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Hospital  >  Departments  >  Medicine  >  About Medicine

About Department of Medicine

The Department of Medicine is Sunnybrook's largest department with 99 full-time and over 200 part-time faculty members. We have 15 divisions and work in an interdisciplinary environment with Sunnybrook's care programs and other departments. Our leadership in clinical practice, education and research ensures optimal care for every patient.


When a patient is treated through one of Sunnybrook's 8 care programs, they are cared for by doctors from one of the Department of Medicine's 15 divisions. Our doctors, researchers and students integrate clinical practice, education and research. They deliver safe, leading edge care and treatment options to our patients.


As one of the University of Toronto's affiliated teaching hospitals, we provide an innovative learning environment, promoting critical inquiry and exchange between clinicans, researchers and educators. We are training the next generation of doctors and researchers to deliver the best possible health outcomes for local and global populations.


Research is a vital component of our care model, bringing leading edge discoveries from the lab bench to the bedside. Our researchers are at the forefront of their fields, working towards new advances in the understanding and prevention of disease, improving the quality of care to those we cannot