and their staff who take care the Veterans.
Dear Veterans, We will never forget the sacrifices you have all made for our Country, God Bless you all. You are the Real Hero !
Thanks for your dedication, sacrifice and bravery keeping people our land and allies land safe and a better place for all.
As a veteran myself, and on behalf of my family, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of the brave men and women of this country who sacrificed so much for their country. God Bless each one of you wonderful people and please stay strong. LEST WE FORGET🌺🇨🇦
Words are heard to express the level of gratitude my family has for the freedom we have. Thank you.
Thank you for your strength and sacrifices. Peace and blessings to all.
Dear Veteran’s,
As a family, we cannot begin to express our gratitude to you for everything you have sacrificed for us as a nation. It does not go unnoticed but is not expressed often enough. Thank you to you all. With love, The Fitzpatrick Family
To Kenneth MacKay, you are my own WWII hero and veteran who served in the North Atlantic, aboard Canada's fleet of corvettes protecting us under tough and harsh conditions. Know full well that you are forever loved for your excellent service and dedication. Freedom forever!
Thank you very much for all you have done for our country. May we as citizens uphold what you fought for in your youth. Thank you again.
A heartfelt thank
A heartfelt Thank You for your
A heartfelt Thank You for your courage and sacrifice
Thank you to our veterans: men and women who've served this country with courage and commitment. You set the bar very high for the rest of us. You remind us all what it means to be brave, strong and true. You are our inspiration during these troubled times and you give us hope!
Thank you for your service.
We honour you for your service and sacrifice. Ubique.
I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I hold in my heart for our veterans.
Thank you for your gift to the world. We are as free as we can be because of your sacrifices. Be good to yourself, you certainly deserve it.
Many thanks to our veterans for all you have done. My grandfather, Joseph McCoy, volunteered in the first war and went to France in Feb 1917. He never returned. He was killed in August and lies in Villers au Bois cemetery near Vimy.
You who are still here are more fortunate
Thank you so much for your service in keeping us all safe and sound. I am proud to wear a red poppy every November in remembrance.
Thank you from the bottom of my give so much to give us our freedom and the best country of the whole world. I would encourage people to visit Normandy,Dieppe. It’s and unbelievably experience and a close encounter to history.God Bless you All. Thank you. Thank you
I want to thank all of you for being so brave and courageous and how you protected democracy in the European nation
and of course in Canada and the USA. If it wasn't for our Veterans, how safe would we be in Canada today?
Once again, we reach that special time of the year when we take the time to reflect on the past and thank our veteran population for all they have done to make our lives that much safer.
To the veterans that call Sunnybrook their home, "Thank you", for your service.
Due to your service and sacrifice, you have given our family the life and freedom we enjoy. Thank you. We are grateful.
Thank you will never be enough for your sacrifice and service.
Thank you so very much for your sacrifice. It has meant so much to me in my life. To know that you bravely and selflessly, kept us safe and strong is an enormous comfort. May you know you will never be forgotten.
It must feel good to have your sacrifices recognized and acknowledged. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. Praying you recover fast and well. Keep strong we are with you.
Thank you for standing up for democracy , for goodness, for faith that evil can be defeated, for your family, for my family , for all of us - so we can live in freedom. We will never forget the sacrifice you made. Thank you!
Veterans, Thank you for making the ultimate sacrafice with such courage and bravery. My sincere gratitude to all of you who have served for our country and our freedoms. Your contribution shall never be forgotten. God Bless all of you.
I am very proud of our veterans & they made canada very proud of them, Isupport the legionit is for a greatcause.I am very proud to be amember of branch547. Stand tall .the vets deserve it.
The sacrifices you made for our Country continue to impact our lives today - and will never be forgotten! You will be honoured FOREVER - thank you!
I would like to thank all those who have worked diligently to keep our country Canada democratic and free.
Of course, the veterans of war and peace keeping are first and foremost in our minds in Remembrance Month, but this also includes our politicians and activists.
God Bless you. Thank you for your service, dedication and love of this wonderful Country.
I will never truly understand the scope of the sacrifices you made for myself and so many others.
My children and I would not have the freedom and opportunities that we do without you and the many others who both risked and gave your lives for us. Thank you.
Because of you we live in a free, peaceful country.🇨🇦 Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your sacrifice to fight for our country. Your strength and bravery will forever be remembered and appreciated.
Thank-you for everything you have done to keep this country safe. I salute you and am forever indebted for your sacrifice. ❤️
My father, who turned 97 in April 22", served with the Royal Marines in WW2 at the age of 17! He is currently residing at Sunnybrook Vets Wing. Thank you to all the staff, nurses, doctors that care for my Dad, I sleep well at night knowing he is getting the best care possible!
We are blessed to live in this country. We often take for granted the freedom we have. This freedom is possible only because of the brave men and women who were willing to fight and even die to defend it.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for your service.
Thank you so much for risking your lives so we may enjoy the freedom we have today. Canada is one of the best nations in the world due to your sacrifice. I hope you realise just how many of us feel indebted to you and it makes you smile knowing that.
I am thankful for the brave hearts who have given their all for the freedom of all settlers on Turtle Island.
Thank you for all you have done. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service
I have been so fortunate to never have personally experienced war. As I watch the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, I have a sense of the horrors you experienced and am so grateful for the sacrifices you made so that I can live in a free and peaceful country. Thank you.
Thank you for all your sacrifices to keep us safe.
Thank you for your sacrifices, too many to count. The sacrificing didn't end with the end of serving, as I know it is impossible to "unsee" what you saw while serving. Saying thank you for the freedom you have provided seems rather hollow, but I say it with sincerity.
This Remembrance Day, I would like to thank all the Living / Deceased Veterans for keeping Canada strong and free ! God Bless you and your families.
Many thanks for your sacrifice and for your service. You have made Canada and the world a better place.
We would like to thank all of our veterans for their incredible service and sacrifice in so many theaters of action. Your courage and humanity are remembered and appreciated.
We would also like to send a special shout-out to our Blue Lake neighbor, Jack Miller.
I was born and bred in Canada. I am a very proud Canadian and this is due to your valiant efforts to keep our country free. Thank you, thank you, we really do care.
CThank you to all our veterans across Canada wh0 sacrificed so much for us.
Thank you immensely to all of the veterans still with us and to those we have lost for all their sacrifices made to help secure a better future for myself and for future generations. I also want to say thank you to the families of all veterans.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your commitment, for your bravery, and for your determination to fight for what is right. You suffered in ways I cannot imagine and I am sure lost many friends. You will always have my respect and will never be forgotten.
I too take care of our veterans a a volunteer in K wing I truly admire them and their desire to live a thankful life!
Thannk-you so much for everything you have done for us the the sacrifices you made. You have set a wonderful example for your fellow Canadians.
Here in Canada we have passed the third generation that does not have the spectre of a world war hanging over them. That blessing for millions of lives is due to the sacrifices of the men and women who call Sunnybrook home. Thank you to all of them and the staff that help them.
On various Government ordinances Canadian soldiers participated in various world wars for human rights and human survival. Our veterans deserve 'Hooray' and respect and whatever we can do for the in this Remembrance day.
Thank you to all veterans for your sacrifice
and service. We will always remember. the
I was named after my father's oldest brother who died in the WW1 trenches at the age of 22. My father spent 5 years overseas in WW 2. He died in Sunnybrook Veterans at the age of 95. Veterans will always be honored and remembered. My uncles medal and tags hang on my office wall.
You placed us and the country before yourselves!!! Thank you for this sacrifice and the honor of your legacy in our hearts!!!!
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The memory of theses fallen soldiers will remain with this nation forever. They are timeless and evergreen.
We Give thanks to God for Each and everyone, and for those who have participated in helping individuals in every aspect of our lives, so ❤ will carry us through, we have to always believe, and Trust, and stay focused, confident, courageous, positive, good Attitude, with love,
First of all, let me say thank you to God/Jesus for each and every one of you, for your bravery, courage, strength, Protection, caring, love, and inspiration. Thank you so much for fighting for our freedom. I wish all the Veteran's, and their families all the best. Thank you.
May Sunnybrook Health Sciences and Veterans Centre always stand as a permanent memorial to all Canadians who served during WW2 and to preserve their legacy for our current and future military members serving. I remember our Vets with dignity, tears and gratitude for our freedom.
I struggle with words because "Thank you" seems so little when I think of all that was sacrificed. Because of people like you, veterans and those who died, I grew up in a country of freedom and liberties. As a retired teacher, I tried to instill these same feelings. Thank you!
Thank you all for your bravery and service.
Because of your ultimate sacrifice we are all here today.
Thank you for your service, your bravery and your sacrifice.
Thank you ❣️ without you, we will not be here.
With gratitude for the sacrifices that all made to bring peace to our world. For the families you left here at home. For the brothers and sisters who were by your side who did not come home. Your valiant service will always be remembered.
I lived in London during the war, where we found the Canadian troops always kind and cheerful. It was encouraging to see soldiers from such a long way a way.
We appreciate and thank you for the effort you made in making our country great and for the freedom and liberties we enjoy today
I'm so grateful for your service to our country and to the world. You are never forgotten on Remembrance Day and everyday!
Thank you so much for your work keeping our country safe . My Dad and grandfather were both war veterans. My grandfather was at The Battle of the Somme and my father a World War ll Canadian Air Force Squadron Leader. My family has great respect for you all. Thank you.
What an amazing gift you gave to those of us who did not serve. Thank you for your courage and perseverance through difficult circumstances. Bless you.
Thank You so much for all you did for us my dad was a merchant marine. He was so proud to serve his country as all of you were Thank you so much
To each and every veteran I thank you for your service. You sacrificed everything to protect our country and each Canadian. Your dedication snd bravery made the Canada of today possible. I, for one, am so grateful. I love the Canada you helped create.
Thank you for your sacrifice and everything you have done for our country and future generations of Canadians.
With profound thanks and gratitude for the sacrifices you have all made for our freedom. Thank you for your service!
Thank you for protecting our freedoms so bravely. We prosper today because of your sacrifices.
I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Both you and your families made many sacrifices everyday. Words alone are not enough to express my heartfelt gratitude.
We thank you for your love of our country and keeping us all safe and free!
You are certainly our heroes!!
May God Bless you all!!
I wanted to say thank you for being brave in life and standing up for our freedom.
Your unconditional sacrifice and love to our country will always be in the hearts of all Canadians. Thank you so much!!
Your contribution to Canada in protecting our freedom has been critical......Its value is incalcuable.
sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for the courage and sacrifice you have made for the Canadians of all generations💝🙏🙏
Thank you for your outstanding service and your courage in doing so.
From All of My Heart
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! My Father served in WW2 ,RCVNR north Atlantic.
God BlessYou and all who served with You !
In this World, some human beings are born to serve humanity. The primary aim of a human being is to serve humanity. The war veterans chose to do just that knowing very well what they are getting into. When the time comes they do not hesitate supreme sacrifice for a NOBLE cause.
We owe everything to you ! We are forever grateful for all of the sacrifices you have made on our behalf, for the sake of or freedom. You will never be forgotten! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
May G-d bless you ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for all you did and for all the sacrifices you made. We will not forget.
We can never give you back what you have lost protecting us. But we can always thank you from our heart for the sacrifices you have made for us!
My heart is full of love and respect for our Veterans who fought to give us freedom. Bless all who served.
Thank you for ALL that you have done to make life better for every Person living in Canada. You will always be our HEROES.
To say thank you doesn’t seem like enough. Your strength and determination through utter peril is remarkable. You will never be forgotten. You are extraordinary and loved. And yes...thank you!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️ you're the true heroes guarded the people and the country!
I taught my children that people fought and died for us to have freedom. When they were young I took them to meet the Veterans, to shake their hands and say thanks. When I vote, I think of the sacrifices made for us to have that right. Thank you from my heart!
may g' give you good health and many years of life.......thankyou thankyou so much for what you have done to maintain humanity and make the world a safe place
Thank you to all of our veterans, your spouses and families. Your sacrifices, patriotism and commitment to freedom will always be remembered. We honour you every day.
To the veteran residents of Sunnybrook, thank you thank you thank you for your part during the second world war, and since, trying to protect the western world from the evil on display at the time and which once again, seems to be overwhelming us.
We know that you give our VETERANs wonderful care, however, as veterans in our 80's, if we were to require a nursing home, how does ones access this facility?
To All Veterans,
Thank you to each and every one of you that served our country. Your bravery and selfishness is greatly appreciated each and every day. I can only imagine what you went through and how brave you were to serve. Thank you for the bottom of my heart. XOXO
Thanks so much for all you sacrificed for the future of this beautiful country, we are all so grateful!
Thank you for supporting our country, Canada, in so many different ways and in different countries. It means so much to me as my father was also a Veteran of WWII. I wear the poppy proudly every year
to remember all the sacrifices made by all Veterans. Thank you!!!
Thank you so very much for your services. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed. Canada is a safer place because you cared enough to serve.👏💕👍😍
Honoring each veteran personally means we honour their courage and input; and will continue to monitor education and policies in regards to Canada's democracy.
Thanks for your selfless act and contribution you've made for us. Your bravery is something to be admired. God continue to shower you with a multitude of blessings
Thank you, you are remembered.
I visited Al Bacon when he was at the Veteran's Centre. It was a wonderful place, and I also met some of Al's friends. Our veterans deserve our heartfelt gratitude and respect. I hope all the residents are keeping well, and know that we think highly of them.
Thank you for your courage and bravery to have fought through the past wars and more recent conflicts standing up for your country 🇨🇦 ‼️ and fighting our enemies so that we are able to enjoy our daily freedom.
Thanks for all you gave up at home to go overseas to fight to protect us.It is much appreciated and I will be forever grateful
I’m very grateful to our veterans who sacrificed their lives so that we could have peace and freedom today. THANK YOU!
We will be forever grateful for all that you have done so that we may live such a peaceful life.
Hello, veterans. It's a beautiful fall day and I am thinking of how very lucky I am to be able to share this beautiful day with my family knowing everyone is safe and free and is thanks to you and your brothers and sisters in arms I am so very grateful for your sacrifice for all
Canada's Veterans sacrificed so much for our country.
Three cheers for the valiant Veterans!
My thanks to all Veterans for your service through all wars and Police actions
We get to live in freedom because of the sacrifices strong men and woman made. I am forever grateful for their service. We would not be able to live the way we do without these heroes
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for us, it means a lot.
Your help and sacrifices will always be remembered in our hearts :)
Thank you for all the time, support and effort the staff at Sunnybrook gave me. My recovery was smooth. I am very appreciative.
Thank you for your service and dedication to this beautiful country. We will never forget.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
Thank you for protecting the country and the people with your life. On this special day, I pay tribute to you and wish you good health, peace and joy!
Thank you for your service. Our freedoms today are the result of your sacrifices.❤️🇨🇦
Even though our rights and freedoms are now slowly being eroded or taken away, I want to thank you from my heart for the price you've paid and actions you took then, to ensure those freedoms in the first place. Thank you.
THANK YOU!! For giving your tomorrows for our today! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A very big thank you to all the veterans who risked their life to make Canada strong and free.
Thank you! You have made a positive difference for us and for generations to come!
Thanks for all you did for us , you sacrificed a lot to keep this country is good for all of us , 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️
Thankyou for your courage and sacrifice to keep our country safe.
Thank you for your service and sacrifices made in the name of freedom and our country. God bless you.
You are our heroes. We will never forget the sacrifices you made.
Thanks a lot for the sacrifices
Thank you for your courage & sacrifice. Your contribution to ensuring peace & security will never be forgotten
Thanks you for your undeniable sacrifices.
Thank you for everything that you have contributed to keeping us safe and free. Without you this world would be a very dark place to live in. God bless you all!
Hi this is Sheila Cave. I don't forget about you all.
Dad was a WW II vet.
Spent several months at Sunnybrook in the 60"s. Staff was wonderful. I'll always remember the gentle care xx
We thank you more than words can say! Thank you for your sacrifice, pain and awful memories that have given us the freedom we enjoy! God be with you!
Dear Veterans: I am a 76-year old (I'm a youngster!) Canadian-born non-veteran who has been able to enjoy the freedoms, benefits and happiness of living in this nation thanks to your efforts and actions! I honour you and I will always honour your sacrifices made on my behalf.
Thank you for your service and supporting the Canadian way of life
Thankyou for your great sacrifices and courage . We thankyou eternally for your courageous contribution to human society in judtified self defence
And war. Two of my late uncles were world war 2 vets. God Bless you all. Men and Women.
Thank you Veterans for doing your part in saving the world from tyranny and preserving our freedom.
I visited the beaches of Normandy this fall. I know the history but Being there brought a whole new sobering reality to it all.
It was a dramatic reminder of the courage and sacrifice of all of those who served, there, then and elsewhere.
Thank you for your service.
I visited the beaches of Normandy this fall. I know the history but Being there brought a whole new sobering reality to it all.
It was a dramatic reminder of the courage and sacrifice of all of those who served, there, then and elsewhere.
Thank you for your service.
To all the courageous veterans. Thank you for all your sacrifices for our country! We will forever remember.❤
Thank so much for your sacrificial service to help keep our country free
The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord cause His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His face to you,
And give you peace.’
Thank you for all you have done. May Peace Blessings and Love be with you all.
Thank you for sharing your courage and love of peace for all.Sunnybrook is a special place for taking care and honouring each and every veteran.
In the begining Gotta creat. For in the End there is no other. But by auitem. Our shelter. Has. Rooftop.
Thank you all, so very, very much, for your service! We all love you all, so very, very much! G-d bless everyone! 💜❤️
So Grateful to be here, loving and living the life I live because of your selfless bravery. Thank you.
My mother & father had to survive the horror of a WW. The death & destruction would have been much worse if not for the our veterans. We thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
I an sure it has been said before but it always bears repeating. Your selflessness is what makes us as free as we are today. Thank you very much.
Thanks to the Canadian Veterans.
Thank you so much for your service to our country. I greatly appreciate all you have done for all of us.
It's easy to take for granted everything we have these days, but without the contributions of brave and dedicated people like you, we would not have as much as we do. Thank you.
Forever gratitude for your sacrifices and heroism. Thank you, for all you gave towards a peaceful future.
I believe in supporting veterans. I was born after W.W ll. I know many soldiers sacrificed their lives and health for our generation. Rembrance Day
is your special day. Also to pay our respect to you. Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your sacrifice. Should never be forgotten.
We are all beholden to you all for your courage and fortitude in the face of the horrors of war. We cannot show enough appreciation. G*d bless and keep you.
Thank you for your selfless act of answering the call to duty and to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our future.
Thank you so much for being part of a world war which lead to a better world for me and my children. I will never forget and I am always grateful.
Thank you for all you have endured in the cause of freedom.
My father in law served overseas in England during the 2nd ww
When he could no longer stay in his home he stayed at Sunnybrook veterans wing where he received excellent care and enjoyed walking the grounds of Sunnybrook. Thank all of you for your service.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all of your sacrifices that have enabled me and all Canadians to live in a country full of peace and freedom. My students learn about you every year. You will never be forgotten and we will forever be grateful.
Thank you for your sacrifices! Canadians everywhere are living better lives because of you. You truly inspire us due to your immense strength and courage. Much love and best wishes to you and your families.
Thank you for all you did for us.
Thank you for your dedicated service to this great country. Because of your sacrifice, Canadians have freedom and a quality of life that is second to none.
Thanks for your Sacrifice! We owe you our freedom! God bless
Thank you for your service. You are brave and strong
I am very honoured and proud and grateful for those who fight for us God bless you and yours
You risked your bodies, hearts and minds for us and we are forever grateful.
I am the son of an officer in the Royal Regiment of Canada. Dad fought in Normandy in 1944 until a Moaning Minnie shell ended his service (and nearly his life). The service of him, and so many others, can never be forgotten.
Thank you for all of your selfless actions that helped give Canadians the wonderful and free life we enjoy today. You will always be remembered.
God bless you for everything that you did and the service to others will not be unrecognized.
Thank you for stepping up and serving your country so that we at home can live long and peaceful lives.
We are so grateful to you and all the brave men and women who came before you. Thank you.
I am forever grateful for the sacrifices that you have made for the safety and freedom of all Canadians. You have paid a dear price on our behalf, and for this, I will hold you in my heart always.
I am sure many people do not realize the very valuable sacrifices that all veterans have made to protect our democratic system and our freedoms. My grandfather was a veteran of WW1 and Canada's Armed Forces made huge sacrifices at that time. As they have ever since. Thank you.
Good Morning to ALL of Canada's VETERANS,
I THANK ALL THE VETERANS for all you did to keep Canada Strong and Free. You are always in our prayers. We cannot THANK you enough for all you sacrificed unselfishly for us. Love You All!
We shall always remember the sacrifices you made, the courage and bravery you showed to keep our country strong and free; there are no words to describe our deep feelings of love and caring for our veterans during this season of Remembrance. May God bless you all.
Thank you fir all you have done and continue to do It is and will always be appreciated
Both of our parents served. Kathy's father made a career of the Royal Air Force after joining up during WWII. My father also served during the war. So we have an idea of what the Vets have done for us all.
Thank you for our veterans, our heroes, who made so much sacrifices so that Canada is a better place to live and to have peace on Earth.
Thank you for your dedication and service. Without people like you we would not have the freedoms we enjoy have and the wonderful country of Canada as we know it. Thanks again.
The words "thank you" hardly seems enough for all you did for our country and the world. I was born at the end of the war so never knew what it was like to grow up with war being fought but I have known many veterans who paid a high price for my/our freedom. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
So thankful to each of you for the sacrifices you made for our country and all of us who depended on you, sometimes without even being sufficiently aware of the true weight of those sacrifices. Bless you.
Thank you Father for being in the Canadian Navy!!!
Thank you for fighting for our freedom.
You are true heros.
Thank you for your service. Without you brave men and women we all would not be here today !!!
Thanks to your sacrifices, we Canadians continue to enjoy our wonderful freedom. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
I am so very grateful for your selflessness and bravery defending our great nation. You have served our country and our citizens in so many important yet different ways. I know from my father and husband that you do so quietly and humbly. Thank you!
Thanks for your service and peacekeeping on behalf of Canada.
I am not very eloquent at writing down my feelings, but I do want to thank you for your service to Canada.
So grateful for the bravery of people like you that fought for the freedoms we enjoy today! Thank-you for your service! Lest we forget
So grateful for the bravery of people like you that fought for the freedoms we enjoy today! Thank-you for your service! Lest we forget
I am very very grateful for people like You who care enough to go and physically Fight for our Freedoms.
You will never be Forgotten. ❤
Bravo to our life savers, u r the best
As yet another November 11th approaches, I reflect on how fortunate we are for all the men and women who fought and sacrificed to keep Canada strong and free. My father served with the Air Force in World War 2. Thank you for your service and I will wear my poppy with pride!
I can't thank you all enough for your bravery and stamina willing to give your life in exchange for our freedom. Every remembrance day no matter, I stop...and thank you all...and say...bless every soul..
I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for your sacrifice, for your valor and protecting our rights and freedoms. Each and every single one of you are a blessing sent from our father and i am beyond grateful to have the privalge to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I want you to know that I have appreciated your service ever since I can remember. Your dedication, sacrifice, and bravery are a beautiful legacy
for all Canadians. Every Canadian flag and every poppy show our gratitude to you. May life be kind to you and yours,
Thank you for your service, bravery and courage. It is very much appreciated.
Our most precious heros. I cant imagine what you gave up for us. The memories you carry,the physical & mental pain. You deal with what the war left in you while we have the joy of being safe and free. I share this with my great grandchildren and we often give gratitude for you. A
Thanks to all of the Veterans for their bravry and sacrifices given to keep our country strong
Good day. This is the time of year that the entire country of Canada says thank you to you all. I want you to know how much we appreciate you and how we say actually thank you every day of the year. You’ve done so much for us all. We can only repay you with love and respect.
I was born 1948, too late to experience your horror firsthand, but close enough to understand. You weren't just soldiers defined by bravery, selflessness. You were real people who left families and your own lives behind. They too were immense sacrifices never to be lost on us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating freedom that brought my parents from the Ukraine so I could grow up and have my child grow up in a country as great as Canada. Your act of bravery is far reaching.
Thank you for your service! My Father and Grandfather both served (my father actually lived in Sunnybrooke Veterans' wing for the last few years of his life. I cant tell you how much you all mean to our family. God Bless.
There are no words that can express the Gratitude that I have as a Canadian for the sacrifices that you made to give us our freedom and the great country that we live in today!
Thank you so much for all that you did and continue to represent. We would not have all of our tomorrows without your yesterdays
Your sacrifices will not be forgotten. All I can say is Thank You from myself, my family and children. We are all grateful. I am also proud my grandpa was amongst you, but I am aware the rest of our family has not had to make the same sacrifices in part because of your service.
My friends
For your dedication and sacrifice, we Canadians are living so comfortably now. Thanks to all of you.
As the son of a deceased veteran I feel compelled to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of you faithful veterans who willingly gave your life for the freedom of our country and our fellow citizens. May God be with you always
Thank you to all of you who have supported, protected and sacrificed for all of us to keep our country strong and free. Truly appreciated in more ways than words can express. ❤️ Canadians
Thank you for being our guardians during a very scary period. Without fanfare or applause you got the job done. Thank you for our freedom.
With gratitude for your service to our country on Veterans Day and always. · Thinking of you on Veterans Day, and thanking you for all you did for our country. Thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice for this country.
To all the Veterans who have fought so bravely through the many wars. I salute you, not only on Veterans Day but I am reminded that your sacrifices have enabled the people of Canada and some other nations to be able to live in countries that are
free and without conflict.🙏🇨🇦
Thank you for your service.
Our Nation owes you a debt of gratitude.
Thank you for your service, our country loves you.
Special and Grateful Thanks to All the Veterans, who fought and gave their lives for our Freedom. Continued Blessings to those still alive. ❤️ 💖.
Thank you so much for your bravery and sacrifices to give the rest of us our freedom. Bless you and keep well.
It's so long ago, and for some, like yourselves, possibly so close at the same time. I was born at the tail end of WW2, in London, so a special thanks 2u
Thank you for your sacrifices in defense of our freedom and way of life. You are all heroes.
Let’s remember, Today’s peace from Veteran's service.
You are always in my thoughts and heart.
You are our heroes. Wish you all the best
Thank you for your service. Because of you and your efforts we live in a free country now. God bless.
We truly appreciate that you served our country - thank you. And know that your rights and needs are criteria that are considered when we vote - you have NOT been forgotten. 3
The 3 Symons boys were WWII fighter bomber pilots, they mentioned little until later on, me and mine appreciate all you have done.
Thank you respected veterans for your brave and heroic deeds in sacrificing your lives under all dangerous and perilous war situations to protect our country and people from harm, and restore peace to the world!
Thank you, I am praying for you
I’m a veteran also but I always take the time to honour all veterans
I worked I. The admissions and discharge section in sunnybrook hospital a long time ago I was 21 and sometimes i had to take some papers over to the veterans section and I’d stop and talk them and heard some very interesting stories and god bless them and praised them
This Remembrance Day, we are thankful for your sacrifice and courage in the fight for freedom. We continue to understand and learn about the conditions that you faced during war and the long-lasting effects that war has on veterans. We are eternally grateful for your service.
Thank you for your service to our country and others. You will always be remembered.
War is never glamorous as they portray in the movies . All you men that fought for our freedom are deeply appreciated for the sacrifices you made , the suffering you endured and the atrocities you witnessed . My family and I are deeply grateful for your service .
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May God Bless you and your families always.
Thank you so much for your courage and bravery. It will never be forgotten.
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May Did Bless you and your families always.
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May Did Bless you and your families always.
On this Remembrance Day, thank you for your service & sacrifices so that we can live in a free country. I'm grateful & respectful of all you have done for us & our nation. Thank you for your great personal sacrifice. Remembering you always.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for your service & sacrifices to keep Our Great Canada safe. May God bless you all a hundredfold.
No words are enough to express my gratitude to our heroic veterans for your sacrifices in keeping our great country safe. THANK YOU
Thank you all a million times over for the sacrifice that you have made for our Country. Without your selflessness we would not enjoy the quality of the lives we live today. Hopefully, we will live in such a way as to honour your sacrifice. Again, thank you.
A heart felt thank you for the sacrifices, the courage and the bravery in your service given for the freedoms we now enjoy as Canadians. God bless you.
I always praise the greatness of living in Canada. I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy it's greatness.
We will never forget the sacrifices you have made for all Canadians. Every time I see you in the hallways or outside on my visits, I always think I am walking amongst HEROES! What an honour it is to see you and smile at you even with just our eyes for now! 😷
There is not enough words to say you to all of them for their duty i am honered that they serverd
Thank you too all the people who were brave enough to stand up for our great country!!!👍😊🎉🍻
To Canada's Veterans. I thank you for your Service. Canada is safe & Prosperous because of you.
All Canadians thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Thank you so much for all your sacrifices to keep Canada strong & free!
thank you for your war service for Canada. you will always be remembered.
My Dad was a Veteran in WWII. You and many men and women like you will be remembered always for sacrificing your youth, your relationships and own safety and future for ours. My family are legion members. Thank you for your courage!!!
Many many thanks for what you did for our country. If we enjoy a peaceful Canada now we largely owe it to you and your bravery and we will never forget it.
As a grandson of a WW2 and Korean War veteran I cannot thank all of you enough for your sacrifice and dedication to our country. You are the greatest generation this country has and ever will see!
Your service to our country is appreciated and honoured always and you are remembered in my prayers.
Thank you very much for your service to help protect Canadians and other citizens around the world. God bless you!
To the many men & women who have served our great country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who paid the ultimate price and to those who survived. Your service will never be forgotten as noted by a “poppy” permanently affixed to my motorcycle.
While I did not experience the ravages of WWII, my parents and grandparents did in the most real way. My father immigrated to Canada in 1955 and the rest of the family followed late 1959, it would not have been possible without our veteran's sacrifice, I am so grateful.
Thank you so much for your heroic actions. Praying for you.
My wife, Abby and I would like to say thank you for your services that you provided for us to keep our country safe for us, our children and for our grandchildren.
Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. We are able to life on a free country because of your heroism.
Forever Gratitude.
I and my family thank you for your sacrifice. Leaving family and friends, to go where and when you are/were needed. You have made the world a better place. May God bless you with peace and joy.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for contributing to build a future for us, our kids and generations to come.
You are heroes! My family and I are so grateful for the sacrifices you made for future generations.
You are the bravest People in the whole world. Try to have a wonderful life from now on. I am so proud of all of you.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the service and sacrifices you have made. I am able to live free and in peace because of you and all other veterans. I owe you a debt of gratitude and will never forget. God Bless you all.
First of all I would like to thank you for everything you have done for our country ! You put your guns in hand and said he’ll no this is Canada my home Landon’s were sent off to battle. All of you are heroes in my eyes and I want you to know you have hearts of puresteel anpowder
I admit this fact. That Canada's veterans have sacrificed so much on every front. Great bravery has been shown with sacrifice. The sacrifices of ex-servicemen are written in golden words on the pages of patriotic history. Their achievements and bravery
Now over 150 years of freedoms that were given to us by these brave people that loved their country and fellow men enough to give their lives to fight for what they believed in... OUR FREEDOMS and rights to live in a country that allows freedom of association without fear to die.
You put yourself at a risk far beyond what I have ever taken or may have been willing to take to protect my rights and freedoms. May your efforts flourish as the seeds that become mighty trees.
To the veterans!
There is peace now because you sacrificed selflessly. You put your foot a head for us and to us we take you as our heroes. We cerebrate you, we cherish you.
You are true legends and we are always inspired by the memories!
We always pray for you.
I too am a veteran in the Navy,and also a Doctor.I am delighted to send this message of gratitude to you Heroes who fought in a difficult War.I was in a peacetime Military and I have High Thanks and Gratitude for your sacrifice.
I respect your commitment for Canada.
It is because of you that I have the freedom to volunteer at the Royal Canadian Legion so that I can repay my neverending debt to you the Canadian Veteran.
Thank you for keeping Canada safe
Thank you for your strength and bravery to fight for freedom and against tyranny. Canadians and Canada is so lucky to have had you as part of its armed forces.
Dear Veterans, thank you so much for your time, energy and years of service to fight a brutal war and enemy and allow us to live in freedom. Your bravery is never forgotten and we celebrate you each Nov 11th. May God continue to watch over you and keep you safe.
I thank you and believe in each and every one of the veterans that served not only in the wars but with peace keeping missions across the world. My thanks goes out to you. The world is a better place, because you were in it.
Thank you for your service & dedication to your country. It is very much appreciated. Your bravery during your service & now with your health is commendable. Keep fighting 💕
Thank for giving me the freedom of living in Canada, my adopted land. I am grateful for your participation in giving us that opportunity. I wish you well and much good heath at Sunnybrook. Tell the nurses that you deserve the best.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your loyalty and commitment to the preservation of the rights and freedoms of Canadian’s in that time and for generations to follow like myself . Thank you and you are loved and appreciated not just today but every day .
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for us and your country
I hope you had a good life when you returned, you certainly deserved it.
Thank you, thank you and may God Bless you.
Thank-you to our veterans, for their service, and sacrifice. Our heroes have made our cities and Country what it is today.They deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. It is our duty and responsibility to honour them, we must continue to fight for the strength, pride and freedom
Words cannot express my gratitude to you and all veterans, for the sacrifices that you made. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Canada is a better place because of you. God bless!
No words can suffice our appreciation of the ultimate sacrifice you have given so that populations can breathe freedom and live happy lives.
To all the veterans out there… we salute you! Thank you to our military and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep our country safe and strong.
Thank you for being so brave. Thank you for helping your country. Thank you for fighting for freedom. You made this world a better place for me and my children to live. I know that the war created memories never to be forgotten. My father was in the Air Force squadron.
Thank you for everything you’ve done.
Thank you, our great heroes, for the sacrifices you made for our country and for us! We would not be living the freedom we have now if not for you! We shall forever be eternally grateful!
Thank you for everything you sacrificed for our country and it’s people. You make us proud every day.
Thank you for making Canada what she is, for making her a priority in your life!
Thank you for you’re service and sacrifice to protect our freedom! We all appreciate it.
Thank you for your service and all you had to sacrifice so we may walk free
And speak our minds.
Thanks to you men and women for all you gave to keep our country free and democratic. I volunteered at the Centre until the pandemic came, and I enjoyed the time I spent with the vets. Keep well and have all earned it.
Thank you so much for sacrificing so much to protect Canada. We are most grateful for your service.
Thank you to all the veterans who have sacrificed so much to protect our right to freedom. We are forever grateful for all you have done to defend our country and it’s citizens. You will never be forgotten.
Thankfully for your sacrifice to keep Canada strong safe and making better world
Dear Sunnybrook Veterans , Just want to say how much we appreciate all that you did for us during the Second World War in order for Canadians to be strong and free. Want to express a huge thank you for your services and know that we care about you and have not forgotten you.
May your soul be filled with the deep gratitude, that all Canadians express for the freedom of our country. We are forever indebted to you.
Our world is a better place thanks to all of your efforts. Your sacrifices are not forgotten but remembered with many thanks
Thank you for fighting for our freedom. May God bless you.
To all veterans at the Sunnybrook facility and around the world!
You are an inspiration to all of us, your life and sacrifices during the war deserves praise. I am elevating my gratitude on your behave, to Almighty God, to bless all and to THANK YOU with all my heart, Love&Peace
Thank you, dear veterans!
Thank you and may God truly bless you for all you did to fight for our freedom. I truly am grateful, even if my generation doesn't know what it was like to have to fight for it. I personally have seen Auschwitz-Birkenau, and your sacrifice should be more recognised. Much love!
Thank you for your effort, for sacrificing yourself for the freedom of all the Canadian people. you are my heroes, our example to follow...
To all the veterans living and past, thanks for your contribution however large or small. You acted when called upon, God Bless
Thank you for all that you have done for our country. We owe so much to you for peace in Canada. I have worked in the Salon doing hair for lots of Veterans and saw that
you have beautiful and great spirits which glows in smiles. Thank you for everything
Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country! You’re all in my thoughts today.
I truly continue to be amazed at your heroic sacrifices. At 80 years old my gratitude continues to grow. In High School I had a teacher named Col. MacMillan who was a survivor of the Hong Kong POW’s. Only when I left school did I read of that story. Any survivor went through HELL
Thank you and God Bless to all our Canadian War Veterans, who travelled to unknown Countries in the name of peace to defend us all.
To all veterans words cannot say enough of thank you what you have done for your country we are truly blessed to enjoy the freedom you have given us today.
Bless you all.
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for your bravery, for protecting us and for defending our rights. May God bless you all.
Thank you for your strength, dedication and service you have provided and continue to provide so that we as a people, and a country have the freedoms and peace we enjoy without thinking twice. Your dedication and service are appreciated. We appreciate you. Thank you 🕊
Thank you for your services. My father served in the navy.We are very lucky to live in Canada because of people like yourselves and others who kept us safe.
Thank you so very much for your bravery and commitment to Canada and it’s freedom!!! Without you and others like you who knows where we’d be today!!! I’m grateful for what you gave up for the good of our country and the people who call it home!!!
Thank you for your service I had several relatives in the Second World War including my father all is much appreciated
You are the most courageous citizens in our great country.
My late father was a WWII veteran and his many war-time experiences relayed to his children and grandchildren gave life and perspective to real world events. Not passive fictionalized war-based movies as we munch on snacks, but first hand accounts of death and bravery.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for all that you have done to protect our freedom.
We are all indebt of their sacrifices! I can't imagine a World where Hitler and company were triumphant! God bless all those young brave souls!
Thank you for your all the sacrifices you make to all of us. My father was a soldier in the second world war and the Korean wars. He was a strong caring person and he passed away at Sunnybrook's hospital in 2000. He had a stroke and I am grateful for all the care he received.
we can not thank you folks enough for your courage, strength, intelligence and bravery for loving your country and its citizens for participating in past wars. We can only hope that the world will stay peaceful.
I want to thank all our veterans for the sacrifices they made so that we can keep our free country.
I am old enough to remember WW II when the son of a neighbour did not come home. Our family still remember him, at the same time thinking of all of you who stepped up to serve when the call went out again. We Canadians are in your debt and thank you for all you have done for us
I understand the sacrifice that you have made to help make our country a great place to live. Thank you for everything that you have sacrificed.
Many thanks to all those Veterans who sacrificed so much for our freedom…May you be forever Blessed.
To those who have served and to those who continue to serve, thank you for your bravery, strength and sacrifice.
Thank you for all that you have done
We owe our lives and our opportunity for the life we live to all of you.
My heart felt thank you to each and everyone of you.
I hope you are being looked after with the level of care and kindness that each of you deserve.
Thank you very much for the sacrifice you made for our country. We are forever grateful.
Dear veterans. Thank you very much for all your sacrifices in the wars to keep our country safe and keep the world a better place. I admire people like you who have the courage to fight for peace in battles fields. Sincerely, David Yung, Toronto.
We owe our lives and our opportunity for the life we live to all of you.
My heart felt thank you to each and everyone of you.
I hope you are being looked after with the level of care and kindness that each of you deserve.
Thank you does not seem enough for the immense gratitude I have for everything that you did for us. Putting yourselves at risk to protect our freedom is the true meaning of a HERO! Thank you for everything you did to keep us safe and living in a great country like Canada 🇨🇦.
I wish to thank all of you so very much for your bravery, selflessness, loyalty to your country and indeed mankind.
Your efforts to bring peace to the world came at an unbelievable price. You were all so young when you went overseas. It brings tears to my eyes. THANK YOU 😘
Thanks for your support and diligence over the years allowing residents of our country to maintain fulfilling lives in the greatest country in the world.
From mine and our hearts,
God bless.
Thank you for your scarifies and services to our country, so we can enjoy peace, democracy and freedom.
Thank you for your service. Your act of service and integrity does not go unnoticed 365 day a year. Thank you
Without your sacrifice I won’t be here today with my family in th his beautiful life.
Thank you.
Thank you for all your good work .
Thank you for providing us this beautiful, unique, peaceful, wealthy landgrave. without you we will not have today’s world.
It is with the deepest appreciation and respect that I say a heartfelt thank you for your service to our wonderful country. My Dad served with the Victoria Rifles...based in Aldershot UK...Captain J D Gibson. I wish you a happy and I am sure some tears you remember.
Thank you for your service to this country. Your bravery, sacrifice, and strength do not go unnoticed, and we will always be indebted to you and your family for all that you have given to the country. I would like to thank you very much for your service. From a veteran.
Thank you, you are amazing!
THANK YOU! We will always remember and be grateful for your service❤️
Thank you for everything! My father was there on D-day and fought bravely as you did.
My dad served in Canadian military … I am a proud army brst
Thank you for everything! My father was there on D-day and fought bravely as you did.
We thank you for your service to our country and your bravery in these terrible wars. Without you our world would be very different. You are our heroes.
Your efforts on our behalf are very much appreciated.
Thank you so much for fighting for peace and our right to live in freedom. Your sacrifice gave life and hope to millions. We are very grateful.
My father spent most of his life in Canadian military our whole family was military brats… always proud of our military
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for our country and our freedom. We will never forget.
Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and our freedom.
My father, Saul Zussman, was a veteran of WWII. He served in the Intelligence department in Halifax. I am proud of all he did to save democracy, something under threat today. He died in 1990 a loss to me and all those who knew him. He was a paragon of a man.
Thank you for your bravery. Your children's children have been so very lucky for your service to Canada.
Thank you so much for your bravery, your sacrifice, and your love for this country! We can never repay you for all you've given. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To some of the bravest individuals our country has...... I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR ALL THAT YOU DID..... to give us the country and life we live today. May you always be proud of how your actions impacted the world we live in today. You will always be heroes!
Hi Gang! You are all Loved, Honored & Respected for the sacrifices you made to preserve our Freedom. My grandfather spent 3 yrs. in a trench in France in the Great War. His son my uncle Joe was at Dunkirk, Nth. Africa, Sicily and all the way up to Vienna.
Thank-you for the freedom I enjoy; my children enjoy and grandchildren enjoy. You are our forever hero’s!❤️
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your willingness to serve our country with bravery and dignity. It is because of your courage that the rest of us can enjoy joy, peace and freedom in our beloved Canada. You make us so proud.
Thank you for keeping Canada safe though it meant risking your lives , you did so with honour and bravery , I’m grateful to live in a safe country that’s been defended by you, may we all continue to live in peace - God bless you all
Thank you for your service ! We are grateful to live in a country that is so blessed because of you ! All the Best to you all !
Thank you with all my heart to all the Canadian veterans for all your sacrifices. I was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands just before the war ended in 1945 and you saved our city and Arnhem. My parent's house was burned down but fortunately I was born in peace, thanks to you.
Dearest Vets,
My sincere and warm thanks for all you have done for our country, safety, and our freedoms. Many of us would not be here if it were not for your compassion, dedication and commitment. You are all true heroes. We cannot thank you enough. Blessings 3
Dear Veteran,
With my most heartfelt feeling, thank you for the hardships, sacrifices and long term consequences that you have experienced as part of your great service to our country. I greatly appreciate you fighting for the freedoms we may otherwise not know, thank you!
Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you to all of Canada's Veterans. May you have the ability to have the gratitude for all the services that share for our country.
Thanks for your service to our country.
First nursing job - Queen Mary Veterans hospital, Montreal. Many injured veterans lived there full or part time. ..full of stories mischief pranks & life. We Loved respected & cherished them! You are forever in our hearts for generations to Come. Thank you for our freedom.❤️
Thank you for your bravery and for protecting us
Those of us who enjoy our freedom , owe you guys and ladies our eternal gratitude. Our lives would have been very different , but for your sacrifices and bravery . Thank you 🙏.
Veterans risk their precious lives for our precious freedoms. There is nothing more selfless than that. Thanks to all who serve.
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice to enable us to live in a peaceful country - Canada.
Thank you. Without your sacrifices we would not be enjoying the peace and freedom we have. God bless you all. I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for your service .My father was from Holland and he never forgot how the Canadian troops liberated his country. So we are very thankful for your brave service.
Thank you, veterans for protecting Canadians, and for going to war, or as peacemakers and seeing the worst the world has to offer, You each made it a little less evil. You are all heroes.
Thank you for your service because of you we can enjoy the freedoms that we do. We will always remember and honour all who served.
Thank You!
I pay my deepest support to the families and the veterans of the Canadian army. I have always been amazed by the immediate action and solidarity of the forces. One should never forget about the history and we should make it a point that all around us know about the same.
Thank you for your service so we are able to live in Peace in Canada
On behalf of the team at Autolinx Express, I would like to express our appreciation for your service to our country. Words will never be enough to thank you for the sacrifices you have made to protect our freedoms. You are true heroes!
Thank you for being a real-life hero and for everything you did to keep Canada strong and free. Canadians across the country are forever grateful to you for your dedication, bravery and unwavering sacrifice. This Remembrance Day - and every day, I will remember you.
Thank you so very much for your service and making us a proud country to have men and women like you who defended our freedom
Those who fought for my freedom, with all my heart I thank you!
So proud of my father Millard Rector who served in WW11 from 1939-1945. He also served with the First Special Service Force also known as The Devils Brigade. I didn’t know who he was until I was 6 years old.
Hello, I want to thank all of you for sacrificing everything you went through for our freedom and for our beautiful country Canada’s freedom.
You all are so very brave!
Words cannot express our gratitude and appreciation.
With love and hugs,
The Winget Family
Thank you and we are all grateful for your sacrifices
Thank you for all you gave to make Canada the welcoming country it is. Your sacrifices are priceless and always appreciated
Blessings to all. Thank You for your service. As all my personal veterans have passed away Grandfather's, Dad, Uncles and Aunties I share ❤ to wish health, happiness and sincere Thanks.
My dad was a WWll veteran who volunteered at K Wing for 18 years. As a family we didn’t really have any idea what he endured in a POW camp for 4 years. What we do know is that he served his country with honour. I respect every veteran who did.
Thank you so much for your years of service. Your commitment to serving your country was appreciated. I am holding you in my heart space not only around Remembrance Day but in many grateful moments.
Sandra Phair
Thank you for helping to make Canada the great and safe country it is today,
a proud Canadian
Thank you for your sacrifices so we are able to live in joy and peace today. We are always proud and indebted to you for this. This Remembrance day I also remember my dear late grand-father who served in World War II.
Thank you for your service. It is brave men and women like you that have fought so bravely so that we may live free. I hope that you were able to return to Canada and live a full and happy life. Take care and keep well.
Sending heartfelt gratitude for your unflinching courage and bravery while helping to keep our nation strong and free!
To all our war heros,
Thank you for you services and sacrifice so that we and future generations can live freely in this great country called Canada. With heartfelt gratitude 🇨🇦
Thank you for all that you did for us, and our country. We are safe and free thanks to all your efforts. As Canadians, Remembrance Day is a special day in our hearts. We will forever remember. Bless you and, many, many heartfelt thanks.
Thank you for your bravery and selflessness which gave us the freedom we have today.
Thank you for your service keeping our country safe. It is with pride that I send this message to each of you and your families 🙏
Thank you for your service, and the sacrifices you made for all of us, both in Canada and around the world, and for all those who will come after.
Thank you Veterans for your service to Canada and abroad. Your selfless acts and dedication made a difference to many people near and far and are truly venerable. I greatly appreciate all that you have done. You will be in my thoughts this Remembrance Day November 11, 2022.
To all our veterans who fought and died for our country will always be remembered. We thankyou for your bravery. God bless you each and everyone. Thankyou all.
My grandfather fought in WW1 and my dad was a bomber pilot in WW2. He flew in the Italian Campaign out of North Africa. I know from the stories the sacrifices that all made during these times. Thank you so much for your service.
You men and ladies will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service given. My Father was a vet and he was so proud of those he served with. The bond created during those times of stress and turmoil cannot be forgotten. For those who were unable to return we owe them a debt we cannot pay. We cannot thank you enough
We salute to our veterans.
Thank you so much for your service. It was a terrible time for everyone and especially for those who didn't come home like my Grandfather. Thanks again for all you did. God Bless.
Thanks for your commitment and sacrifice keeping us free.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your courageous service to this fine country. My Dad (MWO William Rector) served 32 years in the RCAF and passed last year on Remembrance you all mean a great deal to our family at this special time of year. We salute you all!
Thank you respected veterans for your brave & heroic deeds in sacrificing your lives under all dangerous and perilous war situations, to protect our country and people from harm and restore peace to the world.
Thank you for fighting for our freedom! This country wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for your efforts.
Thank you for helping to preserve freedom and making it real for us. We are forever grateful to you for all your sacrifices. Happy veteran’s day, soldier. Sending all our salutes.
Thank you for making a very costly sacrifice for our country and for our collective future. We could never repay you in full and I hope we never stop repaying you. Today, I honour my fellow Canadians that stood in integrity and discipline. Sending my deepest thanks to you.
Thank you for your services to our country. I hope there will be no more wars and no more need for others to sacrifice their lives. All human lives are precious. PEACE for ever.
I would like to thank you very much for your service. Thank you for your time, bravery and sacrifice for this country.
Thank you for everything you have done for Canada and the World. We wouldn’t be here without you and your sacrifices.
My warmest regards for good health and happiness.
Thank you all for your efforts to protect our country.
Thank you to all, for your bravery, loyalty, and service. We are very grateful.
Thank you for risking the greatest gift…your life….so that we may live in peace. The horrors of those days must stay with you and hope our healing words can help you to put them to rest. We are forever in your debt.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for what you did for our freedom. Thank you is not enough. You will be forever remembered for your courage and bravery. Sending hugs to you. Good Bless you.
WAR is not easy. It is devastating and catastrophic. It should NEVER happen. Thank you for your sacrifice. You are THE HEROS ❤
Thank you to all the veterans for their service.
Thank you so much for your service. I truly believe that yours was our finest generation, and your like will not be seen again. You are always in my thoughts and I appreciate all you did for us.
Thank you so much for what you did for us. Your braveness will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your bravery and fortitude in years of battle, and through the years since. Your participation made a difference on the field and here at home. My Grandmother fled Ukraine as a child during the war, and without you, I would not be here. Thank you! 3 hugs
Thank you so much for what you did for us. Your braveness will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service and keeping our country free.
It is beyond words that we can describe how thankful we are to you for being the heroes that you are. Giving up everything to serve your country. You are loved and your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you very much we are here because of your strength loyalty compassion love and bravery for our Nation forever grateful
Thank you, thank you for fighting for our freedom. We always vote in every single election because you gave us that privilege which so many other countries don't enjoy. We appreciate all that you gave up on our behalf during the war years, particularly your family time.
Thank you so very much for all you have done for our great country. I hope you realize how much you are appreciated! I am thinking of you and hope you are well!
Thank you for making our country better place now and the future
Thank You so Very Much for your Service and Sacrifice. You Allowed our Family to live a Grow in a Safe Canada and World
I thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country. My Grandson is now serving in the Canadian Forces and we are so proud of him.
Thank you for your bravery and resolve in your service and dedication to our country and for standing up for the freedom, values and the way of life we hold so dear. If it weren't for your commitment, life would not be as good as it is now and in the future.
Hello: Your service to Canada is very much appreciated! It certainly helped to make a difference when our country needed it. My wife Angie and I thank you for all that you have accomplished and wish you the very best. Thanks again!
My family and I will always thank you and other vets for their service. I am teaching those values to my children so they can appreciate what they have and where they are because of those who sacrificed their life to us.
Happy Veterans Day to our soldiers, both past and present. We owe you our thanks, but more than that, we owe you our freedom. There's no way to thank our veterans for everything they sacrifice for our freedom.
Thanks for your sacrifice that I could live in a free and democratic country.
No words can express my gratitude to the Veterans. My father Jean Paul Miller served in France during World War II. In my Roman Catholic way, I chose to quit smoking on November 11, 2021, and offer it up for all our Veterans. Amazingly I had no problem quitting.
As a Veteran myself I wish to say to my Brothers and Sisters Thank-you for your Service in HM Canadian Armed Forces.
Thank-you for our Freedom which donsn't come Free.
Let me say THANK YOU all veterans for your sacrifice to protect our freedom. Because of all of your dedication this generation including me..has the privilege of living in a free world..we appreciate all you have done or this world..may God bless everyone 🙏 Love and best wishes
My beloved Veterans, you are so much a part of my life. I honour you always. ❤️
I turned 80 last month and still remember a Canadian Soldier giving me a can of cocoa in the Czech Republic when I was 3 years old.
Thank you for liberating us from the Nazi Regime.
You are an inspiration to all Canadians. We are so grateful for all your sacrifices so that we could have peace. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you canada veterans for your sacrifices to our country, You are all great Heroes.Long life to live God Bless
My cousin Jimmy Knox was a veteran and a resident at Sunnybrook for a long time some years ago. I know he was well looked after and shared his life with similar vets who became good friends. So thank you a million times to our veterans who live at Sunnybrook for your sacrifices
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made while you were in service to defend our amazing country Canada. I recognize that the sacrifices you and your collegues made, extend in many cases to a lifetime. I so appreciate all that you have done for our country.
Thank you all for your contribution in keeping us free. A special thanks to those whose has served in the Far East .
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice of training and dedication to fight for our country and human freedom.
Thank you very much for your bravery and courage. Your act of selflessness will always be remembered.
Sending much love.
I thank you for your bravery, compassion for others and your love of this country.
My father served in the Air force in WW11. He was a proud veteran and he is sadly missed. We appreciate and are grateful to my father and all veterans for the sacrifice they made for our country and the freedom we have enjoyed. Thank you for your service.
We are so proud of all of you. Thank you for your brave service.
Thank you for sacrificing your lives in order to help us gain the freedoms and rights that we have now. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifices for our country.
On behalf of me and my family, thank you for your service to Canada and to other countries that needed your help by going beyond the call of duty. We remember you always, especially on Remembrance Day and wish you great health and happiness in the coming years. We thank you!
Thank you for your service
THANK YOU just doesn't seem enough as I think of the courageous battles you all fought to protect us in time of wars. Bless each and every one of you. I pray that you are now in good hands at Sunnybrook. God Bless!
Thank you so very much for making my dream of becoming a registered nurse in this peaceful country,at 88 years of age & still enjoying
Blessings & thank you for your part in making life better for me & my family.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Veteran, Thank you for making such a brave and invaluable sacrifice to protect the freedoms we often take for granted today. I hope you know that my family is immensely grateful for your efforts and that we wish you peace and comfort at this time of remembrance.
Thank you from the bottom of heart for all veterans who fought to keep us free. I went throughout the 2nd world war in Belgium when we were liberated by the Americans in 1944 The city Mons where I lived was liberated by the Canadians in November 1918.
Dear Sunnybrook Veteran,
I am happy to have this opportunity to be in touch. Although it may have been a while since you have been on active service, your energies and dedication have not been forgotten. I wish to personally thank you for all you have done in your commitment.
To all the brave men and women who served in the Canadian Armed Forces to keep this country safe for future generations, I give my sincere thanks!
Thank you sincerely for your sacrifices that kept Canada free from tyranny and enabled Canadians to pursue their lives as they wish. We will always remember you.
You served truly and well and your personal sacrifice made my life and those of my children and grand children free from fear and the experience of war. I thank you personally and want you to know that my family are grateful to you and your comrades every day. Thank You!!!
To say "Thank You" hardly seems enough. So I will say a Big "THANK YOU " . Words do not express my admiration for all of you who stood when needed. My grandfather was one of those who fell at Paschendaele in Nov. 1917, forever Missing In Action as his body was never recovered.
We will never forget and will always be thankful for your selfless service. Because of you, we are proud Canadians.
Thank you for your service to our country and all the freedoms you have help us keep!!!
I grew up listening to my Dad's stories from WWII. I have never forgotten the toll it took on his health. At the same time. I am so proud of his brave contribution . Thanks to him and thanks to all of you.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made for our country. You are a brave, courageous and amazing person.
You have our thanks - hopefully there were memorable times. My brother and cousin didn’t make it through WW2 and my “Cold War” service fortunately stayed “cold”.
Thank you seems so inadequate a wphrase for the sacrifice that you gave. I will always honour your heroic actions.
Thank you for all you have done, for all you do today and for all you will do in future. You are heroes.
I want to thank you for all you’ve done to keep Canada free and one of the best countries to live in. If it wasn’t for you and veterans like you the rest of us could not enjoy our carefree lives. Thanks♥️
My dear Veteran/s,
What a joy to have you read my message of thanks for Remembrance Day. I've seen many movies depicting war and I know you were tested daily. In the name of our country and for its future - that I'm a part of, you faced an enemy. Thank you with all my heart.
Thank you for your service. You are all heros.
Thank you for putting the service of Canada first when the war broke out. You are brave, dedicated, and very much loved and admired.
Our brave Veterans, your service made it possible for all of us to be the country we are today. As an Air Force veteran myself, I know very well what it means to be a selfless, dedicated human being to protect our people, our country, our freedoms, and the democracy we all enjoy.
we need more people like you in the world.we are very lucky to have people as brave as you in our lives.god bless you all.
Thank you for your commitment to our nation and to people here and away. We are blessed by your service.
Thank you for your bravery in making Sunnybrook a successful institution for everyone who are sick physically,emtionally , mentally and spiritually. May we be inspired by this in continuing our life despite of our health issues.
Thank you for putting yourself in harm’s way to help guaranty our safety and freedom. Well done, and thank you again for your service.
Thank you for your service. I would not be walking around free today without your sacrifices and your bravery.
You have given us all the opportunity to live in a wonderful and free country. Your sacrifice can not be measured. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU
Never having experienced active participation jn a war personally, even though I took my parents' accounts of WW II hardships and horrors seriously, I cannot fully imagine what morał, physical and psychological strength active participants in war had to summom. Bravo, veterans!
You have given us all the opportunity to live in a wonderful and free country. Your sacrifice can not be measured. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU
Thanks for all you did and many who even sacrificed their lives, May God bless you all.
This November , I want to say THANK YOU for helping to keep Canada the beautiful country it is. I am thankful every day that men and women like yourself volunteered to defend my freedom while risking your own safety both in foreign lands & disasters here in Canada🍁
Dearest veterans, we might not say it enough but your contributions to our freedoms in Canada with your blood ,sweat and tears are greatly appreciated and we never forget that you made it possible Putting your lives on the line.So brave and courageous and patriotic..Thank you
Thank you dear souls. We are grateful for your service and dedication and thank you for making all our lives better. We honour and cherish you. God bless you.♥️
I share my message of Congratulations and thanks for your brave efforts to save our Democracy! Thanks so very much! We love you all!
Hello First Thank you and I will never forget.This Rememberance Day we need more then ever to Remember your sacrifice and how you fought for Democracy from Authoritarianism and Dictatorship and those today who are trying to resurrect the same hatred against the vulnerable.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, you gave everything for us to enjoy our freedom!
Thank you so much for your service to ensure that I can live in a country where I can experience so many freedoms.
Thanks to our Canadian War Veterans. We are grateful to you and your families for the sacrifices made for all Canadians. For this we have our freedom, access to healthy lifestyles and a democratic form of government. Our gratitude, respect and remembrance will never wane.
Thanks to all the veterans, you are not forgotten!
Thank you for our freedom
We can't tell you how proud we are to be Canadian when we hear of all the heroic battles that our Canadian soldiers fought in, won and the sad loss of many of our soldiers. Thank you for your service and keeping Canada free.
We are so grateful for your excellent service.
In memory of Sgt. Philip Bell, Hastings-Prince Edward Regt. 1939-1945
To all those Veteran's that keep on keeping on! You all are hero's today, yesterday and every day! Thank you for your brave service in keeping our freedom and for all the sacrifices you made in keeping our country safe! Thank you!
Thank you for your service. We will never forget!
Dear Veterans,
To say thank you does not do justice to the sacrifices you’ve made for our country. I am at a loss for words that convey the powerful feelings of gratitude that I feel. Canada is strong and free thanks to your protection and I honour your bravery. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. We will never forget!
Thank you for making a better world for us.
Thank you very much for all you have done for our beautiful, peaceful and free country. Without your dedicaton of service and courage we would not be the country we are today. Please know that you are not only honoured one day, but everyday. God Bless.
Thank you, thank you for your courage, tenacity and dedication to serve your country and ensure that we are able to live in a free country.
I am so grateful for the bravery and courage that allowed you to sacrifice so much on our behalf. This unselfish act will not be gotten.
It is to easy to forget. Being close to veterans makes it easy to remember what they went through for us. To many of them came home from the war with a burden on their shoulders that they found hard to deal with. It is up to all of us to let them know that we appreciate them.
Thank you for your bravery
Thank you for your brave service and sacrifice to make our world a safer place. I will never forgot what my parents generation went through at such great cost in WW2. You are all so special, and future generations should be grateful all year long, not just on Remembrance Day.
Thank you for risking your lives to keep us safe and our country free of any enemy. We owe all servicemen a great deal.
Veterans Day is a good time to remember that our freedom isn’t guaranteed. It’s protected by the men and women in our Armed Services. To those who secure our way of life… thank you!
My Dad was in the air force but did not go overseas.I want to thank each & every one of year for putting yourselves out there to protect our Canada .I live in Tay township & you would be pleased to hear that our Legion have posted pictures of veterans from our township .God bless
Your efforts and sacrifices mean millions of people have lived in freedom, able to enjoy and pass to their children a good quality of life. As the daughter of a WWII RCAF veteran, I thank you and will never forget your courage and commitment.
Thank you to the men and women who has and continues to fight to protect our great country, you are all hero's
A thank you not quite enough for all that stood on guard for the rest of the world to be free
Thank you for all that you have done for Canada ... I treasure the peace we have and am grateful for it each and every day.
God bless.
Canada's Veterans have my unlimited thanks and support for their service to our country.
I will never forget what you have done for your country. Thank you.
A grateful THANK YOU for all your bravery, experiences and successes in defeating the enemy. It is because of you that the world has not experienced a repeat of a true world war.
My father shared a space in the Veterans Wing until he died at age 84 in 1993. We are indebted to all of the veterans who fought in the wars to preserve our way of life.
We are truly blessed that we live in a safe and wonder country Canada with all the men and woman that served to keep us safe. Many thanks to you all. God Bless
Thank you for putting your lives on the line so that we could remain free of tyranny. May your sacrifices never be in vain!
Thank you for your extreme bravery that has allowed me to live my life freely - in the best country in the world - all because of you.
Thank You does not seem enough to say for your sacrifice to keep Canada strong and free. It takes great character to choose to support and fight for your country. There can never be enough rewards to thank you, nor enough prayers or blessings to be said for you. God Bless!
Dear Veterans,
We are all so grateful for the sacrifices you have made for Canada, your fellow Canadians, and for freedom and peace around the world. Thank you.
I lost my dad this past June three days before Father's Day. He served in World War Ii and was my hero. Lest we forget. All of us are indebted to each of your for your bravery and patronage to our country. Thank you so very much.
To the men and women at Sunnybrook, I too have served in our forces (RCN) and so I salute you for all the times you and your buddies went out into harms way so we can live in a free country.
Thank you for keeping our country safe. May you enjoy all the benefits that the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook has to offer.
I am so grateful to you and for you, our nation's veterans. Thank you for the courage and hope you continue to give us. Thank you for fighting the toughest battles and the fiercest enemies; I honour you not only today but everyday, for your courage and love for our country.
Oz and I sure appreciated our Uncle Murray's contribution in WW2 - he spent his final years at K wing being looked after by excellent the staff.
Sending a heartfelt thankyou to the Veterans who risked their lives and those who lost their lives fighting to provide us the privilege of living in a free country. We are ever indebted to you. God Bless 💞🇨🇦
To the wonderful men and women who serve and have served in the past, please except my sincere gratitude. Without your selfless sacrifices we would not have this incredible free country we live in.
Peace and love to all
Keith deRoux
Words cannot express my gratitude and respect to all of you for your bravery and for the ultimate sacrifices you made in order to protect our freedoms. I have always taught my son's the importance of recognizing this very important day. Thank you
As a child of Holocaust survivors, I cannot speak/write enough words of gratitude to what your efforts during WWII meant in fighting and defeating fascism and allowing my parents the chance to begin anew in this wonderful Canada.
I want to say,I may never know you but I want to say thank you so much for the freedom my family has today.
I am so favored living here I Canada, born in 1948 I have had the good fortune to age through one of the first generations of citizens who have not had to go to war. I and my family are forever grateful to all of the veterans that served to protect our freedom. Thank you so much.
Dear Veterans,
I am a 63-year-old woman who has led a peaceful life in Canada since I was born. I have never lost sight of the fact that if it weren't for our men and women in the armed forces, my life would be very different. I am forever grateful for your service.
Thank you for your service and dedication to making our lives what they are today.You have sacrificed everything for us and we are eternally grateful. Ken
The sacrifice you have made by putting your lives on the line to keep Canada safe is very highly appreciated. There no words to express our gratitude. God bless you & your families as well who have also made equivalent sacrifices to let you go.You all will be blessed abundantly.
I’m so grateful for what you have done, what you have given, and what you have sacrificed-for me and mine. My late uncle came to Sunnybrook to complete his training as a physician after the war and I have enormous respect for the institution too.
Thank you for your bravery. You are the true heroes and ALL CANADIANS are and will always be indebted to you for your selfless service. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Valued Extraordinary Treasured Exceptional Remarkable Acclaimed Noble Selfless
We cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice and service to our country. Thank you so very much!
Thank you for your contribution and sacrifice
When I look at my Grandchildren, I think of all that you have done to make my life, and theirs, and so many other Canadians, so safe, free from want, and free from tyranny. I am sending you thanks for all that you have done, and kind thoughts and good wishes.
Thank you so much for all you have done.
Dear Veterens. Thank you so much for your service to Canada. God bless you.
As we face trouble times today it makes me realize the bravery out veterans demonstrated to protect our country. I am grateful for your sacrifices and your example to all of us Canadians
God bless each and every one of you! You are His angels on earth.
God bless each and every one of you! You are His angels on earth.
My maternal/English grandfather served at Vimy Ridge in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. He was beyond being too old to serve but I have grown to admire him and all, like you who have served in the name of Freedom and Canada. Thank you for all you did, you have my admiration.
Thanks to all the veterans who sacrificed so much to keep us all safe, strong and free. God bless you all in Jesus`s name. Amen.
Thank you for your incredible sacrifice, bravery and service.
God Bless You 🙏🥰🇨🇦
I was born in the middle of WW2 and I thank you for your bravery and courage in facing the horrors of war, so that I could live in freedom. We will never forget.
Canada is very lucky to have had Veterans like you sacrifice so much for our great country! Thank you for everything you did to make Canada the best country in the world! Sending love and best wishes to you. Charles
Thank you for all of your efforts & sacrifices that have helped Canada be such a great home for all of us!
I wish you hope for the future, and the courage to face your obstacles. I'm originally from England. My grandfather died in WWI. My father served in WWII. He wanted to be a pilot, but he was colour-blind so he trained as a radar technician. Thank you for fighting for freedom.
We are so grateful for your service to our country! Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for what you have done for our country.
Although you have passed, dad, this day of recognition for your service in the navy is not forgotten. Blessings to the brave men and women who fought for the freedom of our country and democracy.
I hate to think of what Canada would be like without all the brave men and women who gave so much of their lives...l thank you very much...wouldn't it be nice if peace ruled the this day its sad to see what goes on...
My family came from a country rife with political unrest. The peace that veterans have given us in Canada and in other countries around the world is so amazing. Thank you for making the world a better place for me and my children. Your work will always be remembered.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to all Canadian Veterans. I and all Canadians owe our freedom today to the service you gave and sacrifices you made for this country. Thank you and God bless you.
Thanks for your participation in the 2nd WW. You have saved us all!!
Good morning, I just wanted to write to you to thank you for your courage and bravery. My partner is a retired police officer and he'll say everything that he's been through and witnessed is nothing compared to what our veterans have done. Thank you so much and bless you.
Thanks to all veterans of Canada's Armed Forces, thanks for being there when it really counted.
Thank you for my life, safe and in a free country that I love. Without your service, I believe my life and Canada would be very different. Bless you 💕
On this Remembrance Day, we honour your courage, sacrifice, and service. Your bravery ensures our freedom, and we are forever grateful. Thank you for your commitment and for the sacrifices you've made. You will always be remembered.
Because of your service, I am free. Thank you
As a Canadian and as the proud granddaughter whose Papere served Canada in WWII, I am eternally grateful to you for your bravery, your spirit, your compassion, and your selflessness. We Canadians owe everything to you. I will admire you forever.
To my Dad, Mr. Albert Fentum. He resides at Sunnybrook Vets Centre. He will turn 100 next year! Thank you for your service in WW2. Love you Dad!
Thank you so much for your service and the part you played in keeping Canada safe and free.
One of my parents was a child during Japan’s colonization of Korea, the other a child during the Korean War. I exist today because the courage and bravery of that knowingly selflessly fought for others suffering. I’d like to send my most heartfelt thank you here.
My Dad and Mum served with the RAF and WAF during WW2 in England and Scotland. My mother went on to serve in Egypt, India and Ceylon. My Mum spent the final 2 years of her life at Sunnybrook. Wonderful facility.
Gracias por su coraje y valentia,
Thank you for your great courage & bravery
Thank you for your dedication and courage to protect us all for our freedom and dignity. God bless
Words cannot sufficiently convey our heartfelt thank yous for the many hardships you endured, and the many sacrifices you made for our country and humanity. It will never be forgotten. You are all heroes!
Thanks to all who served in Canada's military in the big and small assignments. Remembering those who did not come home, those who came home and struggled and those who came home and are no longer with us. The changing of the guard has meant saying goodbye several generations.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to enjoy a safe and healthy life in a wonderful democratic country - CANADA
Thank you for your service to Canada and Canadian.
Thank you for all you do to protect Canadians and others around the world
I am so greatful for the support and sacrifice that you as veterans made for Canada and the wolrd in general. I am not certain I was able to thank my own father enough for his World War II service but I am thanking him and all of you at this time for your dedication to Canada.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. YOU are the reason we can enjoy the freedom we have. I appreciate all of you.
Thank you for your service and all the sacrifices you made, probably at a very young age, to ensure the endurance of our freedom and Democracy. We have so much to thank you and remember you for. We will never forget.
Dear Veterans:
My wife and I thank you very much for your service. My wife's mother's brother Norman Broughton was killed in the battle of the Somme in France in 1916. My wife's father Harold H. Smith survived fighting at Vimy Ridge. He helped us understand military service.
To all our treasured Veterans, on Remembrance Day we honour you for your courage and sacrifice. Thank you, we are forever grateful.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your service and the sacrifices you've made for our country and its people. As a military spouse, I've seen the profound impact serving in our CAF has on a person - even beyond the missions and deployments. You are true heroes!
To our Canadian Veterans, thank you for your courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication. Your service has shaped Canada and protected our freedoms, which we are deeply grateful for. Thank you for your watch in keeping us safe.
Thank you for your sacrifice so that my family can live in peace with freedom of choice in a democratic society.
Thank you for your sacrifice so that my family can live in peace with freedom of choice in a democratic society.
Your service to Canada is a service to civilization and humanity. Your willingness to risk your own life is an admirable virtue. Great appreciation and thanks from my family!
Thank You to all our Veterans!
Thank you so much for your unselfish actions. Stepping up and putting your country and the belief in freedom ahead of all else, is remarkable, and I am always humbled by it.
Thank you for your sacrifice that helped to secure the free and peaceful country we all have the blessing of living in today. Heartfelt thanks.
My father served. My father was wounded. My father received care from Sunnybrook. Thank you. 274 274
To all Canadian Veterans our family wishes to honour your immense contribution to our society through your brave actions to protect our freedom to live our best life.
Thank you for giving so much of yourself for the protection and freedom of our current and future generations to come.
My father served. My father was wounded. My father was cared for at Sunnybrook. Thank you Sunnybrook. A short story about my father. 274
There are no words that can adequately convey my gratitude, respect and awe for the veterans at Sunnybrook and all they have done for me and those I love. Their actions, bravery and sacrifices are beyond measure and I am eternally grateful.
Thanks to our brave Veterans for sacrificing their life for us, God bless you and God bless Canada.
There is nothing in my heart but the utmost gratitude to you, so let me say thank you, in every language, every word, and every way I can! ( ...
You are a brave warrior who has triumphed over every challenge that life has thrown at you. ...
Thank you for all your service.
Thank you, especially to whom who fought in Hong Kong, the place where I was born. Very much appreciated.
As I walk through the cities and wilds of Can I think of how grateful I am to live in a free country. This would not be except for you and your comrades who have made it possible. I must express my thanks and appreciation for what you did for all of the families of Canada.
Thank you for your sacrifice to help make Canada and the world and better place and to support the values that Canadians hold dear!
Your sacrifice and hard work is what ensures my freedom! I am deeply grateful for all that you do! God bless each and every one of you and keep you safe!
Thank you for your bravery and courage to serve. The world was a better place thanks to you.
I will alway thank the veteran for their bravery and courage. They gave us a world where we could choose what we wanted to be and the freedom to do so. They gave so much of
themselves for their country. I applaud there bravery and courage.
Thank you so much for your bravery, your sacrifice, your sense of duty and your service to this great country - it would not be what it is without you. Thank you for all you have given to keep this country strong and free and one of the best places to live in the world.
Dear Veterans, you have given us your life and your youth to help us. We certainly appreciate it. Please keep yourself healthy and happy.
Dear Veterans, you have given us your life and your youth to help us. We certainly appreciate it. Please keep yourself healthy and happy.
Thank you for your service and for risking your life to save our freedom. I sincerely hope the government will assist you in all ways. You deserve PM Trudeau’s respect.
A heartfelt thank you for your service! Your selflessness has made our country safe and stronger….we are truly grateful for your sacrifice. May God bless!
A huge thank you to our amazing veterans at Sunnybrook! Your bravery inspires us every day. Enjoy those refreshing sponge baths, delicious meals, and the love from that dedicated team - all while looking inviting in their uniforms! We appreciate you! 🌟🇨🇦 #Veterans #Sunnybrook
We will be at sunnybrook around November 11 and see all the flags .. what a small remembrance of your huge service to our country
We live in the best country in the world thanks to the amazing caring sacrifices you each gave in military service for all of us in Canada.
God Bless You and Thank You!
Thank you for your service and commitment to keeping Canada free and democratic.
For your sacrifice and selfless service to our wonderful country, I extend my most profound respect and gratitude.
Myself and my Family extend our many thanks for the service you have provided to our Country - Canada, and for those countries our Canadian war veterans served in. My father and his 2 brothers were twin engine fighter bomber Captains, Mosquito and Beaufighter.
To all the brave Veterans at Sunnybrook and across Canada, thank you for your incredible sacrifices and unwavering dedication. Your courage and service have shaped our nation, and we are forever grateful. You inspire us every day. We stand with you in gratitude and respect! 🇨🇦❤
As the son of a veteran and of a nurse who worked for many years in Sunnybrook's veteran's wing, I saw second-hand what service in our military cost so many, and I am extremely grateful for it.
Thank you for your sacrifices for your valor, for protecting us, and defending our rights.
Dear veterans, thank you all so much for the sacrifices you made in order to keep our country strong and free. You are all greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to keep our country and people safe and free. My parents have shared stories of their experiences during this time and we continue to pass them onto our children and grandchildren. We will always remember. We truly appreciate you all!
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for protecting us, defending our rights and keeping us safe.
Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe.
I am so grateful for the freedom we have because of the sacrifices you made. May this day be a reminder of the gratitude we all feel because of your service to this country.
I thank you for your honour and integrity, and for putting peace before all else. It is because of people like you, that we in Canada can enjoy the right and freedoms that we have. God bless you all, and thank you for your service.
Our history tells us of the sacrifices that you made to ensure we could have a good life. My Mom told me of her at the train station watching & waving to my Dad and all the other troops go off to war. She talked of waiting with her infant son for his return. We will remember ❤️
Dear Vets: Being the child of a World War II vet, I have some small idea of the costs that our Canadian Armed Forces paid. As a nation, we will forever be in your debt and should the need ever arise again, may we bravely follow in your footsteps to protect our nation's freedom.
Thanks for all you did to make this world a better place.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! My father was a veteran from WW2 as well. I hate to think what our world would be like if it hadn't been for the veterans.
Thank you so very much for your bravery , dedication and actual service for our Country Canada and the free world in fighting the 2nd world war. May God bless and be with you.
Thank you for your service and bravery. I morn those we have lost but celebrate those who live on! Never Forget!
Thank you so very much for your bravery , dedication and actual service for our Country Canada and the free world in fighting the 2nd world war. May God bless and be with you.
We must all never forget the sacrifice our veterans made to keep us a free and safe Canada 🇨🇦
I’m thinking about you all and I wanted to give you all a very heartfelt thank you so very much for all of your sacrifice , courage and bravery that you all gave for us I’m so very much greatly appreciate what you all did for us so that we can live in freedom and peace.
Thank all of you for everything that was done for freedom.
Thank you for all the brave veterans from across Commonwealth who defeated a dreadful threat in the Second World War. My Dad was in RAF, I had uncles and an aunt who enrolled to serve. But I do not forget all our veterans who have served in other arenas, like Korea, Afghanistan
My parents lived in the Netherlands during WWII. They taught us how amazing the Canadian soldiers were, helping to liberate their country. Thank you very much for your service, during WWII and all the battles you have faced.
i was born and raised in the Netherlands and we are allways grateful to the Canadian soldiers for thier sacrifice to liberate the country.
Thank you to all the veterans who served our country. I hope you know how appreciated and respected you are for all your sacrifice. My father was from Holland and I know that the Dutch people were very grateful to the Canadians who liberated their country. So Thank you
Thank you for your service, your bravery. You may think at times people have forgotten you, but please know we NEVER have. I have always admired the courage and self-sacrifice our veterans represent. May God bless you and your loved ones and always keep you safe!
Heartfelt thanks to all of the men and women who have given so much to keeping our country safe. We will always remember you and the gift of freedom that you have given to us. Bless you and yours.
Our forever gratitude for all you have done for us!
We all owe you so much for the sacrifices you and those who did not come back.
We are eternally grateful for what you have done in the past for us are there never be another war?
My sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful veterans. God Bless you all!
Thank you for your services and bravery. On this day and everyday although I don’t have the men’s to physically be at your sides on Remembrance Day I sure will be honouring you. If there’s a veteran there by the name of Roy Payne tell him that I say hi.
Thank you for your bravery and sacrifices in defending Canada. You and your fellow soldiers will always be remembered for the significant role you played in making Canada the great country we enjoy today! Also thank you Sunnybrook the excellent care you provide to our Veterans.
Thank you so much for your service, bravery and commitment to Canada. Without you we wouldn't be here today enjoying life as it is. I know what it's like to lose your friends and comrades, I lost 2 Great Uncles in WW1, so once again thank you, take care and God Bless.
Thankyou for your courage, thank you for protecting your country. You are heroes and deserve the appreciation you have earned.
Thank for your service to making our beautiful country free. Your bravery and selflessness shall never be forgotten. God bless you and thank you with all of my heart.
Thank you so much for defending our country. You deserve the gratitude of every Canadian alive today. My father was a Hungarian Jewish refugee in 1939. He spent 4 years begging in letters to serve Canada, but was deemed an enemy alien. 4 years later, he was accepted. God bless.
We salute you for your wonderful service to your country, and we are grateful that your service has allowed Canadians to live in peace. Thank you for all you did for your fellow citizens.
I am grateful for the courage and determination you showed to keep Canada the wonderful country it is. I know that you deserve the respect of all Canadians.
My sincrece gratitude to all the brave heros who sacrificed so much for us. I will be forever grateful.
To our esteemed veterans. Thank you. My father was part of your generation and every day i,m in awe in the fact all you boys got off the couch to not only fight for your country but to die for it. I humbly walk in your shadow.
Thank you for all that you did for us
I appreciate all that you have done in order to create hope for humanity.
Thank you. I am praying foor all of you.
Your heroism and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you for preserving freedom and democracy. Forever grateful for your service.
We will remember them and tell our children to remember their sacrifices and courage!
We appreciate your service and think of you often. It is an honour to even be able to send you this message.
Than you to all veterans and their families for the sacrifices they made. Your bravery and courage kept us safe.
Thank you so very much for your service. I am the proud daughter of a WW2 veteran and relative to many current and past military members. My dad was so proud he was able to serve our country. I salute you and honour you every day but especially on Remembrance Day.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and will always be here to help you in your time of need.
Dear Veterans, We cannot thank you enough for your dedication and sacrifice. We would not enjoy the freedom we have in Canada without your protection . God bless you and your families.
Thank you for your bravery in saving our country. You are true heroes!
Thanks for all your help in the past. Most people know that you've sacrificed so much in the past. Today most everyone sees and hears everything on TV, Radio and their Computers.
Many people saw and heard very little because you were so far away and out of sight. Thank You.
It humbles me to know how each of you have given the best of yourself to protect and strengthen our magnificent nation. I am honoured to be able to enjoy the freedom in our land and to say these words to you. Please accept my gratitude and know I appreciate your commitment.
I am forever grateful for the huge sacrifices our veterans made on our behalf. We will never forget that they fought hard for us to live in freedom and peace.
It is hard to comprehend what you had to endure, how you coped each day, and the many sacrifices you made. I promise to never forget or take for granted what you gave and proudly wear a poppy to honour you.
Thankyou to all veterans and all armed forces personnel to provide me the freedom we know today in canada
We will never forget your service and commitment and sacrifice for a free world .Blessings and many thanks to all of you.
Dear veterans, your bravery will never be forgotten. Thank you so much, bless your hearts. My father vividly remembers the Canadian victory parade (May 21, 1945) in The Hague, and tasted chocolate for the first time. He was 4 years old then, now 83! Thank you veterans! ❤️
Veterans are special Canadians. They are brave, loyal and humble. Thanks for your service.
Thank you for your service, and your courage in standing up for the rights of all Canadians. We owe our freedoms to all those who served during the wars. I will think of you on November 11th, but also every day as I enjoy the privilege it is to be a Canadian.
In memory of my father, brother, neighbours and friends who served in the forces and some of them gave their young lives for our safety and freedom.
Veterans are a special group of Canadians. They are brave, loyal and dedicated. Thanks for your service.
I would like to thank the very brave men and women that served our country. We have you to thank for our freedom, and my kids and I will be forever grateful for your bravery and the sacrifices you made. Lest We Forget.
Thank you for your service. Words are not enough to show our gratitude and respect for your fight for freedom and democracy.
Thank you for your sacrifice of love, I will never forget
I am the daughter of a WWll Veteran who landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. I will forever be grateful for everything you have done for our country - yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you to my hero in Heaven and the heroes who walk on this earth today. Lest We Forget.
My Father served in the Second World War and I have great respect to ALL Veterans any time of the year not just on November 11th. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our Veterans 🙏🏻❤️
My ancestors fought in both World Wars & my son-in-law is retired Airforce. I’m so proud of their contribution. My Uncle is buried in Brookwood Cemetery UK. & my daughter visited his gravesite in September. I’ve seen your flags & it’s amazing! Thank you for your service🇨🇦
I’m not a Canadian citizen, but I fell in love with this country and then became a permanent resident. I have lived here for more than 10 years, and I want to say thank you for your dedication in keeping Canada safe and beautiful.
I am very proud of the members of my family on my mother's side who served in the Canadian Army during WW 1 and WW 2. Thank you for your service and I look forward to attending the service on November 11th at Sunnybrook Hospital.
Like you many of my Uncles were veterans. Some came home a changed person. They and you deserve our support and thanks. Please keep in mind our rememberance of you.
World is a better place because of your sacrifice! Thank you for your service!
My family and I would like to sincerely thank all these wonderful guys for their sacrifice they made for this lovely country..may God continue to bless all of you with health and strength..Thank you
"Thank you for your honorable service to our country. We appreciate your willingness to defend our freedom and sacrifice so much for others"
Thank you for your service. I share my great respect and honour to Veterans at Sunnybrook home.
To all who served to ensure our freedom; my sincere THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. My father and two uncles - WW2, grandfather - WW1 and dad was also career RCAF.
The courage it took to do what you did is a remarkable testament to who you are. My entire extended family thank you for your sacrifice. We are proud Canadians because of you. God Bless
Thanks to people like you, it is possible to keep the country and its people safe; as a Venezuelan, who lived under a disgraceful regime, I know what your struggle for a country means. Thank you for being our symbol of peace.
I never had the chance to meet my uncle because he lost his life in Normandy before I was born. If he had made it home, I would have said THANK-YOU!
I want all vets to feel welcomed home and how much I appreciate what was sacrificed for my freedom and well-being
Thank you. We owe you and all of our Veterans an immense debt of gratitude. Your sacrifices, have allowed people in Canada to live in peace, and it remains our duty to honour the men and women who gave so much, and ensure that your memory and legacy lives on.
Your sacrifices and dedication have helped shape the freedoms we cherish today. Thank you for your courage, resilience, and commitment to protecting our values. We are forever grateful. Lest we forget.
Thank you for your unselfish dedication to Canada in support of our freedom that is a debt owed that we could never repay to you but for which we are truly grateful.
A heartfelt thank you for your sacrifices for Canada.
Thank you for your heroism, your patriotism and your sacrifice. We remain eternally grateful for your service...and we will always remember.
This message is sent with extreme gratitude for your selfless service!
Dear Veterans,
You liberated my country, the Netherlands. I am eternally grateful for all you did. FYI I am going to Apeldoorn, the Netherlands to celebrate the 80th. anniversary of the Liberation of Holland (again THANK YOU) on May 5, 2025.
Thank You for the freedom we get to enjoy everyday!
We appreciate and admire the selfless courage, and the many sacrifices each Veteran made to keep Canada free~ Thank you for your service !
Thank you for everything that you do for all of us in the country and for people in countries that you have served in. We have safe and democratic coountry because you have fought for. THANK YOU!!
Sending my thanks and respect to all Veterans who have served in Canada's Military Forces over so many years.
Many have made difficult choices and sacrifices in order to fight for our country. We must also remember those who never came home.
You are the best that Canada has now and in the past. I think of my my own father that fought on the beaches of Juno and survived to come home!
Thank you for your service, sacrifice and love of your country CANADA!!
Thank you so much for your service. We send our blessings to you
There are no words to express our gratitude for your willingness to go to war for us. Thank you for making Canada a better place. You made us a strong country and a beautiful nation. Your braveness shall always be remembered Thank you.
Thank you for your service and efforts to keep us safe and free.
Thank you for your service! Thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe.
Thank you to all the Veterans who risked their lives to protect our world. Words cannot explain the gratitude I feel to each one of you. My Father fought in the Royal Navy and I somewhat understand the profound impact that engaging in war has on one's physical and mental health.
Should be Thank YOU for Every Soldier. And THEIR LIFE. FOR EVER.
We exist today in Canada because you shouldered a very difficult burden. You gave your youth to the serious business of war allowing us to give our energy to a country at peace. Thank you for your gift to us.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made to keep Canada a free and great nation. I hope you are receiving the care and respect you deserve. It's unfortunate that our government sometimes seems distant from the values you fought to protect.
I was named after my uncle who lost his life in the Second World War. My grandfather was killed in the First World War. For those that fought and survived and the brave people in Sunnybrook I offer my deepest gratitude. Your sacrifices allowed us to be free and proud today.
Thanks for your sacrifices in order that we may enjoy freedom!
Thank you all, not only for the sacrifices you have made, but the love and hope you offered, when you chose to engage in what was needed to keep Canada strong and free, not only for then and now, but for generations to come.
Thank you for liberating us. I was in Amsterdam in May 1945 when you came It was such a great feeling to be finally free. I was 11 at that that time and will never forget it
We had just gone through the hunger winter and the food was so welcome after starving.
WE LOVE YOU! Your are the bravest amongst us!
Dear Veterans,
Thank you so very much for your service to our country. As a niece who never enjoyed knowing my uncle whose plane was shot down over Germany I want to say our beloved Canada is so much the better for your service.
Your sacrifice for peace and freedom has not gone unnoticed. I am deeply grateful.
Thank you for everything you have done for our country!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your bravery and courage to keep our country safe and peaceful!!
We appreciate it more than you know!!!
Thank you for everything you have done for our country!
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. You are true Canadian heroes and we salute you all!
Thank you for your sacrifice
Your sacrifice is the world's blessing. Thank you for giving all of you. Your efforts made everything possible.
Thank you for helping to keep the world safe for so many and thank for your personal sacrifices.
I am now 84 yrs old. I commemorate all veterans, but especially my father who served overseas with REME (Staff Sergeant} from 41-45, and my husband who served his National Service with the Royal Artillery (Cyprus) from 57-59.
Thank you very much for your Sacrifice
Thank you for your sacrifices for our home and native land.
When I think of the sacrifices you made on my behalf, it brings tears to my eyes. May god bless you and keep you. You deserve so many thanks. I will never forget you.
With our gratitude for your sacrifice and service. It is truly appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your assistance in defending not only our wonderful country, Canada, but also defending the other countries in the world. You sacrificed your lives and we really appreciate it.
Our veterans are the best role models for the young people of today. The selfless sacrifices by our veterans for the benefit of us all must be remembered with gratitude.
Thank you for your service. Because of people like you, I live in a free country. I am proud to be a Canadian and proud of our service people who served Canada.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service, we will never forget.
Your willingness to fight for what you believed in gave us this wonderful country we are privileged to live in today. I remember.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service, we will never forget.
Your efforts to make better world for all future generations is beyond the words of thank you. So many events and witness to so much strife and pain and yet your life shines bright because you are angels who love with all your heart and soul. May God bless you and your families.❤
We are here today because of all your efforts. Thank you 🙏
I really appreciate everything you
Have done. Many thanks
Thanks very much for your help as volunteers.
Thank you veterans for your sacrifices on our behalf.
To All Who Served, thank you so much for your sacrifice and caring SO MUCH to fight for Canada for all the freedoms which we are able to have today because of your dedication and service. All of you have my total respect, admiration, gratitude for everything you gave! HUGS ALWAYS
Thank you to all the brave women and men who fought to protect us! You will not be forgotten.
You were so courageous and selfless! Can’t imagine how grizzly it was. Glad you came out of it alive. Thank you for your service.❤️
Thank you is a simple phrase that is often over-used, but it is a phrase that means so much. Your service and commitment to helping is so special. I truly hope you know how much it means to me and my family. Thank you
Dear Veterans, You deserve our honour, respect, and gratitude every day thankfully November 11th our admiration is most visible. Your immense sacrifices will never be forgotten. Sincere Thankyou to each of you for the freedom we are privileged with today. Affectionately S Lawson
Thinking of you today. Thank you for your courage and service.
Thank you to all Veterans your Sacrifices Services.
Veterans are greatly Appreciated, Admired, Respected & Loved
Thank you for the life your sacrifice allowed me to live. My father was a soldier in the Canadian Army during WW2 and that experience stayed with him his whole life. I am sure yours did too. I am grateful for your bravery and commitment every day.
Thank you so very much for sacrifices you all made and make to give us our freedom may God keep you all safe bless you and your family's Thank you lest we forget forever and always grateful amen xxc
Dear Veterans, a HUGE thank you goes to you all who fought so that we can enjoy freedom now. We shall never forget what you did for us.
Thank you for your service. Thank you for giving us safe and wonderful place to raise our families and deliver our lives. Without your sacrifice, we would not enjoy the life we live. Thank you.
Thank you for your courage and strength!
Thank you for your service. Thank you for giving us safe and wonderful place to raise our families and deliver our lives. Without your sacrifice, we would not enjoy the life we live. Thank you.
Thank you for all you did for Canada. Be well!
Thanks for the sacrifice you have all made to keep us safe. God bless.
Ladies And Gentlemen; a huge "thank-you" for sacrificing your lives !!!!!!
God bless all of you for your courage and loyalty. I keep a picture of my grandfather in uniform always close by to remind us. Thank you!😊
Thank you for your service!
Wonderful care provided by caring staff
My Husband’s father served in the first Polish armoured division of the Canadian General Guy Simmons. We know of many incidents of all veterans struggles and hardships and bravery. We both have attended services for. 52 years Thank you with love and 💕
Thanks to you I have had the privilege to live a good, happy, safe life. Thank you for your sacrifice. You truly are a hero. May we never forget what you did for us.
I’m so Grateful for the Freedom your sacrifice allowed me to be a mom and grandma in a safe Canada.
Think of my father and yourselves with love often.
Your selflessness and courage inspire us all, and I am truly honored to have the opportunity to convey my appreciation to you.
Thank you for your commitment, effort and sacrifices to keep our country safe.
This generation and future generations of Canadians must be reminded and taught that the freedoms they enjoy came at the cost of untold sacrifice and hardship by our magnificent Canadian servicemen. There is no finer example of heroism than what you achieved in vanquishing evil.
Thank you for your service. God bless each and every one of you.
I’m sincerely sharing my gratitude for our Veterans and heroes 🦸 of our country Canada for efforts and bravery of all heroes. ❤️❤️😇😇🙏🙏
From the bottom of my heart thank you for the freedom weCanadians share today
Thank you for all of your dedication and sacrifice to preserve and protect our beautiful country!
My family are so grateful for the services you provided to keep our country safe. We thank you so much. God has been very good to all of us. Let us not forget to pray and thank Him everyday. God Bless you always
Dear Veterans at Sunnybrook, With deep gratitude for your service, and best wishes for your care and comfort and for peaceful days. Sincerely, J. Larkin
Remembrance Day. I think back to a grandfather and two uncles whom I never knew - lost in the two world wars. Devastation & war continue to surround us. But Canada remains strong and free. Your huge sacrifices assured us this freedom. We are blessed & grateful. Thank you.
Not enough words can express my gratitude for your sacrifice and service to this wonderful Country we call Canada, So proud of you all and proud to be a Canadian.
Those of us who are old enough remember the neighbour boys who went away and never returned, They will never be forgotten, remembered as the youths they were when we last saw them.Blessings on al of you.l
Thank you very much to the Sunnybrook Veterans for all you have sacrificed through your bravery, determination and inner strength. A Huge show of Gratitude to our Veterans across the country who have sacrificed so much in their lives, and taught us about Courage.
My deepest gratitude for your service.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made so that we can all live in Canada where the true north is still strong and free!
You guys are great!! All hero’s.
Please know that you are thought of with pride and love. Your sacrifice for Canada was no little thing. I wear my poppy proudly. My Dad was a WWII Vet.
And the veterans centre was where my dear mom passed away in 2003. Thank you for sharing your centre with her in 2003
Thank you for all your Brave sacrifices your all Heros Thank You.
Never have so many owed so much to so few. God bless them all.
We are so grateful for the sacrafice our veterans have made in their life and military career to keep Canada and Canadians safe. You have our eternal gratitude.
Thank you for your bravery and your sacrifices to make everyone's life better. Thank you for making this world a better place than you found it. Thank you making a difference.
A free and democratic Canada for us today is due to your service and the sacrifices of your families. Many, many thanks!!!
A million thanks for everything.
Thanks for your special support to our country 🙏 my God Bless Your All, Thanks To The All The Women's and Man's, For fighting for this beautiful country GOD BLESS YOU ALL 💓🙏💓🙏
I am deeply grateful for your commitment to protecting Canada & other countries against undemocratic regimes
Brave, compassionate, committed, loyal, supportive, tough…you have graced Canada with your commitment to this land and her people. I am forever grateful. 🙏 Thank you.
Thank you so very much for your service. Because of you, we live in a free world.
My grandfather was a World War 1 veteran and I am forever thankfull for the sacrifice so many made to protect our way of life. Thank you!!
As November 11th nears I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our veterans, as well as those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that our country could be strong and free. You are our heros and my family and me appreciate all you have done for us.
As November 11th nears I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our veterans, as well as those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that our country could be strong and free. You are our heros and my family and me appreciate all you have done for us.
Dear Veterans,
There are not enough words to express my deep 'Thank You' for your devotion to our Country. Both my Mother and Father volunteered for duty in the Canadian Navy during World War II - and I know from their experiences the selfless courage you have.
Thank You for all you ‘be done - for the freedom we enjoy !
Thank you for your bravery, sacrifice and service to give me a better life.
I am always amazed by and thankful for veterans of all ages who have the courage of their convictions to put their lives on the line to defend our country and its citizens. You are remembered on November 11 and your service is most appreciated and honoured always.
54 yrs ago I came to Canada. I fell in love with this country, I love it, because I know so many people from all over the world to come n built this great country. My special thanks to our Veterans, who sacrificed their lives to make this country great. We will remember them fore
I visited the War Museum in Ottawa a few years ago and had the most wonderful chat with a veteran. The courage, determination and sacrifice all those men showed deserves everyone's utmost respect and gratitude. I'm truly humbled every Nov 11th. Thank you for your service.
Thank you so very very much for your service. May God bless you abundantly
I trust you realize how much your bravery and 'sheer might to do right' in our world at that time; has made me appreciate your dedication. My best wishes to you.
Thanks very much to everyone who served for our Country in the past and present.
Love you ALL!
Herman W. Heikoop
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to Canada, I had four uncles that served in WWII. My nephew is currently in the Canadian Armed Forces and I was in the Reserves when I was younger. We appreciate your service very much!!
Thankyou to all the veterans for our freedom which we take for granted
thankyou this is a very good hospital
Dear Veteran. Thank you for all that you sacrificed for serving Canada and fellow Canadians. We are forever in your debt for keeping Canada free and assistjng the peoples of other countries in conflict. Thank you.
Thank you for your sacrifices and bravery. You are the reason we have freedom today❤️❤️❤️ God bless you all!
Without everyone of our arm forces thank you for our freedom that we take for granted.
My heartfelt gratitude and thanks to our Veterans. Your sacrifices mean so much to all of us. 🙏
Thank you for your service.
Thank-you for your courage and dedication to keep us safe and preserve our freedoms.
Thank you for your service and your dedication to our country when it was needed and even when it wasn’t.My father served with the princess pats in ww2 and it was a great privilege he said to serve.remember you are not forgotten .
Thank you so much for all you’ve done.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. Your bravery and courage has a tremendous impact on our lives and for years to come, and are forever grateful.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for keeping Canada a free country.
Canadians and the people of the world are so fortunate to share the benefits resulting from your years of sacrifice and service. We thank you!
Let me thank all the doctors and medical staff who attended the needs of my dear mother Profetiza Diaz. Words are not enough but kudos to all! My family gratitude to the Sunnybrook veterans hospital for accommodating us and providing us the great health care ever!!!
No greater gift is given a nation than the service of her military women and men and for that - to all Veterans of Canada - I join millions of others in saying to you, our community of Veterans, thank you now and forever.
My family and I want to thank you for your service. Our lives would never have been the same without your sacrifice. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thank you for your sacrifice. You are the real heroes.
Thanks for your service. You helped liberated my parents in ww2. Wouldn't be here otherwise
Thank you for your great sacrifice
Thank you for your sacrifice that Canadians today enjoy freedom and a democratic country.
We will never forget that this world is a kinder place because of you
Please know your sacrifices for others will never be forgotten. Thank you a thousand times over.
Huge thank you to Canada’s true HEROES who risked being injured or killed in battle defending our country’s interests and way of life. I can’t imagine what it was like to go into battle knowing that you your life was in jeopardy.
Thank you so much for sacrificing!!!
My father fought, and was gravely wounded, in Normandy in 1944. He was a Captain with the Royal Regiment of Canada. Thus every Remembrance Day our family thinks of him, and of all his fellow soldiers, past and present, who suffered so that we might be free. Blessings!
Thank you for making our life's safe.
May god bless you and keep you safe!!!
Thanks to our bravest veterans for their dedicated services to our land CANADA.
Thank you for your years of service. You made it possible for all Canadians to live in peace.
Thank you for being there when others couldn't.
If there are any of you who served in the second world war. I want you to know that my memories go back that far, and I will always be grateful for what you did for me and all those who have lived a good Canadian life ever since.
So thankful that worst emergency services might be better some day in tge Future .. sad it's so so bad.
Thank you sincerely for your service to defend our country and to enable the lifestyle of freedom and health for my generation. Every day I think of and am grateful for your sacrifice. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The soldiers of the past and present, thanks for taking all these risks and making these sacrifices. We are always grateful to you for your service. Happy Veterans Day!
Your service is so much appreciated. Thank you.
We have not forgotten and shall never forget the veterans who accomplished and sacrificed so much to allow us to live in freedom.
We continue to support our brave men and women engaged in military service for our Canada.
Blessings to all.
Thank you for your selfless service to our country. The freedoms we enjoy are not to be taken for granted and weren’t free. All the love and respect to you.
Thank you to my father, mother, uncle, brother, son, cousin, friends and those who I never knew who have had the honour to serve In Canada's Armed Forces; especially, those who have been wounded or killed.
I totally support you and I am eternally grateful for all you have done for our country and the world. Thank you so much and may God Bless You!
God Bless or as we say in Hebrew " Baruch Hashem ". May you go from strength to strength and thank you for your service.
Without your selfless service and sacrifice, we would not be able to enjoy our great country of Canada. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much!!
The War to End all Wars didn't accomplish that. You fought to preserve democracy again in WWII. Today the fight continues Thank you for your service and sacrifice and that of your compatriots!
We live in a free democratic country today ... because of you. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. We would not be living free. as we do, if you had not gone to serve.
Thank you for your service
Salute & Thank you for your Service
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for all that you do to keep us in our country safe, you are true heroes ! 😇
Thank you for saving my
Thank you for saving us and Canada.
We Canadians owe a deep sense of gratitude to our war veterans who had made the supreme sacrifice so that the others could in peace.
Some fortunate once had barely escaped death but had sustained life threatening health conditions some serious yet some not so. I bless them all.
Thank you for your service to our country !!! You are our heroes !!!
I’m so thankful that you make it so that me and my family can walk in peace. God bless all and thank you for your service.
Thank you for your brave and resilient to protect our freedom.
You are our hero that lives in our memory each day.
Big thanks. We will never forget
Thank you for all you have done for our country
Thank you for all you have done for Canada!
Be well!
Thank you for demonstrating courage, strength and service in protecting our Canadian values at home and abroad.
My mother, 1 of 13 kids, had brothers who served. Her brother EDWARD PATRICK TAYLOR, a veteran of the Second World War and Korea served for the 2nd Royal Canadian Horse Artillery for 25 years. I honour him and all veterans who served and sacrificed. THANK YOU.
If it wasn.t for our brave vets,we would all be doing the goose step today. Thank You & God Bless them,God will reward them all
We say a heart felt THANK YOU to of you that put your lives at risk to keep us all safe.
You must never be forgotten
Thank you for your sacrifice for our Country. Your heroism and strength is acknowledged and we are very grateful for your commitment to our Country.
Thank you for your sacrifice! Thank you Sunnybrook doctors and staff for the excellent service you provide! Feel lucky to have
We are deeply grateful for your service in protecting our great nation. We respect your bravery, strength and commitment. Protecting Canada is not something everyone is capable of doing. Your selflessness and sacrifices will always be remembered and appreciated. THANK YOU! ❤️
Everyday is the day to thank our veterans who gave so much for all of us. Today we have freedoms and rights that they fought hard to win for us. Both my husband and my Father's fought in WWII as well as my Uncle who died in France. Thank you all.
Thank you so much for the sacrifices you have made to ensure the way of life, which we often take for granted, is available to future generations.
Remembrance Day always affects me . Our family lost a son brother and uncle in France in 1944 and others served. We know the sacrifices all families make and thank them for their service. It is our binding thread as Canadians. Cheers and long life to our Veterans.
Thank you is inadequate but it is the best we can to to tell you that your sacrifice has meant so much - you have made it possible for me and so many like me to have the wonderful lives we have thanks to you
The unimaginable sacrifices that our veterans
faced every day for our freedom. Many men and women
left their homes to fight with fewer returning home safely.
We shall never forget!!!!
Profound and heartfelt thanks to each and every Vet
Thank you for your service to our country!!
Many thanks so very much!
Lest we never forget. Thank you for your service to our country!
Thank you for your sacrifice. Without your courage and love of freedom we would not be here today.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful veterans at Sunnybrook and all veterans across the country. Thank you for keeping us strong and free. My father fought in World War 2 in the Navy and spent the last year of his life at Sunnybrook. Peace!
Thank you for your bravery and incredible sacrifice. We are grateful for all the freedom we have today and know that your family and many others have endured tremendous heartache.
To our courageous Canadian veterans,we are forever grateful for your selfless service, bravery, and sacrifices. Your unwavering commitment to protecting our nation, its values, and freedom has shaped the Canada we know today. Thank you.
We are so grateful for the sacrifices you all made to ensure we have a good life in a free country !
A HUGE THANK YOU for making Canada such a wonderful country
I thank you for the sacrifice you have made for Canadians. Few of us will ever experience the life changing role that you have chosen. You served and changed the course of history. Words cannot express the profound appreciation we feel. You are Canada's hero. Thankyou.
Thank you for putting your lives on the line for us and enduring everything you had to endure and sacrifice everything you had to sacrifice for us we salute you we applaud you and we got to keep and protect you and yours. God bless you thank you. Amen.
Just to say thank to all the veterans who put they life at risk for our country thank u so much word can't explain how grateful I am to u y'all ❤️
Thank you for everything you did for our country, and thinking of all those you left behind.
So very grateful for your service.
Thanks to the men and woman like you in the photo and the Thousands of others who sacrificed their Lives in World Wars 1 & 2. That my Family and millions of other families across Canada have and Enjoy the Freedom that we do today. Knowing that our Country is Great and Free.
There are no words to express my gratitude for your service to defend our freedom and democracy. My Dad was a veteran and I had the privilege of looking after him until he passed at 97 years old in 2022.
Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. Be well.
Those of us who have never experienced war owe you an extra thank-you for your part in making it so. Thank you so much for all you have given us and our country!
You are my every day hero. Thankyou for the freedom we enjoy.
Citizens like myself can never really understand the true extent of your commitment and sacrifice or the lasting impact of that commitment. That doesn't me I shouldn't try to understand or express gratitude. I'm personally grateful to have this opportunity to say THANK YOU.
Without you we wouldn't have the freedom we have today we should never take it for granted.
Thank You 🙏 to our dearest Veterans of Canada, who fearlessly and courageously defended the great values of justice and equality for future generations, freedoms we now enjoy. Thank you for being our Great Hero’s for our country CANADA, we now call “our home and native land”.
Thank you! 💙 Let's never forget your sacrifice to keep us safe!
Thank you for your service and for helping to make Canada such a wonderful country to live in. Your efforts will not be forgotten. My father served in the British Royal Navy from 1945-1948 and moved to Canada in 1956 to build a better live for his family. He loved Canada!
With so much strife in the world today, I am
reminded of and so appreciate the bravery and commitment armed services members showed and show to sacrifice themselves for others, keep us safe and our democracy secure. Thank you.
My sincere thank you to all the veterans and citizens who served in the armed forces and on the home front to safeguard our precious freedom, our nation and democracy and to liberate the millions of oppressed people around the world longing for peace. I honour you.
Thank you for helping to make Canada one of the greatest countries to live in.
Their personal sacrifices and that of their families is something no citizen should ever forget. I am grateful to be a Canadian knowing that our liberty lies in their sacrifice and not be taken for granted. We should all give back. They deserve it.
We admire your courage and dedication; Thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice.
Thank you so much for your service. My Dad was a WW2 war vet. He had some good stories and some sad ones.
Your unselfish gift of serving your country has made it what it is today. Thank you. My family thanks you. We are so proud of you.
We, as a nation, cannot thank you enough for your bravery, commitment and sacrifice to secure the peace and freedom for all Canadians. I thank you all, both past and present, for being there when we need you the most. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank You
Thank You! We honor you today and everyday for your dedication to duty and for your willingness to fight for Canada and everything we hold dear..
To all of Canada's Veterans: Thank you so very much and words cannot express the gratitude I have for your service to our beautiful country. You have sacrificed so much and it will always be remembered. Thank you!!!
Thank you for putting your life on the line and keeping Canada safe and a wonderful country.
Thank you for your dedicated sacrifice and service to our wonderful country Canada. You've made our freedom possible.
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice for your country and for all Canadians. This Remembrance Day, and every day, we honour you. Sincere gratitude always.
Thank you for standing for freedom and justice in this world. May God bless you and keep you in His care.
Thank you for your service ! ! ! !
Thank you. To my father and the thousands of men and women who enlisted and, in many cases, paid the ultimate sacrifice
There's no way that words can thank you enough. Thank you for your service. Thank you you giving so much for your country. God bless you always and thank you.
I pay my heartfelt homage to twin brothers Grant and Roy Campbell who sacrificed their life as Royal Air Force Officers in 1942. Because of their laying lives for the noble cause I and my family are living a comfortable life in Gods country Canada
Canada wouldn't enjoy the freedom citizens enjoy without your sacrifices. A simple thank you can never be enough. We will never forget!
Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. .You all are amazing people. If we can help in any way. Love from Neil and I. Hugs
Thank you for being there for us all. We appreciate you. God bless you all and your families.
No words can properly express our debt to you for your service.
Thank you.
You gave up your youth and often your health and your future to fight for truth, peace and democracy. Thank you and may God bless you. I am privileged to live in this free country because of you. Please know that you are appreciated and that your life and sacrifice has purpose.
Thank you for your service!
All Canadians and freedom loving people in the world must keep faith with your sacrifices by opposing fascism as you have in service for us.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. .You all are amazing people. If we can help in any way. Love from Neil and I. Hugs
We are very proud of what you have for our country.
God bless you.all.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! We could NEVER say it enough!! You are ALL such AMAZING heroes and will ALWAYS be in giving us our FREEDOM!! THANK YOU once again!
Thank you so much for giving me the freedom in a democracy! Without this freedom nothing would be possible to accomplish our dreams !!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for scarifying your life to save mine..
Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your contribution.
I really say Thank you to all of the Veterans who gave up so much of their lives to go and fight in the War. Also to their familes who had to let them go . It must have been Heart Wrenching. God Bless them All.
Thank you for the time you sacrificed from your life to go and fight for ours.Thank you for being courageous.Thank you for believing in Canada and its people.Thank you! May your days be blessed with the knowledge that millions of Canadians honour you. We will not forget you ❤️
I would like to say a Big
Thankyou to each and everyone for your decacated service for our
Great country CANADA
Thank you for your service to Canada.
Fraser, Keane and Thorne families.
In appreciation for your service and remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe and democracy alive. I had hoped it would be never again, but humanity can not seem to embrace equality and peace.
Thank you so much our Hero's
I am the son of a WW ll veteran who bravely and courageously served his country in combat and I’m also the nephew who never got to know his uncle as he was killed in action in Holland. Thankyou for your service. . There is no greater honour than to serve your country. Thank you !
On this very important day my family and I just want to say “thank you” to all of you for this wonderful country called Canada.
The ultimate sacrifice all of you and your families have given has made Canada what it is today. We will always remember….. we shall not forget.
Canada remains a free and thriving democracy as a result of your generational sacrifices to keep it so. May all future Canadian generations carry your legacy with the same conviction, commitment and pride in their country. May we never forget!
We'll never forget you brave men and women who have changed the world to become a better place for all of us.
With heartfelt gratitude and thanks. If not for your sacrifice we wouldn’t enjoy the freedom we have today.
As always I thank our veterans for all their sacrifices in the battles against tyranny
Thank you for standing up and being counted among those who value freedom. We have paid a terrible price for the life that we now lead. You all have offered your all so we may have our tomorrows. May God bless you and comfort you. Thank you does not convey our appreciation.
Thank you. We need to remember.
There is no greater responsibility than God, family and country. Veterans have risked their own lives in the security and preservation of Canada. There is no higher honour. Thank you and God bless you.
Because of your brave heart we are able to live in peace. Thank you so much and keep well.
Thank you for providing the safe Canadian life I & my family are living!!
Hello veterans, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for the sacrifices you made so many years ago, in order to preserve our way of life and freedom.
I shudder to think what it would be like today, if you had not risked your lives for future generations. Thank you !!
Thank you for your service, your sacrifices, for your valour and for defending our rights.
Thank you to our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping our Country and all its citizens safe.
We thank you and appreciate the Veterans very much
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for allowing my family and me to enjoy the freedom and liberties that we do in Canada. We are so very fortunate because of the incredible sacrifice you made. Thank you.
Thankyou to all veterans past/present for their courage, sacrifice and dedication while protecting Canada/Canadians and those in need around the globe-I am truly saddened by those that did not come home or came home disabled in some way-my heart goes out to their families/friends
Thank you for your services and all you did for us who call Canada our homeland!
We are forever grateful and words can never express how much we owe you… Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God bless!
Your sacrificed was not only for our country but to all mankind suffering in the war. Thank you for your devotion!
Thank you for what you have done for the country and for liberty, freedom and democracy.
As the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Command, Provincial President I would like to take this opportunity to pass onto you from all 96,000 members that make up Ontario Command, our sincerest gratitude and forever thanks for stepping forward to serve this great country of ours.
Thank you for giving for trying to make this a better world to live in and freely and gladly giving your time and in some cases your/or your buddy's life. I hope that the world will become a better, happy and more loving place to live in the future
We love you, care for you, honour you and respect you! What wonderful people you are and so dedicated to our Country and the safety of us all. Happy Poppy Day to all you wonderful people! We respect you ALL!!!
I rest every night knowing I am surrounded by the strength of a great nation. The sacrifices you made for generations of families means I am proud to be Canadian. Thank you for all that you gave, all that you did, and the memories you share and those you keep. Bless you.
Thank you for your courage in facing such difficulties. We appreciate the freedom you fought to keep for us.
the freedom you fought to give us.
Thank you for fighting for me so that my generation of Boomers have never had to. You have made us the luckiest generation in history.
Thank you! My grandfather served in WWI and I have read his diaries. Your service to , and sacrifice for, Canada is greatly appreciated and admired.Thank you!
For my Dad....God Bless All
We convey our heartfelt gratitude and we honor you for your sacrifices and service.
We show appreciation to all the Veterans, particularly for the veterans of the Second World War. God Bless.
As we approach November 11th, I'm reminded every day how very fortunate we are to live in our country of freedoms and liberty, which was made possible by the service and sacrifices of our incredible veterans. We truly live in the shadows of giants. Thank you!
Thanks for all you have done to protect and initiate peace around the World.
Thanks for all you have done to protect and initiate peace around the World.
Heartfelt thanks and gratitude. We wouldn’t be here were it not for you.💕💕
In honour of all veterans, but particularly to thank my Grandfather William Joseph Nelson who fought with the CEF, in France in WW1, and for my Father Harry Maycock, RAF, who fought in Burma in WW2. I’m so very proud of you both.
Dear Vet,hope now in these time of your Lives, you have not regrets, of giving your youth for Peace, just put my Heart in your Mom heart, wonder if you think about your future in the Battle Fields, God love you at that time and now more.
Dear Veterans, thank you for the sacrifices you have made for us. You have made the ultimate gift for us - a part of yourself. I am so grateful. You have stood up for Canada.
Lest we forget , your courage and selfless dedication unknown in todays world .Thank You
Thank you all from my family for keeping us safe and in some cases you have sacrificed your lives
so we can live free and still stand as a Country bless all your hearts
Our veterans did a remarkable job to preserve our country. I thank all the veterans for their brave and unselfish duties
Throughout their time serving their country
Dear Veterans, my father was a young boy when the Netherlands fell to the German invaders in World War II and occupied for 5 years until liberated by the First Canadian Army. You are part of the reason my father came to Canada! My family loves you for your bravery & sacrifice.
Words cannot express the gratitude and love I feel for each and every one of you. I commend you for your bravery during terrible, deplorable conditions, leaving your loved ones behind. Again, please accept my heart felt gratitude and thank you for your service!
Words cannot express the gratitude and love I feel for each and every one of you. I commend you for your bravery during terrible, deplorable conditions, leaving your loved ones behind. Again, please accept my heart felt gratitude and thank you for your service!
Thank you .
My Father was in The Home - guard WWII.
I Believe His Father was with The Vet. Corp. WWI.
My Relatives were from England .
But Thank you too .
A Number of Veterans attended my Home Church of
St. Paul's Anglican Church was Innisfil , Ontario .
Thank you for all the you have done to help keep Canada safe and to make a positive gift to the world.
God Bless you and keep you safe. Rick and Diane
Thank you for your service - Your service has made Canada an amazing country.
We continue to enjoy the freedom of being Canadian because you took action when our freedom was challenged
To all of our great veterans. My deepest thanks as both my Father and Grandfather also were Veterans and i understand the sacrifice they made as you all have also made. Thank you all for making all of our lives better. I respect you all.
In gratitude for your generous service to Canada and the free world.
We thank you for your bravery, courage, sacrifice, and contributions for our country and for our freedom! Thank you so much and God Bless!!!!
I have always admired the men and women who volunteered to fight for Canada.My father volunteered for the Boer war and fought four years in WW1. My husband and sister were in the navy in WW2. I planned to join up when I turned 18
Thank you for your Service! You are Very Brave folks! My Grandfathers, Uncles my Dad as well! Now my nephew has joined our Forces! We area Very Proud Family! Thank You again!
Without you we would not have the freedoms we do today. Thank you for your service. We shall never forget!
Thank you for volunteering to go over seas at a young age to fight. My own father was a Canada's veteran who enlisted at age 16. Remembrance Day
is important to me knowing how everyone went overseas to fight plus the women who work in factories at home.
Thank you
You have all my gratitude for your participation in protecting our nation with your blood, sweat, tears and toil.
Thank you so much for your service to our great country. My father and my uncles served in World War 2 and fortunately, no one was seriously injured or killed.
Again, you deserve great thanks!!
Thank you to all the wonderful veterans for your service. Without you life would be very different.
With love to my dad, a veteran.
People tend to forget the real cost of our freedom today.
Thank you
You are not forgotten
From a grateful nation, we thank you for your duty, honour and courage.
THANK YOU for your service. Keep the hope up. We are thinking of you. My the Lord give you strength.
Thank you to all the soldiers who put their lives at outmost risk to save people they did not know, never met. My family was saved by the Red Army liberating Budapest. Thank you to all the Canadian Veterans who participated and protected vulnerable people around the world.
Thank You for your service Veterans.
Every year we remember the sacrifices by wearing a poppy and attending memorial services.
There will never be an appropriate measure to calculate what our military service force provided to us and continues to provide to us today. They have always been there to serve our country and secure our freedom. Forever Thankful!
Thinking of you and your colleagues with heartfelt thanks.
We need to remember the past and those who acted on our behalf to keep Canada a free and democratic country. Thank you
Thank you for your service on an ongoing basis. All are in our prayers
thank you for puting yourself in the front line and helping all of us live in peace!!
Thank you for your sacrifices for Canada and for me. You have fought selflessly in many places across the globe over many years. And, you have tried to sustain peace in many places too. You have my gratitude and admiration.
Veterans are remembered. Let me just take a moment to say THANK YOU.
With my whole heart, I say thank you for Your Service.🤗❤️
You helped keep Canada Strong and Free …
Thank You For Your Service
We appreciate all you've done to keep Canada strong and safe and allow us to have the rights and freedoms we cherish today. For all that you've given to protect our country, THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for your sacrifice We love Canada because of you we hope you feel the love and appreciation and hope all your needs are being met including medicinal cannabis if you need it lots of love always
Thank you on behalf of my family. As Canadians we are so blessed and proud of the freedoms and the benefits we enjoy because of the many Veterans in our Countries history, stepped up and defended our country and those around the world who were in need of assistance. LOVE TO ALL
Thank you for your service, to our country, and in pursuit of bringing peace to the world. Canadian Armed Force members are unique, and committed to making this world a better place.
Our freedom. Our liberties. Our way of life. Our Canada. For all that and more we owe you our unflinching support and heart felt Thank you.
Thank you on behalf of my family. As Canadians we are so blessed and proud of the freedoms and the benefits we enjoy because of the many Veterans in our Countries history, stepped up and defended our country and those around the world who were in need of assistance. LOVE TO ALL
God bless you for your sacrifice. As a child of displaced persons(refugees), I am ever so grateful for your service so that I can live peacefully in this beautiful country of ours. Thank you!
Thank you for your sacrifice. All Canadians appreciate it. My dad would have especially loved it.
Thank you for your service,for your sacrifices,for keeping us safe, and for defending our rights.
Thank you for your service, my grandfather, and 3 of my uncles served. If not for you brave men we might of lived in a very different world.
Thank you for your courageous service to Canada and beyond🇨🇦
Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice. Your courage supported our freedoms and safety, and we are grateful for your service. You inspire us with your strength. Today, we honor you and celebrate the impact you made on our lives.
The whole nation is proud of our veterans. Your sacrifices can never be ignored. You and your families are always included in our prayers. Stay blessed.
Thank you for your generous defence of our wonderful country. My grandfather spent his final years as a veteran in Sunnybrook’s Veteran Centre. All Canadians owe you a great debt of gratitude.
I'm the granddaughter, niece and cousin of members of the Canadian Armed Forces. I know of the daily sacrifice you made to ensure the safety of Canadians and others. I will wear my poppy to commemorate your service, and will think of you at 11:00 on November 11th. Thank you!
To all Canadian veterans specially those living at Sunnybrook. Thank you all for your dedication to the cause of justice. In all wars across the world Canadian soldiers have shown amazing courage and bravery. Thank you so much. Your dedication will never be forgotten.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the sacrifices you made so that we can have a safe place to live. Without your sacrifice, a lot of us may not be living right now. We want you to know that your sacrifice is much appreciated.
I am almost 60 years old and I have never had to fight in a war. My generation may be the 1st in human history to be able to say that. It could not have happened without your sacrifices. There are no words that can express my gratitude for that...
Thank you for your bravery and sacrifice. Canada is a great country because of our veterans.
Thank you gentlemen for the sacrifices that you made so that we as Canadians have a great country .You made it possible for us to have the freedom that at times we take for granted.Thank you and God Bless
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe. You are real hero for your bravery and sacrifices to our nation.
For our cherished and esteemed Veterans: please know that your personal courage and sacrifice to protect our great country and the freedoms it affords us have not been in vain. We celebrate and thank you on November 11 each year, and on every day we wake up to live as free people
Dear Veterans, My family and I wanted to thank you for your survice as well as your bravery. We are very grateful for your sacrifice. You are our heroes. Stay strong and be proud of the fact that you made this world a better place
I, like my fellow Veterans, remember the Veterans..!!
To all the veterans I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifices you made to keep our country free. You are not forgotten!
Without you Canada would be in a much worse place. We all thank you for your service.
Thank you for all your sacrifices so that we could live a wonderful life.
Words can not express my graditude for the sacrifices that you've all made which allow us to live with the freedom we have today My Sincere THANKS
You are our True Heroes who will
never be forgotten.
Thank you for your unwavering courage and sacrifice. Your dedication to protecting our freedoms and serving our country is truly inspiring. We honor your today and always, grateful for all you've done. Your are the heart of our nation.
Thanks to all veterans that risk their lives for there country. My husband is one of them. I have three sons serving now.
I am the proud son of a World War Two vet. We are forever indebted to you.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” — General Douglas MacArthur
Thank you for your service and sacrifices you and your families made so future generations would have a safer, more humane world. I am grateful to my veteran ancestors and their cohorts, they will not be forgotten in my family!
Heartfelt thanks for the tremendous selfless gift you gave so that so that we and our families can live free today with so many opportunities and in peace🫶🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
As the son of a World War 2 veteran whose father spent his last days in K Wing , I would just like to share the care and respect and dignity that the Centre offered him both as he lived out his last days and the honour guard that escorted him on his final Journey out.
My Dear Mother, was in the military and later in life, retired from it with honours. Since there was not a war in our country, she lived past the 90 years old. I am proud of her serving our country and in her memory, I am humbled by the heart and courage of our Canadian Veterans.
Thank you for your service to our freedom. I often remark how lucky I am to live in Canada - in a safe country, province, city, neighbourhood, and home. I know this is because of the folks who came before me, and the folks who continue to work hard to keep us safe. Thank you.
You have made our country safe and free. Thank you! I come from a family of war veterans and appreciate your sacrifices. Veterans Day is a very special day on our family.
Thank you for your service. You gave Canadians freedom because of your bravery. We will never forget the sacrifices you gave for us you’ve never met. Love to you forever.
Thank you for your bravery in defending our country. We are forever indebted to you and grateful for risking your lives.
Many many thanks again
While we all take so much for granted in our super busy everyday lives, we need to constantly remind ourselves how blessed we are to live in this amazing country that was so selflessly defended by our amazing veterans, Thank you for your service!
born in England at the outbreak of WW2, I have vivid memories of bombing raids and buzz bombs, both scary. I lost family fighting in various segments of the allied forces. I am eternally thankful for their and your sacrifices. NEVER AGAIN, sadly does not seem to resonate today.
My late father was with the Signal Corps of Engineers. It’s hard to believe that at such a young age, he joined with thousands of other young men, like you,
to serve our country. Thank you for your tremendous service to Canada, your sacrifice is never forgotten.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for your services to maintain our democratic values throughout the years. Due to your efforts we live in the greatest country on earth.
Words cannot adequately express the gratitude, but you are in my mind and prayers. Thank you
Thank you for your courage and for the sacrifice you made to keep Canada strong and free. My dad was an18 year old soldier during WW2. He wouldn’t share very much about his experience but I grew up proud of his contribution and that of other brave Canadian men & women then & now
Thank you for your service, your sacrifice in service of this country nobody will ever be forgotten
To our Veterans who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy freedom and a better life, thank you is not enough.
Your dedication remains palpable, profound and etched in our memories. Hope all future generations will receive education on what you did for this country. Thank you!
You have been my real heros all my life. Thank you for your sacrifice and service.
We are very fortunate to have had your service and loyalty to Canada. Your service means we live in a free country, respected around the world.
Thank you
My family and I are so grateful for the contribution of all our veterans. Our beautiful country and the rights and privileges we enjoy are in large part thanks to them and we can't thank you enough.
You are all heroes! We will never forget your sacrifices and service to our country. My father served in the RC Navy during WWII and I have so much love and respect for you all. Wishing you many blessings.
Thank you veterans - we owe our freedom and our lives to you. Words of thanks are just not enough. Sent with love and gratitude.
Thank you, Veterans, for your brave contribution! You have made it possible for those who followed you to lead good lives for many years. I am grateful that I am still enjoying my life with family and friends.
My father was a veteran and the courage and character you all have displayed for future generations is immeasurable We can never thank-you enough for the bravery and service you have shown. We will always remember
Our Fathers were veterans and we support you brave veterans for all you did for Canada
To our Canadian Veterans, I want to thank you so much for your service, I’m so thankful everyday for our freedom, because of you. God Bless
Thank you for all your work and the sacrifices you have made.I worked in Somalia in 1992-1993 with an NGO. We could not have done so without your support and protection. With your help we were able to save approx 500 children from starvation. God bless you all. Thank you!
Thank you for all of your service in protecting our democracy. Your efforts will never be forgotten.
Mere words cannot express how grateful I am for your service. The freedom I continue to have is due to your service in our armed forces. Thank you.
A thank you is never enough. 🇨🇦♥️
It is with sincere gratitude ,that those of us who enjoy all the Gifts Canada offers ,say thanks to those who like you who sacrificed so much . We should NEVER forget.
Thanks to all the Veterans. We appreciate all their sacrifices and courageous acts.
Thank you to all our Heroes that scarifies their own lives and their family lives to give us our freedom and for our future. this is the gifts that no money can buy. me and my family are very grateful and can not Thank you enough.
may GOD bless your soul and may you RIP.
To all of Canada’s Veterans, thank you for your unwavering sacrifice and dedication. Your courage has protected our freedoms and shaped our nation. We honor your bravery and commitment, and pledge to support you always. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
We thank you so much for your service. I enjoyed being a companion for a veteran at Sunnybrook and we would sing songs from the '40's together and I would wheel her down to the recreation are for special events 😊. Sunnybrook is a great place for our veterans
Thank you so very much Veterans! Without your sacrifice, there would be no us! ❤️❤️❤️
Many thanks for your sacrifice!
Without the veterans we would not have any freedom, we older people respect and honor the veterans, the young people has no clue, no respect and don't care. I myself cannot thank the veterans enough. We live in the best country because of the veterans.
To each and everyone of you. You are incredible and deserve all the love and happiness each and every day. Never forget how amazing you are.
Thank you for all you do. We appreciate your courage and sacrifice.
Because of your hard work and sacrifices, we get to live freely. Thank you so much for making Canada such a great place to proudly call home! We'll never forget and always give the highest respects to you our heros!
In memory of Sgt. Philip Bell, HastyP’s, Operation Husky WW II.
A heartfelt thank you to all 🇨🇦 who served and continue to serve 🇨🇦. I am a proud 🇨🇦 Canadian 🇨🇦 and it is because of your efforts that I am able to freedom in my everyday life. It is not perfect but I am proud for the privilege.
Thank you for your service to our country. You will not be forgotten.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the freedoms & liberties that you have given me due to your valiant service. I am humbled by all that you gave without asking for very little back.
Thank you for giving me and future Canadians opportunities that only come from great sacrifice. I will always remember.
Thank you. The sacrifice you and your family made is immeasurable.
To the many men and women who sacrificed, heartfelt thanks.
Thank you so much for fighting for our freedom and for sacrificing your lives for us.
The whole world appreciates you!
There are no words to express how much I can thank you for all you have done, your bravery and patriotism and sacrifice.
Thank you for fighting for us
Very proud of my father's role and the other veterans in the Canadian Services during WWII.
Thank you so much for your sacrifices for our country.
Thank you for fighting for Canada
Thank you for fighting for our freedom. I appreciate your sacrifice.
Dear Veterans, to the past and present women and men who so bravely defended our freedom I salute you. It is with gratitude I take this opportunity to thank you for your service, your courage and integrity. I am humbled.
Thank you for your sacrifice. Canada is one of the best countries in the world because we have men and women that help make us TRUE, NORTH and FREE.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all veterans for the sacrifices made so that we could all have and enjoy the freedoms we have today. Too all those who lost their lives or who lost limbs in order to have our freedoms, there are no words . Thank-you all.
Here in Canada we live a wonderful life because you of your unselfishness to go and fight evil that was sure to reach our shores if you had not. Our family will always be grateful to you and every soldier and animal that perished so we can have our freedom. Thank you
There are no words to describe how grateful I am for all that you gave of yourself to stand for our country.
Your courage, conviction, and hope led to the beautiful country I am blessed to live in.
I am humbled by all that you have given and given up for me and all Canadians.
A very warm and honored person I am to have Leslie Watson Howell a brave and true warrior who fought not only for his current country but the freedom of the many generations after. This exemplary man came be the best guider and supporter of his wife and children. I am blessed dad
I am a retired secondary school teacher and former Department Head of Canadian and World Studies. For many years I organized Remembrance Day assemblies at the school to commemorate the contributions made by our veterans. I am grateful to all our veterans for their sacrifice.
Thank you so so much for your service to our great country. You are much appreciated!
I'M PROUD OF MY HEROS, MANY OF THEM SACRIFIED THEIR LIVEs AND QUITE A FEW ARE IN FRONT OF US. They fulfilled their promise to this beautiful homeland by keeping us safe in our great
sovereign state,"Long live Canada".
We live in one of the best countries in the world and that is in no small part due to the sacrifices of our Veterans. Thank you for your selfless service!
Thanks to the courage and bravery of our veterans who made it possible for canadians to live in the worlds
greatest country. God bless them all.
We have made a donation to Sunnybrook's Veteran's Centre in memory of
07-Nov-1922 - 28-Oct-2022
When Kay was 21 years, she joined the Royal Canadian Navy. During most of her service she was stationed in Quebec City as Lead Wren.
I don't have the words other than thanks for your service and sacrifice.
Wishing peace, love and happiness. Phil
The concepts of valor and honour not have not been lost to time. Exemplified in the men and women who’ve served and sacrificed to give their countrymen & woman the freedom of choice, to live. These are values to aspire to & be. Good, honest & brave. I needn’t look far. Thank You.
All Canadians are grateful for what you did for our country and for our freedom as well as those you liberated. Thank you!
My Dad, now deceased, served in WW2 as a medic and "Radar" in Holland and Italy. Thank you for your service and to others like you who have allowed us to have the wonderful lives we now lead. You are never forgotten.
To our veterans thank you for your service. Your sacrifice and bravery will never be forgotten. In loving memory of my mom Isobel Duclos my thoughts and prayers are always with you
No words can express how thankfull we are for your service during WW11 to your country. Thank you. God bless
Thank you for all you have done for our Country. Hopefully, we will not let you down and preserve the democracy you fought so hard for in your youth.
Thank you for all you have done for our Country. Hopefully, we will not let you down and preserve the democracy you fought so hard for in your youth.
Thank you for your service and preserving our freedom.
Thank you, for your bravery, for your sacrifices, for doing all that you did so that we today can live our life’s in freedom. Unlike many other places were are able to make choices and decisions for positive change. We remember you not just today but Everyday
I am proud of my Dad and uncles who served in WW2 as well as a cousin in Afghanistan. I grew up in Pembroke, near the Petawawa military base. Will always be thankful for our members who serve and protect, away from home, putting their lives at risk to keep others safe.
Thank you for everything you have done for our wonderful country, Canada!!!
I would not be here today if it was not for you!!!
Saluting our veterans who risked their lives so we can enjoy ours. We are forever grateful for your sacrifices. Thank you!!!
Thank you to all the people who sacrificed so much to keep us safe from harm. I’m forever and best wishes to all of you
As the world struggles with authoritarian regimes, and abuses of women’s rights, we honour your courage. Thank you for giving us freedom and free speech. These are two blessings that some on our planet will never know. Today we honour all of you and your bravery Thank you.
Thank you to the greatest generation for your sacrifice and bravery, and for keeping our way of life for me personally as well as the generations that came after.
How can thank you possibly be enough? But, thank you, all of you. Your strength, courage and determination are beyond belief. You have been amazing role models, people I look up to. God bless you!
Dear Veterans,
I am grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made for us and our country. It is because of you our land is glorious and free. You are true heros in my eyes. I thank you for your loyalty and your patriotism. Please know you are never forgotten!
We thank you for all you do and continue to do for our country!
Today, I want to send my highest respect to our Veterans who had saved our lives. I also want to send my upmost respect to Sunnybrook's Veteran's Center and their staff who take care the Veterans.
Dear Veterans, We will never forget the sacrifices you have all made for our Country, God Bless you all. You are the Real Hero !
Thanks for your dedication, sacrifice and bravery keeping people our land and allies land safe and a better place for all.
As a veteran myself, and on behalf of my family, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of the brave men and women of this country who sacrificed so much for their country. God Bless each one of you wonderful people and please stay strong. LEST WE FORGET🌺🇨🇦
Words are heard to express the level of gratitude my family has for the freedom we have. Thank you.
Thank you for your strength and sacrifices. Peace and blessings to all.
Dear Veteran’s,
As a family, we cannot begin to express our gratitude to you for everything you have sacrificed for us as a nation. It does not go unnoticed but is not expressed often enough. Thank you to you all. With love, The Fitzpatrick Family
To Kenneth MacKay, you are my own WWII hero and veteran who served in the North Atlantic, aboard Canada's fleet of corvettes protecting us under tough and harsh conditions. Know full well that you are forever loved for your excellent service and dedication. Freedom forever!
Thank you very much for all you have done for our country. May we as citizens uphold what you fought for in your youth. Thank you again.
A heartfelt thank
A heartfelt Thank You for your
A heartfelt Thank You for your courage and sacrifice
Thank you to our veterans: men and women who've served this country with courage and commitment. You set the bar very high for the rest of us. You remind us all what it means to be brave, strong and true. You are our inspiration during these troubled times and you give us hope!
Thank you for your service.
We honour you for your service and sacrifice. Ubique.
I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I hold in my heart for our veterans.
Thank you for your gift to the world. We are as free as we can be because of your sacrifices. Be good to yourself, you certainly deserve it.
Many thanks to our veterans for all you have done. My grandfather, Joseph McCoy, volunteered in the first war and went to France in Feb 1917. He never returned. He was killed in August and lies in Villers au Bois cemetery near Vimy.
You who are still here are more fortunate
Thank you so much for your service in keeping us all safe and sound. I am proud to wear a red poppy every November in remembrance.
Thank you from the bottom of my give so much to give us our freedom and the best country of the whole world. I would encourage people to visit Normandy,Dieppe. It’s and unbelievably experience and a close encounter to history.God Bless you All. Thank you. Thank you
I want to thank all of you for being so brave and courageous and how you protected democracy in the European nation
and of course in Canada and the USA. If it wasn't for our Veterans, how safe would we be in Canada today?
Once again, we reach that special time of the year when we take the time to reflect on the past and thank our veteran population for all they have done to make our lives that much safer.
To the veterans that call Sunnybrook their home, "Thank you", for your service.
Due to your service and sacrifice, you have given our family the life and freedom we enjoy. Thank you. We are grateful.
Thank you will never be enough for your sacrifice and service.
Thank you so very much for your sacrifice. It has meant so much to me in my life. To know that you bravely and selflessly, kept us safe and strong is an enormous comfort. May you know you will never be forgotten.
It must feel good to have your sacrifices recognized and acknowledged. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. Praying you recover fast and well. Keep strong we are with you.
Thank you for standing up for democracy , for goodness, for faith that evil can be defeated, for your family, for my family , for all of us - so we can live in freedom. We will never forget the sacrifice you made. Thank you!
Veterans, Thank you for making the ultimate sacrafice with such courage and bravery. My sincere gratitude to all of you who have served for our country and our freedoms. Your contribution shall never be forgotten. God Bless all of you.
I am very proud of our veterans & they made canada very proud of them, Isupport the legionit is for a greatcause.I am very proud to be amember of branch547. Stand tall .the vets deserve it.
The sacrifices you made for our Country continue to impact our lives today - and will never be forgotten! You will be honoured FOREVER - thank you!
I would like to thank all those who have worked diligently to keep our country Canada democratic and free.
Of course, the veterans of war and peace keeping are first and foremost in our minds in Remembrance Month, but this also includes our politicians and activists.
God Bless you. Thank you for your service, dedication and love of this wonderful Country.
I will never truly understand the scope of the sacrifices you made for myself and so many others.
My children and I would not have the freedom and opportunities that we do without you and the many others who both risked and gave your lives for us. Thank you.
Because of you we live in a free, peaceful country.🇨🇦 Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your sacrifice to fight for our country. Your strength and bravery will forever be remembered and appreciated.
Thank-you for everything you have done to keep this country safe. I salute you and am forever indebted for your sacrifice. ❤️
My father, who turned 97 in April 22", served with the Royal Marines in WW2 at the age of 17! He is currently residing at Sunnybrook Vets Wing. Thank you to all the staff, nurses, doctors that care for my Dad, I sleep well at night knowing he is getting the best care possible!
We are blessed to live in this country. We often take for granted the freedom we have. This freedom is possible only because of the brave men and women who were willing to fight and even die to defend it.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for your service.
Thank you so much for risking your lives so we may enjoy the freedom we have today. Canada is one of the best nations in the world due to your sacrifice. I hope you realise just how many of us feel indebted to you and it makes you smile knowing that.
I am thankful for the brave hearts who have given their all for the freedom of all settlers on Turtle Island.
Thank you for all you have done. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service
I have been so fortunate to never have personally experienced war. As I watch the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, I have a sense of the horrors you experienced and am so grateful for the sacrifices you made so that I can live in a free and peaceful country. Thank you.
Thank you for all your sacrifices to keep us safe.
Thank you for your sacrifices, too many to count. The sacrificing didn't end with the end of serving, as I know it is impossible to "unsee" what you saw while serving. Saying thank you for the freedom you have provided seems rather hollow, but I say it with sincerity.
This Remembrance Day, I would like to thank all the Living / Deceased Veterans for keeping Canada strong and free ! God Bless you and your families.
Many thanks for your sacrifice and for your service. You have made Canada and the world a better place.
We would like to thank all of our veterans for their incredible service and sacrifice in so many theaters of action. Your courage and humanity are remembered and appreciated.
We would also like to send a special shout-out to our Blue Lake neighbor, Jack Miller.
I was born and bred in Canada. I am a very proud Canadian and this is due to your valiant efforts to keep our country free. Thank you, thank you, we really do care.
CThank you to all our veterans across Canada wh0 sacrificed so much for us.
Thank you immensely to all of the veterans still with us and to those we have lost for all their sacrifices made to help secure a better future for myself and for future generations. I also want to say thank you to the families of all veterans.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your commitment, for your bravery, and for your determination to fight for what is right. You suffered in ways I cannot imagine and I am sure lost many friends. You will always have my respect and will never be forgotten.
I too take care of our veterans a a volunteer in K wing I truly admire them and their desire to live a thankful life!
Thannk-you so much for everything you have done for us the the sacrifices you made. You have set a wonderful example for your fellow Canadians.
Here in Canada we have passed the third generation that does not have the spectre of a world war hanging over them. That blessing for millions of lives is due to the sacrifices of the men and women who call Sunnybrook home. Thank you to all of them and the staff that help them.
On various Government ordinances Canadian soldiers participated in various world wars for human rights and human survival. Our veterans deserve 'Hooray' and respect and whatever we can do for the in this Remembrance day.
Thank you to all veterans for your sacrifice
and service. We will always remember. the
I was named after my father's oldest brother who died in the WW1 trenches at the age of 22. My father spent 5 years overseas in WW 2. He died in Sunnybrook Veterans at the age of 95. Veterans will always be honored and remembered. My uncles medal and tags hang on my office wall.
You placed us and the country before yourselves!!! Thank you for this sacrifice and the honor of your legacy in our hearts!!!!
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The memory of theses fallen soldiers will remain with this nation forever. They are timeless and evergreen.
We Give thanks to God for Each and everyone, and for those who have participated in helping individuals in every aspect of our lives, so ❤ will carry us through, we have to always believe, and Trust, and stay focused, confident, courageous, positive, good Attitude, with love,
First of all, let me say thank you to God/Jesus for each and every one of you, for your bravery, courage, strength, Protection, caring, love, and inspiration. Thank you so much for fighting for our freedom. I wish all the Veteran's, and their families all the best. Thank you.
May Sunnybrook Health Sciences and Veterans Centre always stand as a permanent memorial to all Canadians who served during WW2 and to preserve their legacy for our current and future military members serving. I remember our Vets with dignity, tears and gratitude for our freedom.
I struggle with words because "Thank you" seems so little when I think of all that was sacrificed. Because of people like you, veterans and those who died, I grew up in a country of freedom and liberties. As a retired teacher, I tried to instill these same feelings. Thank you!
Thank you all for your bravery and service.
Because of your ultimate sacrifice we are all here today.
Thank you for your service, your bravery and your sacrifice.
Thank you ❣️ without you, we will not be here.
With gratitude for the sacrifices that all made to bring peace to our world. For the families you left here at home. For the brothers and sisters who were by your side who did not come home. Your valiant service will always be remembered.
I lived in London during the war, where we found the Canadian troops always kind and cheerful. It was encouraging to see soldiers from such a long way a way.
We appreciate and thank you for the effort you made in making our country great and for the freedom and liberties we enjoy today
I'm so grateful for your service to our country and to the world. You are never forgotten on Remembrance Day and everyday!
Thank you so much for your work keeping our country safe . My Dad and grandfather were both war veterans. My grandfather was at The Battle of the Somme and my father a World War ll Canadian Air Force Squadron Leader. My family has great respect for you all. Thank you.
What an amazing gift you gave to those of us who did not serve. Thank you for your courage and perseverance through difficult circumstances. Bless you.
Thank You so much for all you did for us my dad was a merchant marine. He was so proud to serve his country as all of you were Thank you so much
To each and every veteran I thank you for your service. You sacrificed everything to protect our country and each Canadian. Your dedication snd bravery made the Canada of today possible. I, for one, am so grateful. I love the Canada you helped create.
Thank you for your sacrifice and everything you have done for our country and future generations of Canadians.
With profound thanks and gratitude for the sacrifices you have all made for our freedom. Thank you for your service!
Thank you for protecting our freedoms so bravely. We prosper today because of your sacrifices.
I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Both you and your families made many sacrifices everyday. Words alone are not enough to express my heartfelt gratitude.
We thank you for your love of our country and keeping us all safe and free!
You are certainly our heroes!!
May God Bless you all!!
I wanted to say thank you for being brave in life and standing up for our freedom.
Your unconditional sacrifice and love to our country will always be in the hearts of all Canadians. Thank you so much!!
Your contribution to Canada in protecting our freedom has been critical......Its value is incalcuable.
sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for the courage and sacrifice you have made for the Canadians of all generations💝🙏🙏
Thank you for your outstanding service and your courage in doing so.
From All of My Heart
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! My Father served in WW2 ,RCVNR north Atlantic.
God BlessYou and all who served with You !
In this World, some human beings are born to serve humanity. The primary aim of a human being is to serve humanity. The war veterans chose to do just that knowing very well what they are getting into. When the time comes they do not hesitate supreme sacrifice for a NOBLE cause.
We owe everything to you ! We are forever grateful for all of the sacrifices you have made on our behalf, for the sake of or freedom. You will never be forgotten! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
May G-d bless you ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for all you did and for all the sacrifices you made. We will not forget.
We can never give you back what you have lost protecting us. But we can always thank you from our heart for the sacrifices you have made for us!
My heart is full of love and respect for our Veterans who fought to give us freedom. Bless all who served.
Thank you for ALL that you have done to make life better for every Person living in Canada. You will always be our HEROES.
To say thank you doesn’t seem like enough. Your strength and determination through utter peril is remarkable. You will never be forgotten. You are extraordinary and loved. And yes...thank you!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️ you're the true heroes guarded the people and the country!
I taught my children that people fought and died for us to have freedom. When they were young I took them to meet the Veterans, to shake their hands and say thanks. When I vote, I think of the sacrifices made for us to have that right. Thank you from my heart!
may g' give you good health and many years of life.......thankyou thankyou so much for what you have done to maintain humanity and make the world a safe place
Thank you to all of our veterans, your spouses and families. Your sacrifices, patriotism and commitment to freedom will always be remembered. We honour you every day.
To the veteran residents of Sunnybrook, thank you thank you thank you for your part during the second world war, and since, trying to protect the western world from the evil on display at the time and which once again, seems to be overwhelming us.
We know that you give our VETERANs wonderful care, however, as veterans in our 80's, if we were to require a nursing home, how does ones access this facility?
To All Veterans,
Thank you to each and every one of you that served our country. Your bravery and selfishness is greatly appreciated each and every day. I can only imagine what you went through and how brave you were to serve. Thank you for the bottom of my heart. XOXO
Thanks so much for all you sacrificed for the future of this beautiful country, we are all so grateful!
Thank you for supporting our country, Canada, in so many different ways and in different countries. It means so much to me as my father was also a Veteran of WWII. I wear the poppy proudly every year
to remember all the sacrifices made by all Veterans. Thank you!!!
Thank you so very much for your services. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed. Canada is a safer place because you cared enough to serve.👏💕👍😍
Honoring each veteran personally means we honour their courage and input; and will continue to monitor education and policies in regards to Canada's democracy.
Thanks for your selfless act and contribution you've made for us. Your bravery is something to be admired. God continue to shower you with a multitude of blessings
Thank you, you are remembered.
I visited Al Bacon when he was at the Veteran's Centre. It was a wonderful place, and I also met some of Al's friends. Our veterans deserve our heartfelt gratitude and respect. I hope all the residents are keeping well, and know that we think highly of them.
Thank you for your courage and bravery to have fought through the past wars and more recent conflicts standing up for your country 🇨🇦 ‼️ and fighting our enemies so that we are able to enjoy our daily freedom.
Thanks for all you gave up at home to go overseas to fight to protect us.It is much appreciated and I will be forever grateful
I’m very grateful to our veterans who sacrificed their lives so that we could have peace and freedom today. THANK YOU!
We will be forever grateful for all that you have done so that we may live such a peaceful life.
Hello, veterans. It's a beautiful fall day and I am thinking of how very lucky I am to be able to share this beautiful day with my family knowing everyone is safe and free and is thanks to you and your brothers and sisters in arms I am so very grateful for your sacrifice for all
Canada's Veterans sacrificed so much for our country.
Three cheers for the valiant Veterans!
My thanks to all Veterans for your service through all wars and Police actions
We get to live in freedom because of the sacrifices strong men and woman made. I am forever grateful for their service. We would not be able to live the way we do without these heroes
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for us, it means a lot.
Your help and sacrifices will always be remembered in our hearts :)
Thank you for all the time, support and effort the staff at Sunnybrook gave me. My recovery was smooth. I am very appreciative.
Thank you for your service and dedication to this beautiful country. We will never forget.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
Thank you for protecting the country and the people with your life. On this special day, I pay tribute to you and wish you good health, peace and joy!
Thank you for your service. Our freedoms today are the result of your sacrifices.❤️🇨🇦
Even though our rights and freedoms are now slowly being eroded or taken away, I want to thank you from my heart for the price you've paid and actions you took then, to ensure those freedoms in the first place. Thank you.
THANK YOU!! For giving your tomorrows for our today! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A very big thank you to all the veterans who risked their life to make Canada strong and free.
Thank you! You have made a positive difference for us and for generations to come!
Thanks for all you did for us , you sacrificed a lot to keep this country is good for all of us , 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️
Thankyou for your courage and sacrifice to keep our country safe.
Thank you for your service and sacrifices made in the name of freedom and our country. God bless you.
You are our heroes. We will never forget the sacrifices you made.
Thanks a lot for the sacrifices
Thank you for your courage & sacrifice. Your contribution to ensuring peace & security will never be forgotten
Thanks you for your undeniable sacrifices.
Thank you for everything that you have contributed to keeping us safe and free. Without you this world would be a very dark place to live in. God bless you all!
Hi this is Sheila Cave. I don't forget about you all.
Dad was a WW II vet.
Spent several months at Sunnybrook in the 60"s. Staff was wonderful. I'll always remember the gentle care xx
We thank you more than words can say! Thank you for your sacrifice, pain and awful memories that have given us the freedom we enjoy! God be with you!
Dear Veterans: I am a 76-year old (I'm a youngster!) Canadian-born non-veteran who has been able to enjoy the freedoms, benefits and happiness of living in this nation thanks to your efforts and actions! I honour you and I will always honour your sacrifices made on my behalf.
Thank you for your service and supporting the Canadian way of life
Thankyou for your great sacrifices and courage . We thankyou eternally for your courageous contribution to human society in judtified self defence
And war. Two of my late uncles were world war 2 vets. God Bless you all. Men and Women.
Thank you Veterans for doing your part in saving the world from tyranny and preserving our freedom.
I visited the beaches of Normandy this fall. I know the history but Being there brought a whole new sobering reality to it all.
It was a dramatic reminder of the courage and sacrifice of all of those who served, there, then and elsewhere.
Thank you for your service.
I visited the beaches of Normandy this fall. I know the history but Being there brought a whole new sobering reality to it all.
It was a dramatic reminder of the courage and sacrifice of all of those who served, there, then and elsewhere.
Thank you for your service.
To all the courageous veterans. Thank you for all your sacrifices for our country! We will forever remember.❤
Thank so much for your sacrificial service to help keep our country free
The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord cause His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His face to you,
And give you peace.’
Thank you for all you have done. May Peace Blessings and Love be with you all.
Thank you for sharing your courage and love of peace for all.Sunnybrook is a special place for taking care and honouring each and every veteran.
In the begining Gotta creat. For in the End there is no other. But by auitem. Our shelter. Has. Rooftop.
Thank you all, so very, very much, for your service! We all love you all, so very, very much! G-d bless everyone! 💜❤️
So Grateful to be here, loving and living the life I live because of your selfless bravery. Thank you.
My mother & father had to survive the horror of a WW. The death & destruction would have been much worse if not for the our veterans. We thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
I an sure it has been said before but it always bears repeating. Your selflessness is what makes us as free as we are today. Thank you very much.
Thanks to the Canadian Veterans.
Thank you so much for your service to our country. I greatly appreciate all you have done for all of us.
It's easy to take for granted everything we have these days, but without the contributions of brave and dedicated people like you, we would not have as much as we do. Thank you.
Forever gratitude for your sacrifices and heroism. Thank you, for all you gave towards a peaceful future.
I believe in supporting veterans. I was born after W.W ll. I know many soldiers sacrificed their lives and health for our generation. Rembrance Day
is your special day. Also to pay our respect to you. Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your sacrifice. Should never be forgotten.
We are all beholden to you all for your courage and fortitude in the face of the horrors of war. We cannot show enough appreciation. G*d bless and keep you.
Thank you for your selfless act of answering the call to duty and to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our future.
Thank you so much for being part of a world war which lead to a better world for me and my children. I will never forget and I am always grateful.
Thank you for all you have endured in the cause of freedom.
My father in law served overseas in England during the 2nd ww
When he could no longer stay in his home he stayed at Sunnybrook veterans wing where he received excellent care and enjoyed walking the grounds of Sunnybrook. Thank all of you for your service.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all of your sacrifices that have enabled me and all Canadians to live in a country full of peace and freedom. My students learn about you every year. You will never be forgotten and we will forever be grateful.
Thank you for your sacrifices! Canadians everywhere are living better lives because of you. You truly inspire us due to your immense strength and courage. Much love and best wishes to you and your families.
Thank you for all you did for us.
Thank you for your dedicated service to this great country. Because of your sacrifice, Canadians have freedom and a quality of life that is second to none.
Thanks for your Sacrifice! We owe you our freedom! God bless
Thank you for your service. You are brave and strong
I am very honoured and proud and grateful for those who fight for us God bless you and yours
You risked your bodies, hearts and minds for us and we are forever grateful.
I am the son of an officer in the Royal Regiment of Canada. Dad fought in Normandy in 1944 until a Moaning Minnie shell ended his service (and nearly his life). The service of him, and so many others, can never be forgotten.
Thank you for all of your selfless actions that helped give Canadians the wonderful and free life we enjoy today. You will always be remembered.
God bless you for everything that you did and the service to others will not be unrecognized.
Thank you for stepping up and serving your country so that we at home can live long and peaceful lives.
We are so grateful to you and all the brave men and women who came before you. Thank you.
I am forever grateful for the sacrifices that you have made for the safety and freedom of all Canadians. You have paid a dear price on our behalf, and for this, I will hold you in my heart always.
I am sure many people do not realize the very valuable sacrifices that all veterans have made to protect our democratic system and our freedoms. My grandfather was a veteran of WW1 and Canada's Armed Forces made huge sacrifices at that time. As they have ever since. Thank you.
Good Morning to ALL of Canada's VETERANS,
I THANK ALL THE VETERANS for all you did to keep Canada Strong and Free. You are always in our prayers. We cannot THANK you enough for all you sacrificed unselfishly for us. Love You All!
We shall always remember the sacrifices you made, the courage and bravery you showed to keep our country strong and free; there are no words to describe our deep feelings of love and caring for our veterans during this season of Remembrance. May God bless you all.
Thank you fir all you have done and continue to do It is and will always be appreciated
Both of our parents served. Kathy's father made a career of the Royal Air Force after joining up during WWII. My father also served during the war. So we have an idea of what the Vets have done for us all.
Thank you for our veterans, our heroes, who made so much sacrifices so that Canada is a better place to live and to have peace on Earth.
Thank you for your dedication and service. Without people like you we would not have the freedoms we enjoy have and the wonderful country of Canada as we know it. Thanks again.
The words "thank you" hardly seems enough for all you did for our country and the world. I was born at the end of the war so never knew what it was like to grow up with war being fought but I have known many veterans who paid a high price for my/our freedom. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
So thankful to each of you for the sacrifices you made for our country and all of us who depended on you, sometimes without even being sufficiently aware of the true weight of those sacrifices. Bless you.
Thank you Father for being in the Canadian Navy!!!
Thank you for fighting for our freedom.
You are true heros.
Thank you for your service. Without you brave men and women we all would not be here today !!!
Thanks to your sacrifices, we Canadians continue to enjoy our wonderful freedom. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
I am so very grateful for your selflessness and bravery defending our great nation. You have served our country and our citizens in so many important yet different ways. I know from my father and husband that you do so quietly and humbly. Thank you!
Thanks for your service and peacekeeping on behalf of Canada.
I am not very eloquent at writing down my feelings, but I do want to thank you for your service to Canada.
So grateful for the bravery of people like you that fought for the freedoms we enjoy today! Thank-you for your service! Lest we forget
So grateful for the bravery of people like you that fought for the freedoms we enjoy today! Thank-you for your service! Lest we forget
I am very very grateful for people like You who care enough to go and physically Fight for our Freedoms.
You will never be Forgotten. ❤
Bravo to our life savers, u r the best
As yet another November 11th approaches, I reflect on how fortunate we are for all the men and women who fought and sacrificed to keep Canada strong and free. My father served with the Air Force in World War 2. Thank you for your service and I will wear my poppy with pride!
I can't thank you all enough for your bravery and stamina willing to give your life in exchange for our freedom. Every remembrance day no matter, I stop...and thank you all...and say...bless every soul..
I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for your sacrifice, for your valor and protecting our rights and freedoms. Each and every single one of you are a blessing sent from our father and i am beyond grateful to have the privalge to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I want you to know that I have appreciated your service ever since I can remember. Your dedication, sacrifice, and bravery are a beautiful legacy
for all Canadians. Every Canadian flag and every poppy show our gratitude to you. May life be kind to you and yours,
Thank you for your service, bravery and courage. It is very much appreciated.
Our most precious heros. I cant imagine what you gave up for us. The memories you carry,the physical & mental pain. You deal with what the war left in you while we have the joy of being safe and free. I share this with my great grandchildren and we often give gratitude for you. A
Thanks to all of the Veterans for their bravry and sacrifices given to keep our country strong
Good day. This is the time of year that the entire country of Canada says thank you to you all. I want you to know how much we appreciate you and how we say actually thank you every day of the year. You’ve done so much for us all. We can only repay you with love and respect.
I was born 1948, too late to experience your horror firsthand, but close enough to understand. You weren't just soldiers defined by bravery, selflessness. You were real people who left families and your own lives behind. They too were immense sacrifices never to be lost on us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating freedom that brought my parents from the Ukraine so I could grow up and have my child grow up in a country as great as Canada. Your act of bravery is far reaching.
Thank you for your service! My Father and Grandfather both served (my father actually lived in Sunnybrooke Veterans' wing for the last few years of his life. I cant tell you how much you all mean to our family. God Bless.
There are no words that can express the Gratitude that I have as a Canadian for the sacrifices that you made to give us our freedom and the great country that we live in today!
Thank you so much for all that you did and continue to represent. We would not have all of our tomorrows without your yesterdays
Your sacrifices will not be forgotten. All I can say is Thank You from myself, my family and children. We are all grateful. I am also proud my grandpa was amongst you, but I am aware the rest of our family has not had to make the same sacrifices in part because of your service.
My friends
For your dedication and sacrifice, we Canadians are living so comfortably now. Thanks to all of you.
As the son of a deceased veteran I feel compelled to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of you faithful veterans who willingly gave your life for the freedom of our country and our fellow citizens. May God be with you always
Thank you to all of you who have supported, protected and sacrificed for all of us to keep our country strong and free. Truly appreciated in more ways than words can express. ❤️ Canadians
Thank you for being our guardians during a very scary period. Without fanfare or applause you got the job done. Thank you for our freedom.
With gratitude for your service to our country on Veterans Day and always. · Thinking of you on Veterans Day, and thanking you for all you did for our country. Thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice for this country.
To all the Veterans who have fought so bravely through the many wars. I salute you, not only on Veterans Day but I am reminded that your sacrifices have enabled the people of Canada and some other nations to be able to live in countries that are
free and without conflict.🙏🇨🇦
Thank you for your service.
Our Nation owes you a debt of gratitude.
Thank you for your service, our country loves you.
Special and Grateful Thanks to All the Veterans, who fought and gave their lives for our Freedom. Continued Blessings to those still alive. ❤️ 💖.
Thank you so much for your bravery and sacrifices to give the rest of us our freedom. Bless you and keep well.
It's so long ago, and for some, like yourselves, possibly so close at the same time. I was born at the tail end of WW2, in London, so a special thanks 2u
Thank you for your sacrifices in defense of our freedom and way of life. You are all heroes.
Let’s remember, Today’s peace from Veteran's service.
You are always in my thoughts and heart.
You are our heroes. Wish you all the best
Thank you for your service. Because of you and your efforts we live in a free country now. God bless.
We truly appreciate that you served our country - thank you. And know that your rights and needs are criteria that are considered when we vote - you have NOT been forgotten. 3
The 3 Symons boys were WWII fighter bomber pilots, they mentioned little until later on, me and mine appreciate all you have done.
Thank you respected veterans for your brave and heroic deeds in sacrificing your lives under all dangerous and perilous war situations to protect our country and people from harm, and restore peace to the world!
Thank you, I am praying for you
I’m a veteran also but I always take the time to honour all veterans
I worked I. The admissions and discharge section in sunnybrook hospital a long time ago I was 21 and sometimes i had to take some papers over to the veterans section and I’d stop and talk them and heard some very interesting stories and god bless them and praised them
This Remembrance Day, we are thankful for your sacrifice and courage in the fight for freedom. We continue to understand and learn about the conditions that you faced during war and the long-lasting effects that war has on veterans. We are eternally grateful for your service.
Thank you for your service to our country and others. You will always be remembered.
War is never glamorous as they portray in the movies . All you men that fought for our freedom are deeply appreciated for the sacrifices you made , the suffering you endured and the atrocities you witnessed . My family and I are deeply grateful for your service .
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May God Bless you and your families always.
Thank you so much for your courage and bravery. It will never be forgotten.
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May Did Bless you and your families always.
Your sacrifices to bring freedom and peace to the world is undeniable. It took strong and brave men and women like you to undertake such arduous task.
for this I thank you. May Did Bless you and your families always.
On this Remembrance Day, thank you for your service & sacrifices so that we can live in a free country. I'm grateful & respectful of all you have done for us & our nation. Thank you for your great personal sacrifice. Remembering you always.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for your service & sacrifices to keep Our Great Canada safe. May God bless you all a hundredfold.
No words are enough to express my gratitude to our heroic veterans for your sacrifices in keeping our great country safe. THANK YOU
Thank you all a million times over for the sacrifice that you have made for our Country. Without your selflessness we would not enjoy the quality of the lives we live today. Hopefully, we will live in such a way as to honour your sacrifice. Again, thank you.
A heart felt thank you for the sacrifices, the courage and the bravery in your service given for the freedoms we now enjoy as Canadians. God bless you.
I always praise the greatness of living in Canada. I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy it's greatness.
We will never forget the sacrifices you have made for all Canadians. Every time I see you in the hallways or outside on my visits, I always think I am walking amongst HEROES! What an honour it is to see you and smile at you even with just our eyes for now! 😷
There is not enough words to say you to all of them for their duty i am honered that they serverd
Thank you too all the people who were brave enough to stand up for our great country!!!👍😊🎉🍻
To Canada's Veterans. I thank you for your Service. Canada is safe & Prosperous because of you.
All Canadians thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Thank you so much for all your sacrifices to keep Canada strong & free!
thank you for your war service for Canada. you will always be remembered.
My Dad was a Veteran in WWII. You and many men and women like you will be remembered always for sacrificing your youth, your relationships and own safety and future for ours. My family are legion members. Thank you for your courage!!!
Many many thanks for what you did for our country. If we enjoy a peaceful Canada now we largely owe it to you and your bravery and we will never forget it.
As a grandson of a WW2 and Korean War veteran I cannot thank all of you enough for your sacrifice and dedication to our country. You are the greatest generation this country has and ever will see!
Your service to our country is appreciated and honoured always and you are remembered in my prayers.
Thank you very much for your service to help protect Canadians and other citizens around the world. God bless you!
To the many men & women who have served our great country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who paid the ultimate price and to those who survived. Your service will never be forgotten as noted by a “poppy” permanently affixed to my motorcycle.
While I did not experience the ravages of WWII, my parents and grandparents did in the most real way. My father immigrated to Canada in 1955 and the rest of the family followed late 1959, it would not have been possible without our veteran's sacrifice, I am so grateful.
Thank you so much for your heroic actions. Praying for you.
My wife, Abby and I would like to say thank you for your services that you provided for us to keep our country safe for us, our children and for our grandchildren.
Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. We are able to life on a free country because of your heroism.
Forever Gratitude.
I and my family thank you for your sacrifice. Leaving family and friends, to go where and when you are/were needed. You have made the world a better place. May God bless you with peace and joy.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for contributing to build a future for us, our kids and generations to come.
You are heroes! My family and I are so grateful for the sacrifices you made for future generations.
You are the bravest People in the whole world. Try to have a wonderful life from now on. I am so proud of all of you.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the service and sacrifices you have made. I am able to live free and in peace because of you and all other veterans. I owe you a debt of gratitude and will never forget. God Bless you all.
First of all I would like to thank you for everything you have done for our country ! You put your guns in hand and said he’ll no this is Canada my home Landon’s were sent off to battle. All of you are heroes in my eyes and I want you to know you have hearts of puresteel anpowder
I admit this fact. That Canada's veterans have sacrificed so much on every front. Great bravery has been shown with sacrifice. The sacrifices of ex-servicemen are written in golden words on the pages of patriotic history. Their achievements and bravery
Now over 150 years of freedoms that were given to us by these brave people that loved their country and fellow men enough to give their lives to fight for what they believed in... OUR FREEDOMS and rights to live in a country that allows freedom of association without fear to die.
You put yourself at a risk far beyond what I have ever taken or may have been willing to take to protect my rights and freedoms. May your efforts flourish as the seeds that become mighty trees.
To the veterans!
There is peace now because you sacrificed selflessly. You put your foot a head for us and to us we take you as our heroes. We cerebrate you, we cherish you.
You are true legends and we are always inspired by the memories!
We always pray for you.
I too am a veteran in the Navy,and also a Doctor.I am delighted to send this message of gratitude to you Heroes who fought in a difficult War.I was in a peacetime Military and I have High Thanks and Gratitude for your sacrifice.
I respect your commitment for Canada.
It is because of you that I have the freedom to volunteer at the Royal Canadian Legion so that I can repay my neverending debt to you the Canadian Veteran.
Thank you for keeping Canada safe
Thank you for your strength and bravery to fight for freedom and against tyranny. Canadians and Canada is so lucky to have had you as part of its armed forces.
Dear Veterans, thank you so much for your time, energy and years of service to fight a brutal war and enemy and allow us to live in freedom. Your bravery is never forgotten and we celebrate you each Nov 11th. May God continue to watch over you and keep you safe.
I thank you and believe in each and every one of the veterans that served not only in the wars but with peace keeping missions across the world. My thanks goes out to you. The world is a better place, because you were in it.
Thank you for your service & dedication to your country. It is very much appreciated. Your bravery during your service & now with your health is commendable. Keep fighting 💕
Thank for giving me the freedom of living in Canada, my adopted land. I am grateful for your participation in giving us that opportunity. I wish you well and much good heath at Sunnybrook. Tell the nurses that you deserve the best.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your loyalty and commitment to the preservation of the rights and freedoms of Canadian’s in that time and for generations to follow like myself . Thank you and you are loved and appreciated not just today but every day .
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for us and your country
I hope you had a good life when you returned, you certainly deserved it.
Thank you, thank you and may God Bless you.
Thank-you to our veterans, for their service, and sacrifice. Our heroes have made our cities and Country what it is today.They deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. It is our duty and responsibility to honour them, we must continue to fight for the strength, pride and freedom
Words cannot express my gratitude to you and all veterans, for the sacrifices that you made. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Canada is a better place because of you. God bless!
No words can suffice our appreciation of the ultimate sacrifice you have given so that populations can breathe freedom and live happy lives.
To all the veterans out there… we salute you! Thank you to our military and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep our country safe and strong.
Thank you for being so brave. Thank you for helping your country. Thank you for fighting for freedom. You made this world a better place for me and my children to live. I know that the war created memories never to be forgotten. My father was in the Air Force squadron.
Thank you for everything you’ve done.
Thank you, our great heroes, for the sacrifices you made for our country and for us! We would not be living the freedom we have now if not for you! We shall forever be eternally grateful!
Thank you for everything you sacrificed for our country and it’s people. You make us proud every day.
Thank you for making Canada what she is, for making her a priority in your life!
Thank you for you’re service and sacrifice to protect our freedom! We all appreciate it.
Thank you for your service and all you had to sacrifice so we may walk free
And speak our minds.
Thanks to you men and women for all you gave to keep our country free and democratic. I volunteered at the Centre until the pandemic came, and I enjoyed the time I spent with the vets. Keep well and have all earned it.
Thank you so much for sacrificing so much to protect Canada. We are most grateful for your service.
Thank you to all the veterans who have sacrificed so much to protect our right to freedom. We are forever grateful for all you have done to defend our country and it’s citizens. You will never be forgotten.
Thankfully for your sacrifice to keep Canada strong safe and making better world
Dear Sunnybrook Veterans , Just want to say how much we appreciate all that you did for us during the Second World War in order for Canadians to be strong and free. Want to express a huge thank you for your services and know that we care about you and have not forgotten you.
May your soul be filled with the deep gratitude, that all Canadians express for the freedom of our country. We are forever indebted to you.
Our world is a better place thanks to all of your efforts. Your sacrifices are not forgotten but remembered with many thanks
Thank you for fighting for our freedom. May God bless you.
To all veterans at the Sunnybrook facility and around the world!
You are an inspiration to all of us, your life and sacrifices during the war deserves praise. I am elevating my gratitude on your behave, to Almighty God, to bless all and to THANK YOU with all my heart, Love&Peace
Thank you, dear veterans!
Thank you and may God truly bless you for all you did to fight for our freedom. I truly am grateful, even if my generation doesn't know what it was like to have to fight for it. I personally have seen Auschwitz-Birkenau, and your sacrifice should be more recognised. Much love!
Thank you for your effort, for sacrificing yourself for the freedom of all the Canadian people. you are my heroes, our example to follow...
To all the veterans living and past, thanks for your contribution however large or small. You acted when called upon, God Bless
Thank you for all that you have done for our country. We owe so much to you for peace in Canada. I have worked in the Salon doing hair for lots of Veterans and saw that
you have beautiful and great spirits which glows in smiles. Thank you for everything
Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country! You’re all in my thoughts today.
I truly continue to be amazed at your heroic sacrifices. At 80 years old my gratitude continues to grow. In High School I had a teacher named Col. MacMillan who was a survivor of the Hong Kong POW’s. Only when I left school did I read of that story. Any survivor went through HELL
Thank you and God Bless to all our Canadian War Veterans, who travelled to unknown Countries in the name of peace to defend us all.
To all veterans words cannot say enough of thank you what you have done for your country we are truly blessed to enjoy the freedom you have given us today.
Bless you all.
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for your bravery, for protecting us and for defending our rights. May God bless you all.
Thank you for your strength, dedication and service you have provided and continue to provide so that we as a people, and a country have the freedoms and peace we enjoy without thinking twice. Your dedication and service are appreciated. We appreciate you. Thank you 🕊
Thank you for your services. My father served in the navy.We are very lucky to live in Canada because of people like yourselves and others who kept us safe.
Thank you so very much for your bravery and commitment to Canada and it’s freedom!!! Without you and others like you who knows where we’d be today!!! I’m grateful for what you gave up for the good of our country and the people who call it home!!!
Thank you for your service I had several relatives in the Second World War including my father all is much appreciated
You are the most courageous citizens in our great country.
My late father was a WWII veteran and his many war-time experiences relayed to his children and grandchildren gave life and perspective to real world events. Not passive fictionalized war-based movies as we munch on snacks, but first hand accounts of death and bravery.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for all that you have done to protect our freedom.
We are all indebt of their sacrifices! I can't imagine a World where Hitler and company were triumphant! God bless all those young brave souls!
Thank you for your all the sacrifices you make to all of us. My father was a soldier in the second world war and the Korean wars. He was a strong caring person and he passed away at Sunnybrook's hospital in 2000. He had a stroke and I am grateful for all the care he received.
we can not thank you folks enough for your courage, strength, intelligence and bravery for loving your country and its citizens for participating in past wars. We can only hope that the world will stay peaceful.
I want to thank all our veterans for the sacrifices they made so that we can keep our free country.
I am old enough to remember WW II when the son of a neighbour did not come home. Our family still remember him, at the same time thinking of all of you who stepped up to serve when the call went out again. We Canadians are in your debt and thank you for all you have done for us
I understand the sacrifice that you have made to help make our country a great place to live. Thank you for everything that you have sacrificed.
Many thanks to all those Veterans who sacrificed so much for our freedom…May you be forever Blessed.
To those who have served and to those who continue to serve, thank you for your bravery, strength and sacrifice.
Thank you for all that you have done
We owe our lives and our opportunity for the life we live to all of you.
My heart felt thank you to each and everyone of you.
I hope you are being looked after with the level of care and kindness that each of you deserve.
Thank you very much for the sacrifice you made for our country. We are forever grateful.
Dear veterans. Thank you very much for all your sacrifices in the wars to keep our country safe and keep the world a better place. I admire people like you who have the courage to fight for peace in battles fields. Sincerely, David Yung, Toronto.
We owe our lives and our opportunity for the life we live to all of you.
My heart felt thank you to each and everyone of you.
I hope you are being looked after with the level of care and kindness that each of you deserve.
Thank you does not seem enough for the immense gratitude I have for everything that you did for us. Putting yourselves at risk to protect our freedom is the true meaning of a HERO! Thank you for everything you did to keep us safe and living in a great country like Canada 🇨🇦.
I wish to thank all of you so very much for your bravery, selflessness, loyalty to your country and indeed mankind.
Your efforts to bring peace to the world came at an unbelievable price. You were all so young when you went overseas. It brings tears to my eyes. THANK YOU 😘
Thanks for your support and diligence over the years allowing residents of our country to maintain fulfilling lives in the greatest country in the world.
From mine and our hearts,
God bless.
Thank you for your scarifies and services to our country, so we can enjoy peace, democracy and freedom.
Thank you for your service. Your act of service and integrity does not go unnoticed 365 day a year. Thank you
Without your sacrifice I won’t be here today with my family in th his beautiful life.
Thank you.
Thank you for all your good work .
Thank you for providing us this beautiful, unique, peaceful, wealthy landgrave. without you we will not have today’s world.
It is with the deepest appreciation and respect that I say a heartfelt thank you for your service to our wonderful country. My Dad served with the Victoria Rifles...based in Aldershot UK...Captain J D Gibson. I wish you a happy and I am sure some tears you remember.
Thank you for your service to this country. Your bravery, sacrifice, and strength do not go unnoticed, and we will always be indebted to you and your family for all that you have given to the country. I would like to thank you very much for your service. From a veteran.
Thank you, you are amazing!
THANK YOU! We will always remember and be grateful for your service❤️
Thank you for everything! My father was there on D-day and fought bravely as you did.
My dad served in Canadian military … I am a proud army brst
Thank you for everything! My father was there on D-day and fought bravely as you did.
We thank you for your service to our country and your bravery in these terrible wars. Without you our world would be very different. You are our heroes.
Your efforts on our behalf are very much appreciated.
Thank you so much for fighting for peace and our right to live in freedom. Your sacrifice gave life and hope to millions. We are very grateful.
My father spent most of his life in Canadian military our whole family was military brats… always proud of our military
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for our country and our freedom. We will never forget.
Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and our freedom.
My father, Saul Zussman, was a veteran of WWII. He served in the Intelligence department in Halifax. I am proud of all he did to save democracy, something under threat today. He died in 1990 a loss to me and all those who knew him. He was a paragon of a man.
Thank you for your bravery. Your children's children have been so very lucky for your service to Canada.
Thank you so much for your bravery, your sacrifice, and your love for this country! We can never repay you for all you've given. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To some of the bravest individuals our country has...... I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR ALL THAT YOU DID..... to give us the country and life we live today. May you always be proud of how your actions impacted the world we live in today. You will always be heroes!
Hi Gang! You are all Loved, Honored & Respected for the sacrifices you made to preserve our Freedom. My grandfather spent 3 yrs. in a trench in France in the Great War. His son my uncle Joe was at Dunkirk, Nth. Africa, Sicily and all the way up to Vienna.
Thank-you for the freedom I enjoy; my children enjoy and grandchildren enjoy. You are our forever hero’s!❤️
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your willingness to serve our country with bravery and dignity. It is because of your courage that the rest of us can enjoy joy, peace and freedom in our beloved Canada. You make us so proud.
Thank you for keeping Canada safe though it meant risking your lives , you did so with honour and bravery , I’m grateful to live in a safe country that’s been defended by you, may we all continue to live in peace - God bless you all
Thank you for your service ! We are grateful to live in a country that is so blessed because of you ! All the Best to you all !
Thank you with all my heart to all the Canadian veterans for all your sacrifices. I was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands just before the war ended in 1945 and you saved our city and Arnhem. My parent's house was burned down but fortunately I was born in peace, thanks to you.
Dearest Vets,
My sincere and warm thanks for all you have done for our country, safety, and our freedoms. Many of us would not be here if it were not for your compassion, dedication and commitment. You are all true heroes. We cannot thank you enough. Blessings 3
Dear Veteran,
With my most heartfelt feeling, thank you for the hardships, sacrifices and long term consequences that you have experienced as part of your great service to our country. I greatly appreciate you fighting for the freedoms we may otherwise not know, thank you!
Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you to all of Canada's Veterans. May you have the ability to have the gratitude for all the services that share for our country.
Thanks for your service to our country.
First nursing job - Queen Mary Veterans hospital, Montreal. Many injured veterans lived there full or part time. ..full of stories mischief pranks & life. We Loved respected & cherished them! You are forever in our hearts for generations to Come. Thank you for our freedom.❤️
Thank you for your bravery and for protecting us
Those of us who enjoy our freedom , owe you guys and ladies our eternal gratitude. Our lives would have been very different , but for your sacrifices and bravery . Thank you 🙏.
Veterans risk their precious lives for our precious freedoms. There is nothing more selfless than that. Thanks to all who serve.
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice to enable us to live in a peaceful country - Canada.
Thank you. Without your sacrifices we would not be enjoying the peace and freedom we have. God bless you all. I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for your service .My father was from Holland and he never forgot how the Canadian troops liberated his country. So we are very thankful for your brave service.
Thank you, veterans for protecting Canadians, and for going to war, or as peacemakers and seeing the worst the world has to offer, You each made it a little less evil. You are all heroes.
Thank you for your service because of you we can enjoy the freedoms that we do. We will always remember and honour all who served.
Thank You!
I pay my deepest support to the families and the veterans of the Canadian army. I have always been amazed by the immediate action and solidarity of the forces. One should never forget about the history and we should make it a point that all around us know about the same.
Thank you for your service so we are able to live in Peace in Canada
On behalf of the team at Autolinx Express, I would like to express our appreciation for your service to our country. Words will never be enough to thank you for the sacrifices you have made to protect our freedoms. You are true heroes!
Thank you for being a real-life hero and for everything you did to keep Canada strong and free. Canadians across the country are forever grateful to you for your dedication, bravery and unwavering sacrifice. This Remembrance Day - and every day, I will remember you.
Thank you so very much for your service and making us a proud country to have men and women like you who defended our freedom
Those who fought for my freedom, with all my heart I thank you!
So proud of my father Millard Rector who served in WW11 from 1939-1945. He also served with the First Special Service Force also known as The Devils Brigade. I didn’t know who he was until I was 6 years old.
Hello, I want to thank all of you for sacrificing everything you went through for our freedom and for our beautiful country Canada’s freedom.
You all are so very brave!
Words cannot express our gratitude and appreciation.
With love and hugs,
The Winget Family
Thank you and we are all grateful for your sacrifices
Thank you for all you gave to make Canada the welcoming country it is. Your sacrifices are priceless and always appreciated
Blessings to all. Thank You for your service. As all my personal veterans have passed away Grandfather's, Dad, Uncles and Aunties I share ❤ to wish health, happiness and sincere Thanks.
My dad was a WWll veteran who volunteered at K Wing for 18 years. As a family we didn’t really have any idea what he endured in a POW camp for 4 years. What we do know is that he served his country with honour. I respect every veteran who did.
Thank you so much for your years of service. Your commitment to serving your country was appreciated. I am holding you in my heart space not only around Remembrance Day but in many grateful moments.
Sandra Phair
Thank you for helping to make Canada the great and safe country it is today,
a proud Canadian
Thank you for your sacrifices so we are able to live in joy and peace today. We are always proud and indebted to you for this. This Remembrance day I also remember my dear late grand-father who served in World War II.
Thank you for your service. It is brave men and women like you that have fought so bravely so that we may live free. I hope that you were able to return to Canada and live a full and happy life. Take care and keep well.
Sending heartfelt gratitude for your unflinching courage and bravery while helping to keep our nation strong and free!
To all our war heros,
Thank you for you services and sacrifice so that we and future generations can live freely in this great country called Canada. With heartfelt gratitude 🇨🇦
Thank you for all that you did for us, and our country. We are safe and free thanks to all your efforts. As Canadians, Remembrance Day is a special day in our hearts. We will forever remember. Bless you and, many, many heartfelt thanks.
Thank you for your bravery and selflessness which gave us the freedom we have today.
Thank you for your service keeping our country safe. It is with pride that I send this message to each of you and your families 🙏
Thank you for your service, and the sacrifices you made for all of us, both in Canada and around the world, and for all those who will come after.
Thank you Veterans for your service to Canada and abroad. Your selfless acts and dedication made a difference to many people near and far and are truly venerable. I greatly appreciate all that you have done. You will be in my thoughts this Remembrance Day November 11, 2022.
To all our veterans who fought and died for our country will always be remembered. We thankyou for your bravery. God bless you each and everyone. Thankyou all.
My grandfather fought in WW1 and my dad was a bomber pilot in WW2. He flew in the Italian Campaign out of North Africa. I know from the stories the sacrifices that all made during these times. Thank you so much for your service.
You men and ladies will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service given. My Father was a vet and he was so proud of those he served with. The bond created during those times of stress and turmoil cannot be forgotten. For those who were unable to return we owe them a debt we cannot pay. We cannot thank you enough
We salute to our veterans.
Thank you so much for your service. It was a terrible time for everyone and especially for those who didn't come home like my Grandfather. Thanks again for all you did. God Bless.
Thanks for your commitment and sacrifice keeping us free.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your courageous service to this fine country. My Dad (MWO William Rector) served 32 years in the RCAF and passed last year on Remembrance you all mean a great deal to our family at this special time of year. We salute you all!
Thank you respected veterans for your brave & heroic deeds in sacrificing your lives under all dangerous and perilous war situations, to protect our country and people from harm and restore peace to the world.
Thank you for fighting for our freedom! This country wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for your efforts.
Thank you for helping to preserve freedom and making it real for us. We are forever grateful to you for all your sacrifices. Happy veteran’s day, soldier. Sending all our salutes.
Thank you for making a very costly sacrifice for our country and for our collective future. We could never repay you in full and I hope we never stop repaying you. Today, I honour my fellow Canadians that stood in integrity and discipline. Sending my deepest thanks to you.
Thank you for your services to our country. I hope there will be no more wars and no more need for others to sacrifice their lives. All human lives are precious. PEACE for ever.
I would like to thank you very much for your service. Thank you for your time, bravery and sacrifice for this country.
Thank you for everything you have done for Canada and the World. We wouldn’t be here without you and your sacrifices.
My warmest regards for good health and happiness.
Thank you all for your efforts to protect our country.
Thank you to all, for your bravery, loyalty, and service. We are very grateful.
Thank you for risking the greatest gift…your life….so that we may live in peace. The horrors of those days must stay with you and hope our healing words can help you to put them to rest. We are forever in your debt.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for what you did for our freedom. Thank you is not enough. You will be forever remembered for your courage and bravery. Sending hugs to you. Good Bless you.
WAR is not easy. It is devastating and catastrophic. It should NEVER happen. Thank you for your sacrifice. You are THE HEROS ❤
Thank you to all the veterans for their service.
Thank you so much for your service. I truly believe that yours was our finest generation, and your like will not be seen again. You are always in my thoughts and I appreciate all you did for us.
Thank you so much for what you did for us. Your braveness will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your bravery and fortitude in years of battle, and through the years since. Your participation made a difference on the field and here at home. My Grandmother fled Ukraine as a child during the war, and without you, I would not be here. Thank you! 3 hugs
Thank you so much for what you did for us. Your braveness will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service and keeping our country free.
It is beyond words that we can describe how thankful we are to you for being the heroes that you are. Giving up everything to serve your country. You are loved and your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Thank you very much we are here because of your strength loyalty compassion love and bravery for our Nation forever grateful
Thank you, thank you for fighting for our freedom. We always vote in every single election because you gave us that privilege which so many other countries don't enjoy. We appreciate all that you gave up on our behalf during the war years, particularly your family time.
Thank you so very much for all you have done for our great country. I hope you realize how much you are appreciated! I am thinking of you and hope you are well!
Thank you for making our country better place now and the future
Thank You so Very Much for your Service and Sacrifice. You Allowed our Family to live a Grow in a Safe Canada and World
I thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country. My Grandson is now serving in the Canadian Forces and we are so proud of him.
Thank you for your bravery and resolve in your service and dedication to our country and for standing up for the freedom, values and the way of life we hold so dear. If it weren't for your commitment, life would not be as good as it is now and in the future.
Hello: Your service to Canada is very much appreciated! It certainly helped to make a difference when our country needed it. My wife Angie and I thank you for all that you have accomplished and wish you the very best. Thanks again!
My family and I will always thank you and other vets for their service. I am teaching those values to my children so they can appreciate what they have and where they are because of those who sacrificed their life to us.
Happy Veterans Day to our soldiers, both past and present. We owe you our thanks, but more than that, we owe you our freedom. There's no way to thank our veterans for everything they sacrifice for our freedom.
Thanks for your sacrifice that I could live in a free and democratic country.
No words can express my gratitude to the Veterans. My father Jean Paul Miller served in France during World War II. In my Roman Catholic way, I chose to quit smoking on November 11, 2021, and offer it up for all our Veterans. Amazingly I had no problem quitting.
As a Veteran myself I wish to say to my Brothers and Sisters Thank-you for your Service in HM Canadian Armed Forces.
Thank-you for our Freedom which donsn't come Free.
Let me say THANK YOU all veterans for your sacrifice to protect our freedom. Because of all of your dedication this generation including me..has the privilege of living in a free world..we appreciate all you have done or this world..may God bless everyone 🙏 Love and best wishes
My beloved Veterans, you are so much a part of my life. I honour you always. ❤️
I turned 80 last month and still remember a Canadian Soldier giving me a can of cocoa in the Czech Republic when I was 3 years old.
Thank you for liberating us from the Nazi Regime.
You are an inspiration to all Canadians. We are so grateful for all your sacrifices so that we could have peace. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you canada veterans for your sacrifices to our country, You are all great Heroes.Long life to live God Bless
My cousin Jimmy Knox was a veteran and a resident at Sunnybrook for a long time some years ago. I know he was well looked after and shared his life with similar vets who became good friends. So thank you a million times to our veterans who live at Sunnybrook for your sacrifices
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made while you were in service to defend our amazing country Canada. I recognize that the sacrifices you and your collegues made, extend in many cases to a lifetime. I so appreciate all that you have done for our country.
Thank you all for your contribution in keeping us free. A special thanks to those whose has served in the Far East .
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice of training and dedication to fight for our country and human freedom.
Thank you very much for your bravery and courage. Your act of selflessness will always be remembered.
Sending much love.
I thank you for your bravery, compassion for others and your love of this country.
My father served in the Air force in WW11. He was a proud veteran and he is sadly missed. We appreciate and are grateful to my father and all veterans for the sacrifice they made for our country and the freedom we have enjoyed. Thank you for your service.
We are so proud of all of you. Thank you for your brave service.
Thank you for sacrificing your lives in order to help us gain the freedoms and rights that we have now. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifices for our country.
On behalf of me and my family, thank you for your service to Canada and to other countries that needed your help by going beyond the call of duty. We remember you always, especially on Remembrance Day and wish you great health and happiness in the coming years. We thank you!
Thank you for your service
THANK YOU just doesn't seem enough as I think of the courageous battles you all fought to protect us in time of wars. Bless each and every one of you. I pray that you are now in good hands at Sunnybrook. God Bless!
Thank you so very much for making my dream of becoming a registered nurse in this peaceful country,at 88 years of age & still enjoying
Blessings & thank you for your part in making life better for me & my family.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Veteran, Thank you for making such a brave and invaluable sacrifice to protect the freedoms we often take for granted today. I hope you know that my family is immensely grateful for your efforts and that we wish you peace and comfort at this time of remembrance.
Thank you from the bottom of heart for all veterans who fought to keep us free. I went throughout the 2nd world war in Belgium when we were liberated by the Americans in 1944 The city Mons where I lived was liberated by the Canadians in November 1918.
Dear Sunnybrook Veteran,
I am happy to have this opportunity to be in touch. Although it may have been a while since you have been on active service, your energies and dedication have not been forgotten. I wish to personally thank you for all you have done in your commitment.
To all the brave men and women who served in the Canadian Armed Forces to keep this country safe for future generations, I give my sincere thanks!
Thank you sincerely for your sacrifices that kept Canada free from tyranny and enabled Canadians to pursue their lives as they wish. We will always remember you.
You served truly and well and your personal sacrifice made my life and those of my children and grand children free from fear and the experience of war. I thank you personally and want you to know that my family are grateful to you and your comrades every day. Thank You!!!
To say "Thank You" hardly seems enough. So I will say a Big "THANK YOU " . Words do not express my admiration for all of you who stood when needed. My grandfather was one of those who fell at Paschendaele in Nov. 1917, forever Missing In Action as his body was never recovered.
We will never forget and will always be thankful for your selfless service. Because of you, we are proud Canadians.
Thank you for your service to our country and all the freedoms you have help us keep!!!
I grew up listening to my Dad's stories from WWII. I have never forgotten the toll it took on his health. At the same time. I am so proud of his brave contribution . Thanks to him and thanks to all of you.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made for our country. You are a brave, courageous and amazing person.
You have our thanks - hopefully there were memorable times. My brother and cousin didn’t make it through WW2 and my “Cold War” service fortunately stayed “cold”.
Thank you seems so inadequate a wphrase for the sacrifice that you gave. I will always honour your heroic actions.
Thank you for all you have done, for all you do today and for all you will do in future. You are heroes.
I want to thank you for all you’ve done to keep Canada free and one of the best countries to live in. If it wasn’t for you and veterans like you the rest of us could not enjoy our carefree lives. Thanks♥️
My dear Veteran/s,
What a joy to have you read my message of thanks for Remembrance Day. I've seen many movies depicting war and I know you were tested daily. In the name of our country and for its future - that I'm a part of, you faced an enemy. Thank you with all my heart.
Thank you for your service. You are all heros.
Thank you for putting the service of Canada first when the war broke out. You are brave, dedicated, and very much loved and admired.
Our brave Veterans, your service made it possible for all of us to be the country we are today. As an Air Force veteran myself, I know very well what it means to be a selfless, dedicated human being to protect our people, our country, our freedoms, and the democracy we all enjoy.
we need more people like you in the world.we are very lucky to have people as brave as you in our lives.god bless you all.
Thank you for your commitment to our nation and to people here and away. We are blessed by your service.
Thank you for your bravery in making Sunnybrook a successful institution for everyone who are sick physically,emtionally , mentally and spiritually. May we be inspired by this in continuing our life despite of our health issues.
Thank you for putting yourself in harm’s way to help guaranty our safety and freedom. Well done, and thank you again for your service.
Thank you for your service. I would not be walking around free today without your sacrifices and your bravery.
You have given us all the opportunity to live in a wonderful and free country. Your sacrifice can not be measured. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU
Never having experienced active participation jn a war personally, even though I took my parents' accounts of WW II hardships and horrors seriously, I cannot fully imagine what morał, physical and psychological strength active participants in war had to summom. Bravo, veterans!
You have given us all the opportunity to live in a wonderful and free country. Your sacrifice can not be measured. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU
Thanks for all you did and many who even sacrificed their lives, May God bless you all.
This November , I want to say THANK YOU for helping to keep Canada the beautiful country it is. I am thankful every day that men and women like yourself volunteered to defend my freedom while risking your own safety both in foreign lands & disasters here in Canada🍁
Dearest veterans, we might not say it enough but your contributions to our freedoms in Canada with your blood ,sweat and tears are greatly appreciated and we never forget that you made it possible Putting your lives on the line.So brave and courageous and patriotic..Thank you
Thank you dear souls. We are grateful for your service and dedication and thank you for making all our lives better. We honour and cherish you. God bless you.♥️
I share my message of Congratulations and thanks for your brave efforts to save our Democracy! Thanks so very much! We love you all!
Hello First Thank you and I will never forget.This Rememberance Day we need more then ever to Remember your sacrifice and how you fought for Democracy from Authoritarianism and Dictatorship and those today who are trying to resurrect the same hatred against the vulnerable.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, you gave everything for us to enjoy our freedom!
Thank you so much for your service to ensure that I can live in a country where I can experience so many freedoms.
Thanks to our Canadian War Veterans. We are grateful to you and your families for the sacrifices made for all Canadians. For this we have our freedom, access to healthy lifestyles and a democratic form of government. Our gratitude, respect and remembrance will never wane.
Thanks to all the veterans, you are not forgotten!
Thank you for our freedom
We can't tell you how proud we are to be Canadian when we hear of all the heroic battles that our Canadian soldiers fought in, won and the sad loss of many of our soldiers. Thank you for your service and keeping Canada free.
We are so grateful for your excellent service.
In memory of Sgt. Philip Bell, Hastings-Prince Edward Regt. 1939-1945
To all those Veteran's that keep on keeping on! You all are hero's today, yesterday and every day! Thank you for your brave service in keeping our freedom and for all the sacrifices you made in keeping our country safe! Thank you!
Thank you for your service. We will never forget!
Dear Veterans,
To say thank you does not do justice to the sacrifices you’ve made for our country. I am at a loss for words that convey the powerful feelings of gratitude that I feel. Canada is strong and free thanks to your protection and I honour your bravery. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. We will never forget!
Thank you for making a better world for us.
Thank you very much for all you have done for our beautiful, peaceful and free country. Without your dedicaton of service and courage we would not be the country we are today. Please know that you are not only honoured one day, but everyday. God Bless.
Thank you, thank you for your courage, tenacity and dedication to serve your country and ensure that we are able to live in a free country.
I am so grateful for the bravery and courage that allowed you to sacrifice so much on our behalf. This unselfish act will not be gotten.
It is to easy to forget. Being close to veterans makes it easy to remember what they went through for us. To many of them came home from the war with a burden on their shoulders that they found hard to deal with. It is up to all of us to let them know that we appreciate them.
Thank you for your bravery
Thank you for your brave service and sacrifice to make our world a safer place. I will never forgot what my parents generation went through at such great cost in WW2. You are all so special, and future generations should be grateful all year long, not just on Remembrance Day.
Thank you for risking your lives to keep us safe and our country free of any enemy. We owe all servicemen a great deal.
Veterans Day is a good time to remember that our freedom isn’t guaranteed. It’s protected by the men and women in our Armed Services. To those who secure our way of life… thank you!
My Dad was in the air force but did not go overseas.I want to thank each & every one of year for putting yourselves out there to protect our Canada .I live in Tay township & you would be pleased to hear that our Legion have posted pictures of veterans from our township .God bless
Your efforts and sacrifices mean millions of people have lived in freedom, able to enjoy and pass to their children a good quality of life. As the daughter of a WWII RCAF veteran, I thank you and will never forget your courage and commitment.
Thank you to the men and women who has and continues to fight to protect our great country, you are all hero's
A thank you not quite enough for all that stood on guard for the rest of the world to be free
Thank you for all that you have done for Canada ... I treasure the peace we have and am grateful for it each and every day.
God bless.
Canada's Veterans have my unlimited thanks and support for their service to our country.
I will never forget what you have done for your country. Thank you.
A grateful THANK YOU for all your bravery, experiences and successes in defeating the enemy. It is because of you that the world has not experienced a repeat of a true world war.
My father shared a space in the Veterans Wing until he died at age 84 in 1993. We are indebted to all of the veterans who fought in the wars to preserve our way of life.
We are truly blessed that we live in a safe and wonder country Canada with all the men and woman that served to keep us safe. Many thanks to you all. God Bless
Thank you for putting your lives on the line so that we could remain free of tyranny. May your sacrifices never be in vain!
Thank you for your extreme bravery that has allowed me to live my life freely - in the best country in the world - all because of you.
Thank You does not seem enough to say for your sacrifice to keep Canada strong and free. It takes great character to choose to support and fight for your country. There can never be enough rewards to thank you, nor enough prayers or blessings to be said for you. God Bless!
Dear Veterans,
We are all so grateful for the sacrifices you have made for Canada, your fellow Canadians, and for freedom and peace around the world. Thank you.
I lost my dad this past June three days before Father's Day. He served in World War Ii and was my hero. Lest we forget. All of us are indebted to each of your for your bravery and patronage to our country. Thank you so very much.
To the men and women at Sunnybrook, I too have served in our forces (RCN) and so I salute you for all the times you and your buddies went out into harms way so we can live in a free country.
Thank you for keeping our country safe. May you enjoy all the benefits that the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook has to offer.
I am so grateful to you and for you, our nation's veterans. Thank you for the courage and hope you continue to give us. Thank you for fighting the toughest battles and the fiercest enemies; I honour you not only today but everyday, for your courage and love for our country.
Oz and I sure appreciated our Uncle Murray's contribution in WW2 - he spent his final years at K wing being looked after by excellent the staff.
Sending a heartfelt thankyou to the Veterans who risked their lives and those who lost their lives fighting to provide us the privilege of living in a free country. We are ever indebted to you. God Bless 💞🇨🇦
To the wonderful men and women who serve and have served in the past, please except my sincere gratitude. Without your selfless sacrifices we would not have this incredible free country we live in.
Peace and love to all
Keith deRoux
Words cannot express my gratitude and respect to all of you for your bravery and for the ultimate sacrifices you made in order to protect our freedoms. I have always taught my son's the importance of recognizing this very important day. Thank you
As a child of Holocaust survivors, I cannot speak/write enough words of gratitude to what your efforts during WWII meant in fighting and defeating fascism and allowing my parents the chance to begin anew in this wonderful Canada.
I want to say,I may never know you but I want to say thank you so much for the freedom my family has today.
I am so favored living here I Canada, born in 1948 I have had the good fortune to age through one of the first generations of citizens who have not had to go to war. I and my family are forever grateful to all of the veterans that served to protect our freedom. Thank you so much.
Dear Veterans,
I am a 63-year-old woman who has led a peaceful life in Canada since I was born. I have never lost sight of the fact that if it weren't for our men and women in the armed forces, my life would be very different. I am forever grateful for your service.
Thank you for your service and dedication to making our lives what they are today.You have sacrificed everything for us and we are eternally grateful. Ken
The sacrifice you have made by putting your lives on the line to keep Canada safe is very highly appreciated. There no words to express our gratitude. God bless you & your families as well who have also made equivalent sacrifices to let you go.You all will be blessed abundantly.
I’m so grateful for what you have done, what you have given, and what you have sacrificed-for me and mine. My late uncle came to Sunnybrook to complete his training as a physician after the war and I have enormous respect for the institution too.
Thank you for your bravery. You are the true heroes and ALL CANADIANS are and will always be indebted to you for your selfless service. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Valued Extraordinary Treasured Exceptional Remarkable Acclaimed Noble Selfless
We cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice and service to our country. Thank you so very much!
Thank you for your contribution and sacrifice
When I look at my Grandchildren, I think of all that you have done to make my life, and theirs, and so many other Canadians, so safe, free from want, and free from tyranny. I am sending you thanks for all that you have done, and kind thoughts and good wishes.
Thank you so much for all you have done.
Dear Veterens. Thank you so much for your service to Canada. God bless you.
As we face trouble times today it makes me realize the bravery out veterans demonstrated to protect our country. I am grateful for your sacrifices and your example to all of us Canadians
God bless each and every one of you! You are His angels on earth.
God bless each and every one of you! You are His angels on earth.
My maternal/English grandfather served at Vimy Ridge in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. He was beyond being too old to serve but I have grown to admire him and all, like you who have served in the name of Freedom and Canada. Thank you for all you did, you have my admiration.
Thanks to all the veterans who sacrificed so much to keep us all safe, strong and free. God bless you all in Jesus`s name. Amen.
Thank you for your incredible sacrifice, bravery and service.
God Bless You 🙏🥰🇨🇦
I was born in the middle of WW2 and I thank you for your bravery and courage in facing the horrors of war, so that I could live in freedom. We will never forget.
Canada is very lucky to have had Veterans like you sacrifice so much for our great country! Thank you for everything you did to make Canada the best country in the world! Sending love and best wishes to you. Charles
Thank you for all of your efforts & sacrifices that have helped Canada be such a great home for all of us!
I wish you hope for the future, and the courage to face your obstacles. I'm originally from England. My grandfather died in WWI. My father served in WWII. He wanted to be a pilot, but he was colour-blind so he trained as a radar technician. Thank you for fighting for freedom.
We are so grateful for your service to our country! Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for what you have done for our country.
Although you have passed, dad, this day of recognition for your service in the navy is not forgotten. Blessings to the brave men and women who fought for the freedom of our country and democracy.
I hate to think of what Canada would be like without all the brave men and women who gave so much of their lives...l thank you very much...wouldn't it be nice if peace ruled the this day its sad to see what goes on...
My family came from a country rife with political unrest. The peace that veterans have given us in Canada and in other countries around the world is so amazing. Thank you for making the world a better place for me and my children. Your work will always be remembered.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to all Canadian Veterans. I and all Canadians owe our freedom today to the service you gave and sacrifices you made for this country. Thank you and God bless you.
Thanks for your participation in the 2nd WW. You have saved us all!!
Good morning, I just wanted to write to you to thank you for your courage and bravery. My partner is a retired police officer and he'll say everything that he's been through and witnessed is nothing compared to what our veterans have done. Thank you so much and bless you.
Thanks to all veterans of Canada's Armed Forces, thanks for being there when it really counted.
Thank you for my life, safe and in a free country that I love. Without your service, I believe my life and Canada would be very different. Bless you 💕
On this Remembrance Day, we honour your courage, sacrifice, and service. Your bravery ensures our freedom, and we are forever grateful. Thank you for your commitment and for the sacrifices you've made. You will always be remembered.
Because of your service, I am free. Thank you
As a Canadian and as the proud granddaughter whose Papere served Canada in WWII, I am eternally grateful to you for your bravery, your spirit, your compassion, and your selflessness. We Canadians owe everything to you. I will admire you forever.
To my Dad, Mr. Albert Fentum. He resides at Sunnybrook Vets Centre. He will turn 100 next year! Thank you for your service in WW2. Love you Dad!
Thank you so much for your service and the part you played in keeping Canada safe and free.
One of my parents was a child during Japan’s colonization of Korea, the other a child during the Korean War. I exist today because the courage and bravery of that knowingly selflessly fought for others suffering. I’d like to send my most heartfelt thank you here.
My Dad and Mum served with the RAF and WAF during WW2 in England and Scotland. My mother went on to serve in Egypt, India and Ceylon. My Mum spent the final 2 years of her life at Sunnybrook. Wonderful facility.
Gracias por su coraje y valentia,
Thank you for your great courage & bravery
Thank you for your dedication and courage to protect us all for our freedom and dignity. God bless
Words cannot sufficiently convey our heartfelt thank yous for the many hardships you endured, and the many sacrifices you made for our country and humanity. It will never be forgotten. You are all heroes!
Thanks to all who served in Canada's military in the big and small assignments. Remembering those who did not come home, those who came home and struggled and those who came home and are no longer with us. The changing of the guard has meant saying goodbye several generations.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to enjoy a safe and healthy life in a wonderful democratic country - CANADA
Thank you for your service to Canada and Canadian.
Thank you for all you do to protect Canadians and others around the world
I am so greatful for the support and sacrifice that you as veterans made for Canada and the wolrd in general. I am not certain I was able to thank my own father enough for his World War II service but I am thanking him and all of you at this time for your dedication to Canada.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. YOU are the reason we can enjoy the freedom we have. I appreciate all of you.
Thank you for your service and all the sacrifices you made, probably at a very young age, to ensure the endurance of our freedom and Democracy. We have so much to thank you and remember you for. We will never forget.
Dear Veterans:
My wife and I thank you very much for your service. My wife's mother's brother Norman Broughton was killed in the battle of the Somme in France in 1916. My wife's father Harold H. Smith survived fighting at Vimy Ridge. He helped us understand military service.
To all our treasured Veterans, on Remembrance Day we honour you for your courage and sacrifice. Thank you, we are forever grateful.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your service and the sacrifices you've made for our country and its people. As a military spouse, I've seen the profound impact serving in our CAF has on a person - even beyond the missions and deployments. You are true heroes!
To our Canadian Veterans, thank you for your courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication. Your service has shaped Canada and protected our freedoms, which we are deeply grateful for. Thank you for your watch in keeping us safe.
Thank you for your sacrifice so that my family can live in peace with freedom of choice in a democratic society.
Thank you for your sacrifice so that my family can live in peace with freedom of choice in a democratic society.
Your service to Canada is a service to civilization and humanity. Your willingness to risk your own life is an admirable virtue. Great appreciation and thanks from my family!
Thank You to all our Veterans!
Thank you so much for your unselfish actions. Stepping up and putting your country and the belief in freedom ahead of all else, is remarkable, and I am always humbled by it.
Thank you for your sacrifice that helped to secure the free and peaceful country we all have the blessing of living in today. Heartfelt thanks.
My father served. My father was wounded. My father received care from Sunnybrook. Thank you. 274 274
To all Canadian Veterans our family wishes to honour your immense contribution to our society through your brave actions to protect our freedom to live our best life.
Thank you for giving so much of yourself for the protection and freedom of our current and future generations to come.
My father served. My father was wounded. My father was cared for at Sunnybrook. Thank you Sunnybrook. A short story about my father. 274
There are no words that can adequately convey my gratitude, respect and awe for the veterans at Sunnybrook and all they have done for me and those I love. Their actions, bravery and sacrifices are beyond measure and I am eternally grateful.
Thanks to our brave Veterans for sacrificing their life for us, God bless you and God bless Canada.
There is nothing in my heart but the utmost gratitude to you, so let me say thank you, in every language, every word, and every way I can! ( ...
You are a brave warrior who has triumphed over every challenge that life has thrown at you. ...
Thank you for all your service.
Thank you, especially to whom who fought in Hong Kong, the place where I was born. Very much appreciated.
As I walk through the cities and wilds of Can I think of how grateful I am to live in a free country. This would not be except for you and your comrades who have made it possible. I must express my thanks and appreciation for what you did for all of the families of Canada.
Thank you for your sacrifice to help make Canada and the world and better place and to support the values that Canadians hold dear!
Your sacrifice and hard work is what ensures my freedom! I am deeply grateful for all that you do! God bless each and every one of you and keep you safe!
Thank you for your bravery and courage to serve. The world was a better place thanks to you.
I will alway thank the veteran for their bravery and courage. They gave us a world where we could choose what we wanted to be and the freedom to do so. They gave so much of
themselves for their country. I applaud there bravery and courage.
Thank you so much for your bravery, your sacrifice, your sense of duty and your service to this great country - it would not be what it is without you. Thank you for all you have given to keep this country strong and free and one of the best places to live in the world.
Dear Veterans, you have given us your life and your youth to help us. We certainly appreciate it. Please keep yourself healthy and happy.
Dear Veterans, you have given us your life and your youth to help us. We certainly appreciate it. Please keep yourself healthy and happy.
Thank you for your service and for risking your life to save our freedom. I sincerely hope the government will assist you in all ways. You deserve PM Trudeau’s respect.
A heartfelt thank you for your service! Your selflessness has made our country safe and stronger….we are truly grateful for your sacrifice. May God bless!
A huge thank you to our amazing veterans at Sunnybrook! Your bravery inspires us every day. Enjoy those refreshing sponge baths, delicious meals, and the love from that dedicated team - all while looking inviting in their uniforms! We appreciate you! 🌟🇨🇦 #Veterans #Sunnybrook
We will be at sunnybrook around November 11 and see all the flags .. what a small remembrance of your huge service to our country
We live in the best country in the world thanks to the amazing caring sacrifices you each gave in military service for all of us in Canada.
God Bless You and Thank You!
Thank you for your service and commitment to keeping Canada free and democratic.
For your sacrifice and selfless service to our wonderful country, I extend my most profound respect and gratitude.
Myself and my Family extend our many thanks for the service you have provided to our Country - Canada, and for those countries our Canadian war veterans served in. My father and his 2 brothers were twin engine fighter bomber Captains, Mosquito and Beaufighter.
To all the brave Veterans at Sunnybrook and across Canada, thank you for your incredible sacrifices and unwavering dedication. Your courage and service have shaped our nation, and we are forever grateful. You inspire us every day. We stand with you in gratitude and respect! 🇨🇦❤
As the son of a veteran and of a nurse who worked for many years in Sunnybrook's veteran's wing, I saw second-hand what service in our military cost so many, and I am extremely grateful for it.
Thank you for your sacrifices for your valor, for protecting us, and defending our rights.
Dear veterans, thank you all so much for the sacrifices you made in order to keep our country strong and free. You are all greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to keep our country and people safe and free. My parents have shared stories of their experiences during this time and we continue to pass them onto our children and grandchildren. We will always remember. We truly appreciate you all!
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for protecting us, defending our rights and keeping us safe.
Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe.
I am so grateful for the freedom we have because of the sacrifices you made. May this day be a reminder of the gratitude we all feel because of your service to this country.
I thank you for your honour and integrity, and for putting peace before all else. It is because of people like you, that we in Canada can enjoy the right and freedoms that we have. God bless you all, and thank you for your service.
Our history tells us of the sacrifices that you made to ensure we could have a good life. My Mom told me of her at the train station watching & waving to my Dad and all the other troops go off to war. She talked of waiting with her infant son for his return. We will remember ❤️
Dear Vets: Being the child of a World War II vet, I have some small idea of the costs that our Canadian Armed Forces paid. As a nation, we will forever be in your debt and should the need ever arise again, may we bravely follow in your footsteps to protect our nation's freedom.
Thanks for all you did to make this world a better place.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! My father was a veteran from WW2 as well. I hate to think what our world would be like if it hadn't been for the veterans.
Thank you so very much for your bravery , dedication and actual service for our Country Canada and the free world in fighting the 2nd world war. May God bless and be with you.
Thank you for your service and bravery. I morn those we have lost but celebrate those who live on! Never Forget!
Thank you so very much for your bravery , dedication and actual service for our Country Canada and the free world in fighting the 2nd world war. May God bless and be with you.
We must all never forget the sacrifice our veterans made to keep us a free and safe Canada 🇨🇦
I’m thinking about you all and I wanted to give you all a very heartfelt thank you so very much for all of your sacrifice , courage and bravery that you all gave for us I’m so very much greatly appreciate what you all did for us so that we can live in freedom and peace.
Thank all of you for everything that was done for freedom.
Thank you for all the brave veterans from across Commonwealth who defeated a dreadful threat in the Second World War. My Dad was in RAF, I had uncles and an aunt who enrolled to serve. But I do not forget all our veterans who have served in other arenas, like Korea, Afghanistan
My parents lived in the Netherlands during WWII. They taught us how amazing the Canadian soldiers were, helping to liberate their country. Thank you very much for your service, during WWII and all the battles you have faced.
i was born and raised in the Netherlands and we are allways grateful to the Canadian soldiers for thier sacrifice to liberate the country.
Thank you to all the veterans who served our country. I hope you know how appreciated and respected you are for all your sacrifice. My father was from Holland and I know that the Dutch people were very grateful to the Canadians who liberated their country. So Thank you
Thank you for your service, your bravery. You may think at times people have forgotten you, but please know we NEVER have. I have always admired the courage and self-sacrifice our veterans represent. May God bless you and your loved ones and always keep you safe!
Heartfelt thanks to all of the men and women who have given so much to keeping our country safe. We will always remember you and the gift of freedom that you have given to us. Bless you and yours.
Our forever gratitude for all you have done for us!
We all owe you so much for the sacrifices you and those who did not come back.
We are eternally grateful for what you have done in the past for us are there never be another war?
My sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful veterans. God Bless you all!
Thank you for your services and bravery. On this day and everyday although I don’t have the men’s to physically be at your sides on Remembrance Day I sure will be honouring you. If there’s a veteran there by the name of Roy Payne tell him that I say hi.
Thank you for your bravery and sacrifices in defending Canada. You and your fellow soldiers will always be remembered for the significant role you played in making Canada the great country we enjoy today! Also thank you Sunnybrook the excellent care you provide to our Veterans.
Thank you so much for your service, bravery and commitment to Canada. Without you we wouldn't be here today enjoying life as it is. I know what it's like to lose your friends and comrades, I lost 2 Great Uncles in WW1, so once again thank you, take care and God Bless.
Thankyou for your courage, thank you for protecting your country. You are heroes and deserve the appreciation you have earned.
Thank for your service to making our beautiful country free. Your bravery and selflessness shall never be forgotten. God bless you and thank you with all of my heart.
Thank you so much for defending our country. You deserve the gratitude of every Canadian alive today. My father was a Hungarian Jewish refugee in 1939. He spent 4 years begging in letters to serve Canada, but was deemed an enemy alien. 4 years later, he was accepted. God bless.
We salute you for your wonderful service to your country, and we are grateful that your service has allowed Canadians to live in peace. Thank you for all you did for your fellow citizens.
I am grateful for the courage and determination you showed to keep Canada the wonderful country it is. I know that you deserve the respect of all Canadians.
My sincrece gratitude to all the brave heros who sacrificed so much for us. I will be forever grateful.
To our esteemed veterans. Thank you. My father was part of your generation and every day i,m in awe in the fact all you boys got off the couch to not only fight for your country but to die for it. I humbly walk in your shadow.
Thank you for all that you did for us
I appreciate all that you have done in order to create hope for humanity.
Thank you. I am praying foor all of you.
Your heroism and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you for preserving freedom and democracy. Forever grateful for your service.
We will remember them and tell our children to remember their sacrifices and courage!
We appreciate your service and think of you often. It is an honour to even be able to send you this message.
Than you to all veterans and their families for the sacrifices they made. Your bravery and courage kept us safe.
Thank you so very much for your service. I am the proud daughter of a WW2 veteran and relative to many current and past military members. My dad was so proud he was able to serve our country. I salute you and honour you every day but especially on Remembrance Day.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and will always be here to help you in your time of need.
Dear Veterans, We cannot thank you enough for your dedication and sacrifice. We would not enjoy the freedom we have in Canada without your protection . God bless you and your families.
Thank you for your bravery in saving our country. You are true heroes!
Thanks for all your help in the past. Most people know that you've sacrificed so much in the past. Today most everyone sees and hears everything on TV, Radio and their Computers.
Many people saw and heard very little because you were so far away and out of sight. Thank You.
It humbles me to know how each of you have given the best of yourself to protect and strengthen our magnificent nation. I am honoured to be able to enjoy the freedom in our land and to say these words to you. Please accept my gratitude and know I appreciate your commitment.
I am forever grateful for the huge sacrifices our veterans made on our behalf. We will never forget that they fought hard for us to live in freedom and peace.
It is hard to comprehend what you had to endure, how you coped each day, and the many sacrifices you made. I promise to never forget or take for granted what you gave and proudly wear a poppy to honour you.
Thankyou to all veterans and all armed forces personnel to provide me the freedom we know today in canada
We will never forget your service and commitment and sacrifice for a free world .Blessings and many thanks to all of you.
Dear veterans, your bravery will never be forgotten. Thank you so much, bless your hearts. My father vividly remembers the Canadian victory parade (May 21, 1945) in The Hague, and tasted chocolate for the first time. He was 4 years old then, now 83! Thank you veterans! ❤️
Veterans are special Canadians. They are brave, loyal and humble. Thanks for your service.
Thank you for your service, and your courage in standing up for the rights of all Canadians. We owe our freedoms to all those who served during the wars. I will think of you on November 11th, but also every day as I enjoy the privilege it is to be a Canadian.
In memory of my father, brother, neighbours and friends who served in the forces and some of them gave their young lives for our safety and freedom.
Veterans are a special group of Canadians. They are brave, loyal and dedicated. Thanks for your service.
I would like to thank the very brave men and women that served our country. We have you to thank for our freedom, and my kids and I will be forever grateful for your bravery and the sacrifices you made. Lest We Forget.
Thank you for your service. Words are not enough to show our gratitude and respect for your fight for freedom and democracy.
Thank you for your sacrifice of love, I will never forget
I am the daughter of a WWll Veteran who landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. I will forever be grateful for everything you have done for our country - yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you to my hero in Heaven and the heroes who walk on this earth today. Lest We Forget.
My Father served in the Second World War and I have great respect to ALL Veterans any time of the year not just on November 11th. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our Veterans 🙏🏻❤️
My ancestors fought in both World Wars & my son-in-law is retired Airforce. I’m so proud of their contribution. My Uncle is buried in Brookwood Cemetery UK. & my daughter visited his gravesite in September. I’ve seen your flags & it’s amazing! Thank you for your service🇨🇦
I’m not a Canadian citizen, but I fell in love with this country and then became a permanent resident. I have lived here for more than 10 years, and I want to say thank you for your dedication in keeping Canada safe and beautiful.
I am very proud of the members of my family on my mother's side who served in the Canadian Army during WW 1 and WW 2. Thank you for your service and I look forward to attending the service on November 11th at Sunnybrook Hospital.
Like you many of my Uncles were veterans. Some came home a changed person. They and you deserve our support and thanks. Please keep in mind our rememberance of you.
World is a better place because of your sacrifice! Thank you for your service!
My family and I would like to sincerely thank all these wonderful guys for their sacrifice they made for this lovely country..may God continue to bless all of you with health and strength..Thank you
"Thank you for your honorable service to our country. We appreciate your willingness to defend our freedom and sacrifice so much for others"
Thank you for your service. I share my great respect and honour to Veterans at Sunnybrook home.
To all who served to ensure our freedom; my sincere THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. My father and two uncles - WW2, grandfather - WW1 and dad was also career RCAF.
The courage it took to do what you did is a remarkable testament to who you are. My entire extended family thank you for your sacrifice. We are proud Canadians because of you. God Bless
Thanks to people like you, it is possible to keep the country and its people safe; as a Venezuelan, who lived under a disgraceful regime, I know what your struggle for a country means. Thank you for being our symbol of peace.
I never had the chance to meet my uncle because he lost his life in Normandy before I was born. If he had made it home, I would have said THANK-YOU!
I want all vets to feel welcomed home and how much I appreciate what was sacrificed for my freedom and well-being
Thank you. We owe you and all of our Veterans an immense debt of gratitude. Your sacrifices, have allowed people in Canada to live in peace, and it remains our duty to honour the men and women who gave so much, and ensure that your memory and legacy lives on.
Your sacrifices and dedication have helped shape the freedoms we cherish today. Thank you for your courage, resilience, and commitment to protecting our values. We are forever grateful. Lest we forget.
Thank you for your unselfish dedication to Canada in support of our freedom that is a debt owed that we could never repay to you but for which we are truly grateful.
A heartfelt thank you for your sacrifices for Canada.
Thank you for your heroism, your patriotism and your sacrifice. We remain eternally grateful for your service...and we will always remember.
This message is sent with extreme gratitude for your selfless service!
Dear Veterans,
You liberated my country, the Netherlands. I am eternally grateful for all you did. FYI I am going to Apeldoorn, the Netherlands to celebrate the 80th. anniversary of the Liberation of Holland (again THANK YOU) on May 5, 2025.
Thank You for the freedom we get to enjoy everyday!
We appreciate and admire the selfless courage, and the many sacrifices each Veteran made to keep Canada free~ Thank you for your service !
Thank you for everything that you do for all of us in the country and for people in countries that you have served in. We have safe and democratic coountry because you have fought for. THANK YOU!!
Sending my thanks and respect to all Veterans who have served in Canada's Military Forces over so many years.
Many have made difficult choices and sacrifices in order to fight for our country. We must also remember those who never came home.
You are the best that Canada has now and in the past. I think of my my own father that fought on the beaches of Juno and survived to come home!
Thank you for your service, sacrifice and love of your country CANADA!!
Thank you so much for your service. We send our blessings to you
There are no words to express our gratitude for your willingness to go to war for us. Thank you for making Canada a better place. You made us a strong country and a beautiful nation. Your braveness shall always be remembered Thank you.
Thank you for your service and efforts to keep us safe and free.
Thank you for your service! Thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe.
Thank you to all the Veterans who risked their lives to protect our world. Words cannot explain the gratitude I feel to each one of you. My Father fought in the Royal Navy and I somewhat understand the profound impact that engaging in war has on one's physical and mental health.
Should be Thank YOU for Every Soldier. And THEIR LIFE. FOR EVER.
We exist today in Canada because you shouldered a very difficult burden. You gave your youth to the serious business of war allowing us to give our energy to a country at peace. Thank you for your gift to us.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made to keep Canada a free and great nation. I hope you are receiving the care and respect you deserve. It's unfortunate that our government sometimes seems distant from the values you fought to protect.
I was named after my uncle who lost his life in the Second World War. My grandfather was killed in the First World War. For those that fought and survived and the brave people in Sunnybrook I offer my deepest gratitude. Your sacrifices allowed us to be free and proud today.
Thanks for your sacrifices in order that we may enjoy freedom!
Thank you all, not only for the sacrifices you have made, but the love and hope you offered, when you chose to engage in what was needed to keep Canada strong and free, not only for then and now, but for generations to come.
Thank you for liberating us. I was in Amsterdam in May 1945 when you came It was such a great feeling to be finally free. I was 11 at that that time and will never forget it
We had just gone through the hunger winter and the food was so welcome after starving.
WE LOVE YOU! Your are the bravest amongst us!
Dear Veterans,
Thank you so very much for your service to our country. As a niece who never enjoyed knowing my uncle whose plane was shot down over Germany I want to say our beloved Canada is so much the better for your service.
Your sacrifice for peace and freedom has not gone unnoticed. I am deeply grateful.
Thank you for everything you have done for our country!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your bravery and courage to keep our country safe and peaceful!!
We appreciate it more than you know!!!
Thank you for everything you have done for our country!
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. You are true Canadian heroes and we salute you all!
Thank you for your sacrifice
Your sacrifice is the world's blessing. Thank you for giving all of you. Your efforts made everything possible.
Thank you for helping to keep the world safe for so many and thank for your personal sacrifices.
I am now 84 yrs old. I commemorate all veterans, but especially my father who served overseas with REME (Staff Sergeant} from 41-45, and my husband who served his National Service with the Royal Artillery (Cyprus) from 57-59.
Thank you very much for your Sacrifice
Thank you for your sacrifices for our home and native land.
When I think of the sacrifices you made on my behalf, it brings tears to my eyes. May god bless you and keep you. You deserve so many thanks. I will never forget you.
With our gratitude for your sacrifice and service. It is truly appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your assistance in defending not only our wonderful country, Canada, but also defending the other countries in the world. You sacrificed your lives and we really appreciate it.
Our veterans are the best role models for the young people of today. The selfless sacrifices by our veterans for the benefit of us all must be remembered with gratitude.
Thank you for your service. Because of people like you, I live in a free country. I am proud to be a Canadian and proud of our service people who served Canada.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service, we will never forget.
Your willingness to fight for what you believed in gave us this wonderful country we are privileged to live in today. I remember.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service, we will never forget.
Your efforts to make better world for all future generations is beyond the words of thank you. So many events and witness to so much strife and pain and yet your life shines bright because you are angels who love with all your heart and soul. May God bless you and your families.❤
We are here today because of all your efforts. Thank you 🙏
I really appreciate everything you
Have done. Many thanks
Thanks very much for your help as volunteers.
Thank you veterans for your sacrifices on our behalf.
To All Who Served, thank you so much for your sacrifice and caring SO MUCH to fight for Canada for all the freedoms which we are able to have today because of your dedication and service. All of you have my total respect, admiration, gratitude for everything you gave! HUGS ALWAYS
Thank you to all the brave women and men who fought to protect us! You will not be forgotten.
You were so courageous and selfless! Can’t imagine how grizzly it was. Glad you came out of it alive. Thank you for your service.❤️
Thank you is a simple phrase that is often over-used, but it is a phrase that means so much. Your service and commitment to helping is so special. I truly hope you know how much it means to me and my family. Thank you
Dear Veterans, You deserve our honour, respect, and gratitude every day thankfully November 11th our admiration is most visible. Your immense sacrifices will never be forgotten. Sincere Thankyou to each of you for the freedom we are privileged with today. Affectionately S Lawson
Thinking of you today. Thank you for your courage and service.
Thank you to all Veterans your Sacrifices Services.
Veterans are greatly Appreciated, Admired, Respected & Loved
Thank you for the life your sacrifice allowed me to live. My father was a soldier in the Canadian Army during WW2 and that experience stayed with him his whole life. I am sure yours did too. I am grateful for your bravery and commitment every day.
Thank you so very much for sacrifices you all made and make to give us our freedom may God keep you all safe bless you and your family's Thank you lest we forget forever and always grateful amen xxc
Dear Veterans, a HUGE thank you goes to you all who fought so that we can enjoy freedom now. We shall never forget what you did for us.
Thank you for your service. Thank you for giving us safe and wonderful place to raise our families and deliver our lives. Without your sacrifice, we would not enjoy the life we live. Thank you.
Thank you for your courage and strength!
Thank you for your service. Thank you for giving us safe and wonderful place to raise our families and deliver our lives. Without your sacrifice, we would not enjoy the life we live. Thank you.
Thank you for all you did for Canada. Be well!
Thanks for the sacrifice you have all made to keep us safe. God bless.
Ladies And Gentlemen; a huge "thank-you" for sacrificing your lives !!!!!!
God bless all of you for your courage and loyalty. I keep a picture of my grandfather in uniform always close by to remind us. Thank you!😊
Thank you for your service!
Wonderful care provided by caring staff
My Husband’s father served in the first Polish armoured division of the Canadian General Guy Simmons. We know of many incidents of all veterans struggles and hardships and bravery. We both have attended services for. 52 years Thank you with love and 💕
Thanks to you I have had the privilege to live a good, happy, safe life. Thank you for your sacrifice. You truly are a hero. May we never forget what you did for us.
I’m so Grateful for the Freedom your sacrifice allowed me to be a mom and grandma in a safe Canada.
Think of my father and yourselves with love often.
Your selflessness and courage inspire us all, and I am truly honored to have the opportunity to convey my appreciation to you.
Thank you for your commitment, effort and sacrifices to keep our country safe.
This generation and future generations of Canadians must be reminded and taught that the freedoms they enjoy came at the cost of untold sacrifice and hardship by our magnificent Canadian servicemen. There is no finer example of heroism than what you achieved in vanquishing evil.
Thank you for your service. God bless each and every one of you.
I’m sincerely sharing my gratitude for our Veterans and heroes 🦸 of our country Canada for efforts and bravery of all heroes. ❤️❤️😇😇🙏🙏
From the bottom of my heart thank you for the freedom weCanadians share today
Thank you for all of your dedication and sacrifice to preserve and protect our beautiful country!
My family are so grateful for the services you provided to keep our country safe. We thank you so much. God has been very good to all of us. Let us not forget to pray and thank Him everyday. God Bless you always
Dear Veterans at Sunnybrook, With deep gratitude for your service, and best wishes for your care and comfort and for peaceful days. Sincerely, J. Larkin
Remembrance Day. I think back to a grandfather and two uncles whom I never knew - lost in the two world wars. Devastation & war continue to surround us. But Canada remains strong and free. Your huge sacrifices assured us this freedom. We are blessed & grateful. Thank you.
Not enough words can express my gratitude for your sacrifice and service to this wonderful Country we call Canada, So proud of you all and proud to be a Canadian.
Those of us who are old enough remember the neighbour boys who went away and never returned, They will never be forgotten, remembered as the youths they were when we last saw them.Blessings on al of you.l
Thank you very much to the Sunnybrook Veterans for all you have sacrificed through your bravery, determination and inner strength. A Huge show of Gratitude to our Veterans across the country who have sacrificed so much in their lives, and taught us about Courage.
My deepest gratitude for your service.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made so that we can all live in Canada where the true north is still strong and free!
You guys are great!! All hero’s.
Please know that you are thought of with pride and love. Your sacrifice for Canada was no little thing. I wear my poppy proudly. My Dad was a WWII Vet.
And the veterans centre was where my dear mom passed away in 2003. Thank you for sharing your centre with her in 2003
Thank you for all your Brave sacrifices your all Heros Thank You.
Never have so many owed so much to so few. God bless them all.
We are so grateful for the sacrafice our veterans have made in their life and military career to keep Canada and Canadians safe. You have our eternal gratitude.
Thank you for your bravery and your sacrifices to make everyone's life better. Thank you for making this world a better place than you found it. Thank you making a difference.
A free and democratic Canada for us today is due to your service and the sacrifices of your families. Many, many thanks!!!
A million thanks for everything.
Thanks for your special support to our country 🙏 my God Bless Your All, Thanks To The All The Women's and Man's, For fighting for this beautiful country GOD BLESS YOU ALL 💓🙏💓🙏
I am deeply grateful for your commitment to protecting Canada & other countries against undemocratic regimes
Brave, compassionate, committed, loyal, supportive, tough…you have graced Canada with your commitment to this land and her people. I am forever grateful. 🙏 Thank you.
Thank you so very much for your service. Because of you, we live in a free world.
My grandfather was a World War 1 veteran and I am forever thankfull for the sacrifice so many made to protect our way of life. Thank you!!
As November 11th nears I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our veterans, as well as those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that our country could be strong and free. You are our heros and my family and me appreciate all you have done for us.
As November 11th nears I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our veterans, as well as those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that our country could be strong and free. You are our heros and my family and me appreciate all you have done for us.
Dear Veterans,
There are not enough words to express my deep 'Thank You' for your devotion to our Country. Both my Mother and Father volunteered for duty in the Canadian Navy during World War II - and I know from their experiences the selfless courage you have.
Thank You for all you ‘be done - for the freedom we enjoy !
Thank you for your bravery, sacrifice and service to give me a better life.
I am always amazed by and thankful for veterans of all ages who have the courage of their convictions to put their lives on the line to defend our country and its citizens. You are remembered on November 11 and your service is most appreciated and honoured always.
54 yrs ago I came to Canada. I fell in love with this country, I love it, because I know so many people from all over the world to come n built this great country. My special thanks to our Veterans, who sacrificed their lives to make this country great. We will remember them fore
I visited the War Museum in Ottawa a few years ago and had the most wonderful chat with a veteran. The courage, determination and sacrifice all those men showed deserves everyone's utmost respect and gratitude. I'm truly humbled every Nov 11th. Thank you for your service.
Thank you so very very much for your service. May God bless you abundantly
I trust you realize how much your bravery and 'sheer might to do right' in our world at that time; has made me appreciate your dedication. My best wishes to you.
Thanks very much to everyone who served for our Country in the past and present.
Love you ALL!
Herman W. Heikoop
Thank you for your service and sacrifice to Canada, I had four uncles that served in WWII. My nephew is currently in the Canadian Armed Forces and I was in the Reserves when I was younger. We appreciate your service very much!!
Thankyou to all the veterans for our freedom which we take for granted
thankyou this is a very good hospital
Dear Veteran. Thank you for all that you sacrificed for serving Canada and fellow Canadians. We are forever in your debt for keeping Canada free and assistjng the peoples of other countries in conflict. Thank you.
Thank you for your sacrifices and bravery. You are the reason we have freedom today❤️❤️❤️ God bless you all!
Without everyone of our arm forces thank you for our freedom that we take for granted.
My heartfelt gratitude and thanks to our Veterans. Your sacrifices mean so much to all of us. 🙏
Thank you for your service.
Thank-you for your courage and dedication to keep us safe and preserve our freedoms.
Thank you for your service and your dedication to our country when it was needed and even when it wasn’t.My father served with the princess pats in ww2 and it was a great privilege he said to serve.remember you are not forgotten .
Thank you so much for all you’ve done.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. Your bravery and courage has a tremendous impact on our lives and for years to come, and are forever grateful.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done.
Thank you for your sacrifice and for keeping Canada a free country.
Canadians and the people of the world are so fortunate to share the benefits resulting from your years of sacrifice and service. We thank you!
Let me thank all the doctors and medical staff who attended the needs of my dear mother Profetiza Diaz. Words are not enough but kudos to all! My family gratitude to the Sunnybrook veterans hospital for accommodating us and providing us the great health care ever!!!
No greater gift is given a nation than the service of her military women and men and for that - to all Veterans of Canada - I join millions of others in saying to you, our community of Veterans, thank you now and forever.
My family and I want to thank you for your service. Our lives would never have been the same without your sacrifice. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thank you for your sacrifice. You are the real heroes.
Thanks for your service. You helped liberated my parents in ww2. Wouldn't be here otherwise
Thank you for your great sacrifice
Thank you for your sacrifice that Canadians today enjoy freedom and a democratic country.
We will never forget that this world is a kinder place because of you
Please know your sacrifices for others will never be forgotten. Thank you a thousand times over.
Huge thank you to Canada’s true HEROES who risked being injured or killed in battle defending our country’s interests and way of life. I can’t imagine what it was like to go into battle knowing that you your life was in jeopardy.
Thank you so much for sacrificing!!!
My father fought, and was gravely wounded, in Normandy in 1944. He was a Captain with the Royal Regiment of Canada. Thus every Remembrance Day our family thinks of him, and of all his fellow soldiers, past and present, who suffered so that we might be free. Blessings!
Thank you for making our life's safe.
May god bless you and keep you safe!!!
Thanks to our bravest veterans for their dedicated services to our land CANADA.
Thank you for your years of service. You made it possible for all Canadians to live in peace.
Thank you for being there when others couldn't.
If there are any of you who served in the second world war. I want you to know that my memories go back that far, and I will always be grateful for what you did for me and all those who have lived a good Canadian life ever since.
So thankful that worst emergency services might be better some day in tge Future .. sad it's so so bad.
Thank you sincerely for your service to defend our country and to enable the lifestyle of freedom and health for my generation. Every day I think of and am grateful for your sacrifice. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The soldiers of the past and present, thanks for taking all these risks and making these sacrifices. We are always grateful to you for your service. Happy Veterans Day!
Your service is so much appreciated. Thank you.
We have not forgotten and shall never forget the veterans who accomplished and sacrificed so much to allow us to live in freedom.
We continue to support our brave men and women engaged in military service for our Canada.
Blessings to all.
Thank you for your selfless service to our country. The freedoms we enjoy are not to be taken for granted and weren’t free. All the love and respect to you.
Thank you to my father, mother, uncle, brother, son, cousin, friends and those who I never knew who have had the honour to serve In Canada's Armed Forces; especially, those who have been wounded or killed.
I totally support you and I am eternally grateful for all you have done for our country and the world. Thank you so much and may God Bless You!
God Bless or as we say in Hebrew " Baruch Hashem ". May you go from strength to strength and thank you for your service.
Without your selfless service and sacrifice, we would not be able to enjoy our great country of Canada. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much!!
The War to End all Wars didn't accomplish that. You fought to preserve democracy again in WWII. Today the fight continues Thank you for your service and sacrifice and that of your compatriots!
We live in a free democratic country today ... because of you. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. We would not be living free. as we do, if you had not gone to serve.
Thank you for your service
Salute & Thank you for your Service
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for all that you do to keep us in our country safe, you are true heroes ! 😇
Thank you for saving my
Thank you for saving us and Canada.
We Canadians owe a deep sense of gratitude to our war veterans who had made the supreme sacrifice so that the others could in peace.
Some fortunate once had barely escaped death but had sustained life threatening health conditions some serious yet some not so. I bless them all.
Thank you for your service to our country !!! You are our heroes !!!
I’m so thankful that you make it so that me and my family can walk in peace. God bless all and thank you for your service.
Thank you for your brave and resilient to protect our freedom.
You are our hero that lives in our memory each day.
Big thanks. We will never forget
Thank you for all you have done for our country
Thank you for all you have done for Canada!
Be well!
Thank you for demonstrating courage, strength and service in protecting our Canadian values at home and abroad.
My mother, 1 of 13 kids, had brothers who served. Her brother EDWARD PATRICK TAYLOR, a veteran of the Second World War and Korea served for the 2nd Royal Canadian Horse Artillery for 25 years. I honour him and all veterans who served and sacrificed. THANK YOU.
If it wasn.t for our brave vets,we would all be doing the goose step today. Thank You & God Bless them,God will reward them all
We say a heart felt THANK YOU to of you that put your lives at risk to keep us all safe.
You must never be forgotten
Thank you for your sacrifice for our Country. Your heroism and strength is acknowledged and we are very grateful for your commitment to our Country.
Thank you for your sacrifice! Thank you Sunnybrook doctors and staff for the excellent service you provide! Feel lucky to have
We are deeply grateful for your service in protecting our great nation. We respect your bravery, strength and commitment. Protecting Canada is not something everyone is capable of doing. Your selflessness and sacrifices will always be remembered and appreciated. THANK YOU! ❤️
Everyday is the day to thank our veterans who gave so much for all of us. Today we have freedoms and rights that they fought hard to win for us. Both my husband and my Father's fought in WWII as well as my Uncle who died in France. Thank you all.
Thank you so much for the sacrifices you have made to ensure the way of life, which we often take for granted, is available to future generations.
Remembrance Day always affects me . Our family lost a son brother and uncle in France in 1944 and others served. We know the sacrifices all families make and thank them for their service. It is our binding thread as Canadians. Cheers and long life to our Veterans.
Thank you is inadequate but it is the best we can to to tell you that your sacrifice has meant so much - you have made it possible for me and so many like me to have the wonderful lives we have thanks to you
The unimaginable sacrifices that our veterans
faced every day for our freedom. Many men and women
left their homes to fight with fewer returning home safely.
We shall never forget!!!!
Profound and heartfelt thanks to each and every Vet
Thank you for your service to our country!!
Many thanks so very much!
Lest we never forget. Thank you for your service to our country!
Thank you for your sacrifice. Without your courage and love of freedom we would not be here today.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful veterans at Sunnybrook and all veterans across the country. Thank you for keeping us strong and free. My father fought in World War 2 in the Navy and spent the last year of his life at Sunnybrook. Peace!
Thank you for your bravery and incredible sacrifice. We are grateful for all the freedom we have today and know that your family and many others have endured tremendous heartache.
To our courageous Canadian veterans,we are forever grateful for your selfless service, bravery, and sacrifices. Your unwavering commitment to protecting our nation, its values, and freedom has shaped the Canada we know today. Thank you.
We are so grateful for the sacrifices you all made to ensure we have a good life in a free country !
A HUGE THANK YOU for making Canada such a wonderful country
I thank you for the sacrifice you have made for Canadians. Few of us will ever experience the life changing role that you have chosen. You served and changed the course of history. Words cannot express the profound appreciation we feel. You are Canada's hero. Thankyou.
Thank you for putting your lives on the line for us and enduring everything you had to endure and sacrifice everything you had to sacrifice for us we salute you we applaud you and we got to keep and protect you and yours. God bless you thank you. Amen.
Just to say thank to all the veterans who put they life at risk for our country thank u so much word can't explain how grateful I am to u y'all ❤️
Thank you for everything you did for our country, and thinking of all those you left behind.
So very grateful for your service.
Thanks to the men and woman like you in the photo and the Thousands of others who sacrificed their Lives in World Wars 1 & 2. That my Family and millions of other families across Canada have and Enjoy the Freedom that we do today. Knowing that our Country is Great and Free.
There are no words to express my gratitude for your service to defend our freedom and democracy. My Dad was a veteran and I had the privilege of looking after him until he passed at 97 years old in 2022.
Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. Be well.
Those of us who have never experienced war owe you an extra thank-you for your part in making it so. Thank you so much for all you have given us and our country!
You are my every day hero. Thankyou for the freedom we enjoy.
Citizens like myself can never really understand the true extent of your commitment and sacrifice or the lasting impact of that commitment. That doesn't me I shouldn't try to understand or express gratitude. I'm personally grateful to have this opportunity to say THANK YOU.
Without you we wouldn't have the freedom we have today we should never take it for granted.
Thank You 🙏 to our dearest Veterans of Canada, who fearlessly and courageously defended the great values of justice and equality for future generations, freedoms we now enjoy. Thank you for being our Great Hero’s for our country CANADA, we now call “our home and native land”.
Thank you! 💙 Let's never forget your sacrifice to keep us safe!
Thank you for your service and for helping to make Canada such a wonderful country to live in. Your efforts will not be forgotten. My father served in the British Royal Navy from 1945-1948 and moved to Canada in 1956 to build a better live for his family. He loved Canada!
With so much strife in the world today, I am
reminded of and so appreciate the bravery and commitment armed services members showed and show to sacrifice themselves for others, keep us safe and our democracy secure. Thank you.
My sincere thank you to all the veterans and citizens who served in the armed forces and on the home front to safeguard our precious freedom, our nation and democracy and to liberate the millions of oppressed people around the world longing for peace. I honour you.
Thank you for helping to make Canada one of the greatest countries to live in.
Their personal sacrifices and that of their families is something no citizen should ever forget. I am grateful to be a Canadian knowing that our liberty lies in their sacrifice and not be taken for granted. We should all give back. They deserve it.
We admire your courage and dedication; Thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice.
Thank you so much for your service. My Dad was a WW2 war vet. He had some good stories and some sad ones.
Your unselfish gift of serving your country has made it what it is today. Thank you. My family thanks you. We are so proud of you.
We, as a nation, cannot thank you enough for your bravery, commitment and sacrifice to secure the peace and freedom for all Canadians. I thank you all, both past and present, for being there when we need you the most. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank You
Thank You! We honor you today and everyday for your dedication to duty and for your willingness to fight for Canada and everything we hold dear..
To all of Canada's Veterans: Thank you so very much and words cannot express the gratitude I have for your service to our beautiful country. You have sacrificed so much and it will always be remembered. Thank you!!!
Thank you for putting your life on the line and keeping Canada safe and a wonderful country.
Thank you for your dedicated sacrifice and service to our wonderful country Canada. You've made our freedom possible.
Thank you for your selfless sacrifice for your country and for all Canadians. This Remembrance Day, and every day, we honour you. Sincere gratitude always.
Thank you for standing for freedom and justice in this world. May God bless you and keep you in His care.
Thank you for your service ! ! ! !
Thank you. To my father and the thousands of men and women who enlisted and, in many cases, paid the ultimate sacrifice
There's no way that words can thank you enough. Thank you for your service. Thank you you giving so much for your country. God bless you always and thank you.
I pay my heartfelt homage to twin brothers Grant and Roy Campbell who sacrificed their life as Royal Air Force Officers in 1942. Because of their laying lives for the noble cause I and my family are living a comfortable life in Gods country Canada
Canada wouldn't enjoy the freedom citizens enjoy without your sacrifices. A simple thank you can never be enough. We will never forget!
Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. .You all are amazing people. If we can help in any way. Love from Neil and I. Hugs
Thank you for being there for us all. We appreciate you. God bless you all and your families.
No words can properly express our debt to you for your service.
Thank you.
You gave up your youth and often your health and your future to fight for truth, peace and democracy. Thank you and may God bless you. I am privileged to live in this free country because of you. Please know that you are appreciated and that your life and sacrifice has purpose.
Thank you for your service!
All Canadians and freedom loving people in the world must keep faith with your sacrifices by opposing fascism as you have in service for us.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. .You all are amazing people. If we can help in any way. Love from Neil and I. Hugs
We are very proud of what you have for our country.
God bless you.all.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! We could NEVER say it enough!! You are ALL such AMAZING heroes and will ALWAYS be in giving us our FREEDOM!! THANK YOU once again!
Thank you so much for giving me the freedom in a democracy! Without this freedom nothing would be possible to accomplish our dreams !!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for scarifying your life to save mine..
Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your contribution.
I really say Thank you to all of the Veterans who gave up so much of their lives to go and fight in the War. Also to their familes who had to let them go . It must have been Heart Wrenching. God Bless them All.
Thank you for the time you sacrificed from your life to go and fight for ours.Thank you for being courageous.Thank you for believing in Canada and its people.Thank you! May your days be blessed with the knowledge that millions of Canadians honour you. We will not forget you ❤️
I would like to say a Big
Thankyou to each and everyone for your decacated service for our
Great country CANADA
Thank you for your service to Canada.
Fraser, Keane and Thorne families.
In appreciation for your service and remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe and democracy alive. I had hoped it would be never again, but humanity can not seem to embrace equality and peace.
Thank you so much our Hero's
I am the son of a WW ll veteran who bravely and courageously served his country in combat and I’m also the nephew who never got to know his uncle as he was killed in action in Holland. Thankyou for your service. . There is no greater honour than to serve your country. Thank you !
On this very important day my family and I just want to say “thank you” to all of you for this wonderful country called Canada.
The ultimate sacrifice all of you and your families have given has made Canada what it is today. We will always remember….. we shall not forget.
Canada remains a free and thriving democracy as a result of your generational sacrifices to keep it so. May all future Canadian generations carry your legacy with the same conviction, commitment and pride in their country. May we never forget!
We'll never forget you brave men and women who have changed the world to become a better place for all of us.
With heartfelt gratitude and thanks. If not for your sacrifice we wouldn’t enjoy the freedom we have today.
As always I thank our veterans for all their sacrifices in the battles against tyranny
Thank you for standing up and being counted among those who value freedom. We have paid a terrible price for the life that we now lead. You all have offered your all so we may have our tomorrows. May God bless you and comfort you. Thank you does not convey our appreciation.
Thank you. We need to remember.
There is no greater responsibility than God, family and country. Veterans have risked their own lives in the security and preservation of Canada. There is no higher honour. Thank you and God bless you.
Because of your brave heart we are able to live in peace. Thank you so much and keep well.
Thank you for providing the safe Canadian life I & my family are living!!
Hello veterans, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for the sacrifices you made so many years ago, in order to preserve our way of life and freedom.
I shudder to think what it would be like today, if you had not risked your lives for future generations. Thank you !!
Thank you for your service, your sacrifices, for your valour and for defending our rights.
Thank you to our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping our Country and all its citizens safe.
We thank you and appreciate the Veterans very much
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for allowing my family and me to enjoy the freedom and liberties that we do in Canada. We are so very fortunate because of the incredible sacrifice you made. Thank you.
Thankyou to all veterans past/present for their courage, sacrifice and dedication while protecting Canada/Canadians and those in need around the globe-I am truly saddened by those that did not come home or came home disabled in some way-my heart goes out to their families/friends
Thank you for your services and all you did for us who call Canada our homeland!
We are forever grateful and words can never express how much we owe you… Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God bless!
Your sacrificed was not only for our country but to all mankind suffering in the war. Thank you for your devotion!
Thank you for what you have done for the country and for liberty, freedom and democracy.
As the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Command, Provincial President I would like to take this opportunity to pass onto you from all 96,000 members that make up Ontario Command, our sincerest gratitude and forever thanks for stepping forward to serve this great country of ours.
Thank you for giving for trying to make this a better world to live in and freely and gladly giving your time and in some cases your/or your buddy's life. I hope that the world will become a better, happy and more loving place to live in the future
We love you, care for you, honour you and respect you! What wonderful people you are and so dedicated to our Country and the safety of us all. Happy Poppy Day to all you wonderful people! We respect you ALL!!!
I rest every night knowing I am surrounded by the strength of a great nation. The sacrifices you made for generations of families means I am proud to be Canadian. Thank you for all that you gave, all that you did, and the memories you share and those you keep. Bless you.
Thank you for your courage in facing such difficulties. We appreciate the freedom you fought to keep for us.
the freedom you fought to give us.
Thank you for fighting for me so that my generation of Boomers have never had to. You have made us the luckiest generation in history.
Thank you! My grandfather served in WWI and I have read his diaries. Your service to , and sacrifice for, Canada is greatly appreciated and admired.Thank you!
For my Dad....God Bless All
We convey our heartfelt gratitude and we honor you for your sacrifices and service.
We show appreciation to all the Veterans, particularly for the veterans of the Second World War. God Bless.
As we approach November 11th, I'm reminded every day how very fortunate we are to live in our country of freedoms and liberty, which was made possible by the service and sacrifices of our incredible veterans. We truly live in the shadows of giants. Thank you!
Thanks for all you have done to protect and initiate peace around the World.
Thanks for all you have done to protect and initiate peace around the World.
Heartfelt thanks and gratitude. We wouldn’t be here were it not for you.💕💕
In honour of all veterans, but particularly to thank my Grandfather William Joseph Nelson who fought with the CEF, in France in WW1, and for my Father Harry Maycock, RAF, who fought in Burma in WW2. I’m so very proud of you both.
Dear Vet,hope now in these time of your Lives, you have not regrets, of giving your youth for Peace, just put my Heart in your Mom heart, wonder if you think about your future in the Battle Fields, God love you at that time and now more.
Dear Veterans, thank you for the sacrifices you have made for us. You have made the ultimate gift for us - a part of yourself. I am so grateful. You have stood up for Canada.
Lest we forget , your courage and selfless dedication unknown in todays world .Thank You
Thank you all from my family for keeping us safe and in some cases you have sacrificed your lives
so we can live free and still stand as a Country bless all your hearts
Our veterans did a remarkable job to preserve our country. I thank all the veterans for their brave and unselfish duties
Throughout their time serving their country
Dear Veterans, my father was a young boy when the Netherlands fell to the German invaders in World War II and occupied for 5 years until liberated by the First Canadian Army. You are part of the reason my father came to Canada! My family loves you for your bravery & sacrifice.
Words cannot express the gratitude and love I feel for each and every one of you. I commend you for your bravery during terrible, deplorable conditions, leaving your loved ones behind. Again, please accept my heart felt gratitude and thank you for your service!
Words cannot express the gratitude and love I feel for each and every one of you. I commend you for your bravery during terrible, deplorable conditions, leaving your loved ones behind. Again, please accept my heart felt gratitude and thank you for your service!
Thank you .
My Father was in The Home - guard WWII.
I Believe His Father was with The Vet. Corp. WWI.
My Relatives were from England .
But Thank you too .
A Number of Veterans attended my Home Church of
St. Paul's Anglican Church was Innisfil , Ontario .
Thank you for all the you have done to help keep Canada safe and to make a positive gift to the world.
God Bless you and keep you safe. Rick and Diane
Thank you for your service - Your service has made Canada an amazing country.
We continue to enjoy the freedom of being Canadian because you took action when our freedom was challenged
To all of our great veterans. My deepest thanks as both my Father and Grandfather also were Veterans and i understand the sacrifice they made as you all have also made. Thank you all for making all of our lives better. I respect you all.
In gratitude for your generous service to Canada and the free world.
We thank you for your bravery, courage, sacrifice, and contributions for our country and for our freedom! Thank you so much and God Bless!!!!
I have always admired the men and women who volunteered to fight for Canada.My father volunteered for the Boer war and fought four years in WW1. My husband and sister were in the navy in WW2. I planned to join up when I turned 18
Thank you for your Service! You are Very Brave folks! My Grandfathers, Uncles my Dad as well! Now my nephew has joined our Forces! We area Very Proud Family! Thank You again!
Without you we would not have the freedoms we do today. Thank you for your service. We shall never forget!
Thank you for volunteering to go over seas at a young age to fight. My own father was a Canada's veteran who enlisted at age 16. Remembrance Day
is important to me knowing how everyone went overseas to fight plus the women who work in factories at home.
Thank you
You have all my gratitude for your participation in protecting our nation with your blood, sweat, tears and toil.
Thank you so much for your service to our great country. My father and my uncles served in World War 2 and fortunately, no one was seriously injured or killed.
Again, you deserve great thanks!!
Thank you to all the wonderful veterans for your service. Without you life would be very different.
With love to my dad, a veteran.
People tend to forget the real cost of our freedom today.
Thank you
You are not forgotten
From a grateful nation, we thank you for your duty, honour and courage.
THANK YOU for your service. Keep the hope up. We are thinking of you. My the Lord give you strength.
Thank you to all the soldiers who put their lives at outmost risk to save people they did not know, never met. My family was saved by the Red Army liberating Budapest. Thank you to all the Canadian Veterans who participated and protected vulnerable people around the world.
Thank You for your service Veterans.
Every year we remember the sacrifices by wearing a poppy and attending memorial services.
There will never be an appropriate measure to calculate what our military service force provided to us and continues to provide to us today. They have always been there to serve our country and secure our freedom. Forever Thankful!
Thinking of you and your colleagues with heartfelt thanks.
We need to remember the past and those who acted on our behalf to keep Canada a free and democratic country. Thank you
Thank you for your service on an ongoing basis. All are in our prayers
thank you for puting yourself in the front line and helping all of us live in peace!!
Thank you for your sacrifices for Canada and for me. You have fought selflessly in many places across the globe over many years. And, you have tried to sustain peace in many places too. You have my gratitude and admiration.
Veterans are remembered. Let me just take a moment to say THANK YOU.
With my whole heart, I say thank you for Your Service.🤗❤️
You helped keep Canada Strong and Free …
Thank You For Your Service
We appreciate all you've done to keep Canada strong and safe and allow us to have the rights and freedoms we cherish today. For all that you've given to protect our country, THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for your sacrifice We love Canada because of you we hope you feel the love and appreciation and hope all your needs are being met including medicinal cannabis if you need it lots of love always
Thank you on behalf of my family. As Canadians we are so blessed and proud of the freedoms and the benefits we enjoy because of the many Veterans in our Countries history, stepped up and defended our country and those around the world who were in need of assistance. LOVE TO ALL
Thank you for your service, to our country, and in pursuit of bringing peace to the world. Canadian Armed Force members are unique, and committed to making this world a better place.
Our freedom. Our liberties. Our way of life. Our Canada. For all that and more we owe you our unflinching support and heart felt Thank you.
Thank you on behalf of my family. As Canadians we are so blessed and proud of the freedoms and the benefits we enjoy because of the many Veterans in our Countries history, stepped up and defended our country and those around the world who were in need of assistance. LOVE TO ALL
God bless you for your sacrifice. As a child of displaced persons(refugees), I am ever so grateful for your service so that I can live peacefully in this beautiful country of ours. Thank you!
Thank you for your sacrifice. All Canadians appreciate it. My dad would have especially loved it.
Thank you for your service,for your sacrifices,for keeping us safe, and for defending our rights.
Thank you for your service, my grandfather, and 3 of my uncles served. If not for you brave men we might of lived in a very different world.
Thank you for your courageous service to Canada and beyond🇨🇦
Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice. Your courage supported our freedoms and safety, and we are grateful for your service. You inspire us with your strength. Today, we honor you and celebrate the impact you made on our lives.
The whole nation is proud of our veterans. Your sacrifices can never be ignored. You and your families are always included in our prayers. Stay blessed.
Thank you for your generous defence of our wonderful country. My grandfather spent his final years as a veteran in Sunnybrook’s Veteran Centre. All Canadians owe you a great debt of gratitude.
I'm the granddaughter, niece and cousin of members of the Canadian Armed Forces. I know of the daily sacrifice you made to ensure the safety of Canadians and others. I will wear my poppy to commemorate your service, and will think of you at 11:00 on November 11th. Thank you!
To all Canadian veterans specially those living at Sunnybrook. Thank you all for your dedication to the cause of justice. In all wars across the world Canadian soldiers have shown amazing courage and bravery. Thank you so much. Your dedication will never be forgotten.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the sacrifices you made so that we can have a safe place to live. Without your sacrifice, a lot of us may not be living right now. We want you to know that your sacrifice is much appreciated.
I am almost 60 years old and I have never had to fight in a war. My generation may be the 1st in human history to be able to say that. It could not have happened without your sacrifices. There are no words that can express my gratitude for that...
Thank you for your bravery and sacrifice. Canada is a great country because of our veterans.
Thank you gentlemen for the sacrifices that you made so that we as Canadians have a great country .You made it possible for us to have the freedom that at times we take for granted.Thank you and God Bless
Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe. You are real hero for your bravery and sacrifices to our nation.
For our cherished and esteemed Veterans: please know that your personal courage and sacrifice to protect our great country and the freedoms it affords us have not been in vain. We celebrate and thank you on November 11 each year, and on every day we wake up to live as free people
Dear Veterans, My family and I wanted to thank you for your survice as well as your bravery. We are very grateful for your sacrifice. You are our heroes. Stay strong and be proud of the fact that you made this world a better place
I, like my fellow Veterans, remember the Veterans..!!
To all the veterans I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifices you made to keep our country free. You are not forgotten!
Without you Canada would be in a much worse place. We all thank you for your service.
Thank you for all your sacrifices so that we could live a wonderful life.
Words can not express my graditude for the sacrifices that you've all made which allow us to live with the freedom we have today My Sincere THANKS
You are our True Heroes who will
never be forgotten.
Thank you for your unwavering courage and sacrifice. Your dedication to protecting our freedoms and serving our country is truly inspiring. We honor your today and always, grateful for all you've done. Your are the heart of our nation.
Thanks to all veterans that risk their lives for there country. My husband is one of them. I have three sons serving now.
I am the proud son of a World War Two vet. We are forever indebted to you.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” — General Douglas MacArthur
Thank you for your service and sacrifices you and your families made so future generations would have a safer, more humane world. I am grateful to my veteran ancestors and their cohorts, they will not be forgotten in my family!
Heartfelt thanks for the tremendous selfless gift you gave so that so that we and our families can live free today with so many opportunities and in peace🫶🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
As the son of a World War 2 veteran whose father spent his last days in K Wing , I would just like to share the care and respect and dignity that the Centre offered him both as he lived out his last days and the honour guard that escorted him on his final Journey out.
My Dear Mother, was in the military and later in life, retired from it with honours. Since there was not a war in our country, she lived past the 90 years old. I am proud of her serving our country and in her memory, I am humbled by the heart and courage of our Canadian Veterans.
Thank you for your service to our freedom. I often remark how lucky I am to live in Canada - in a safe country, province, city, neighbourhood, and home. I know this is because of the folks who came before me, and the folks who continue to work hard to keep us safe. Thank you.
You have made our country safe and free. Thank you! I come from a family of war veterans and appreciate your sacrifices. Veterans Day is a very special day on our family.
Thank you for your service. You gave Canadians freedom because of your bravery. We will never forget the sacrifices you gave for us you’ve never met. Love to you forever.
Thank you for your bravery in defending our country. We are forever indebted to you and grateful for risking your lives.
Many many thanks again
While we all take so much for granted in our super busy everyday lives, we need to constantly remind ourselves how blessed we are to live in this amazing country that was so selflessly defended by our amazing veterans, Thank you for your service!
born in England at the outbreak of WW2, I have vivid memories of bombing raids and buzz bombs, both scary. I lost family fighting in various segments of the allied forces. I am eternally thankful for their and your sacrifices. NEVER AGAIN, sadly does not seem to resonate today.
My late father was with the Signal Corps of Engineers. It’s hard to believe that at such a young age, he joined with thousands of other young men, like you,
to serve our country. Thank you for your tremendous service to Canada, your sacrifice is never forgotten.
Dear Veterans, Thank you for your services to maintain our democratic values throughout the years. Due to your efforts we live in the greatest country on earth.
Words cannot adequately express the gratitude, but you are in my mind and prayers. Thank you
Thank you for your courage and for the sacrifice you made to keep Canada strong and free. My dad was an18 year old soldier during WW2. He wouldn’t share very much about his experience but I grew up proud of his contribution and that of other brave Canadian men & women then & now
Thank you for your service, your sacrifice in service of this country nobody will ever be forgotten
To our Veterans who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy freedom and a better life, thank you is not enough.
Your dedication remains palpable, profound and etched in our memories. Hope all future generations will receive education on what you did for this country. Thank you!
You have been my real heros all my life. Thank you for your sacrifice and service.
We are very fortunate to have had your service and loyalty to Canada. Your service means we live in a free country, respected around the world.
Thank you
My family and I are so grateful for the contribution of all our veterans. Our beautiful country and the rights and privileges we enjoy are in large part thanks to them and we can't thank you enough.
You are all heroes! We will never forget your sacrifices and service to our country. My father served in the RC Navy during WWII and I have so much love and respect for you all. Wishing you many blessings.
Thank you veterans - we owe our freedom and our lives to you. Words of thanks are just not enough. Sent with love and gratitude.
Thank you, Veterans, for your brave contribution! You have made it possible for those who followed you to lead good lives for many years. I am grateful that I am still enjoying my life with family and friends.
My father was a veteran and the courage and character you all have displayed for future generations is immeasurable We can never thank-you enough for the bravery and service you have shown. We will always remember
Our Fathers were veterans and we support you brave veterans for all you did for Canada
To our Canadian Veterans, I want to thank you so much for your service, I’m so thankful everyday for our freedom, because of you. God Bless
Thank you for all your work and the sacrifices you have made.I worked in Somalia in 1992-1993 with an NGO. We could not have done so without your support and protection. With your help we were able to save approx 500 children from starvation. God bless you all. Thank you!
Thank you for all of your service in protecting our democracy. Your efforts will never be forgotten.
Mere words cannot express how grateful I am for your service. The freedom I continue to have is due to your service in our armed forces. Thank you.
A thank you is never enough. 🇨🇦♥️
It is with sincere gratitude ,that those of us who enjoy all the Gifts Canada offers ,say thanks to those who like you who sacrificed so much . We should NEVER forget.
Thanks to all the Veterans. We appreciate all their sacrifices and courageous acts.
Thank you to all our Heroes that scarifies their own lives and their family lives to give us our freedom and for our future. this is the gifts that no money can buy. me and my family are very grateful and can not Thank you enough.
may GOD bless your soul and may you RIP.
To all of Canada’s Veterans, thank you for your unwavering sacrifice and dedication. Your courage has protected our freedoms and shaped our nation. We honor your bravery and commitment, and pledge to support you always. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.
We thank you so much for your service. I enjoyed being a companion for a veteran at Sunnybrook and we would sing songs from the '40's together and I would wheel her down to the recreation are for special events 😊. Sunnybrook is a great place for our veterans
Thank you so very much Veterans! Without your sacrifice, there would be no us! ❤️❤️❤️
Many thanks for your sacrifice!
Without the veterans we would not have any freedom, we older people respect and honor the veterans, the young people has no clue, no respect and don't care. I myself cannot thank the veterans enough. We live in the best country because of the veterans.
To each and everyone of you. You are incredible and deserve all the love and happiness each and every day. Never forget how amazing you are.
Thank you for all you do. We appreciate your courage and sacrifice.
Because of your hard work and sacrifices, we get to live freely. Thank you so much for making Canada such a great place to proudly call home! We'll never forget and always give the highest respects to you our heros!
In memory of Sgt. Philip Bell, HastyP’s, Operation Husky WW II.
A heartfelt thank you to all 🇨🇦 who served and continue to serve 🇨🇦. I am a proud 🇨🇦 Canadian 🇨🇦 and it is because of your efforts that I am able to freedom in my everyday life. It is not perfect but I am proud for the privilege.
Thank you for your service to our country. You will not be forgotten.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the freedoms & liberties that you have given me due to your valiant service. I am humbled by all that you gave without asking for very little back.
Thank you for giving me and future Canadians opportunities that only come from great sacrifice. I will always remember.
Thank you. The sacrifice you and your family made is immeasurable.
To the many men and women who sacrificed, heartfelt thanks.
Thank you so much for fighting for our freedom and for sacrificing your lives for us.
The whole world appreciates you!
There are no words to express how much I can thank you for all you have done, your bravery and patriotism and sacrifice.
Thank you for fighting for us
Very proud of my father's role and the other veterans in the Canadian Services during WWII.
Thank you so much for your sacrifices for our country.
Thank you for fighting for Canada
Thank you for fighting for our freedom. I appreciate your sacrifice.
Dear Veterans, to the past and present women and men who so bravely defended our freedom I salute you. It is with gratitude I take this opportunity to thank you for your service, your courage and integrity. I am humbled.
Thank you for your sacrifice. Canada is one of the best countries in the world because we have men and women that help make us TRUE, NORTH and FREE.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all veterans for the sacrifices made so that we could all have and enjoy the freedoms we have today. Too all those who lost their lives or who lost limbs in order to have our freedoms, there are no words . Thank-you all.
Here in Canada we live a wonderful life because you of your unselfishness to go and fight evil that was sure to reach our shores if you had not. Our family will always be grateful to you and every soldier and animal that perished so we can have our freedom. Thank you
There are no words to describe how grateful I am for all that you gave of yourself to stand for our country.
Your courage, conviction, and hope led to the beautiful country I am blessed to live in.
I am humbled by all that you have given and given up for me and all Canadians.
A very warm and honored person I am to have Leslie Watson Howell a brave and true warrior who fought not only for his current country but the freedom of the many generations after. This exemplary man came be the best guider and supporter of his wife and children. I am blessed dad
I am a retired secondary school teacher and former Department Head of Canadian and World Studies. For many years I organized Remembrance Day assemblies at the school to commemorate the contributions made by our veterans. I am grateful to all our veterans for their sacrifice.
Thank you so so much for your service to our great country. You are much appreciated!
I'M PROUD OF MY HEROS, MANY OF THEM SACRIFIED THEIR LIVEs AND QUITE A FEW ARE IN FRONT OF US. They fulfilled their promise to this beautiful homeland by keeping us safe in our great
sovereign state,"Long live Canada".
We live in one of the best countries in the world and that is in no small part due to the sacrifices of our Veterans. Thank you for your selfless service!
Thanks to the courage and bravery of our veterans who made it possible for canadians to live in the worlds
greatest country. God bless them all.
We have made a donation to Sunnybrook's Veteran's Centre in memory of
07-Nov-1922 - 28-Oct-2022
When Kay was 21 years, she joined the Royal Canadian Navy. During most of her service she was stationed in Quebec City as Lead Wren.
I don't have the words other than thanks for your service and sacrifice.
Wishing peace, love and happiness. Phil
The concepts of valor and honour not have not been lost to time. Exemplified in the men and women who’ve served and sacrificed to give their countrymen & woman the freedom of choice, to live. These are values to aspire to & be. Good, honest & brave. I needn’t look far. Thank You.
All Canadians are grateful for what you did for our country and for our freedom as well as those you liberated. Thank you!
My Dad, now deceased, served in WW2 as a medic and "Radar" in Holland and Italy. Thank you for your service and to others like you who have allowed us to have the wonderful lives we now lead. You are never forgotten.
To our veterans thank you for your service. Your sacrifice and bravery will never be forgotten. In loving memory of my mom Isobel Duclos my thoughts and prayers are always with you
No words can express how thankfull we are for your service during WW11 to your country. Thank you. God bless
Thank you for all you have done for our Country. Hopefully, we will not let you down and preserve the democracy you fought so hard for in your youth.
Thank you for all you have done for our Country. Hopefully, we will not let you down and preserve the democracy you fought so hard for in your youth.
Thank you for your service and preserving our freedom.
Thank you, for your bravery, for your sacrifices, for doing all that you did so that we today can live our life’s in freedom. Unlike many other places were are able to make choices and decisions for positive change. We remember you not just today but Everyday
I am proud of my Dad and uncles who served in WW2 as well as a cousin in Afghanistan. I grew up in Pembroke, near the Petawawa military base. Will always be thankful for our members who serve and protect, away from home, putting their lives at risk to keep others safe.
Thank you for everything you have done for our wonderful country, Canada!!!
I would not be here today if it was not for you!!!
Saluting our veterans who risked their lives so we can enjoy ours. We are forever grateful for your sacrifices. Thank you!!!
Thank you to all the people who sacrificed so much to keep us safe from harm. I’m forever and best wishes to all of you
As the world struggles with authoritarian regimes, and abuses of women’s rights, we honour your courage. Thank you for giving us freedom and free speech. These are two blessings that some on our planet will never know. Today we honour all of you and your bravery Thank you.
Thank you to the greatest generation for your sacrifice and bravery, and for keeping our way of life for me personally as well as the generations that came after.
How can thank you possibly be enough? But, thank you, all of you. Your strength, courage and determination are beyond belief. You have been amazing role models, people I look up to. God bless you!
Dear Veterans,
I am grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made for us and our country. It is because of you our land is glorious and free. You are true heros in my eyes. I thank you for your loyalty and your patriotism. Please know you are never forgotten!
We thank you for all you do and continue to do for our country!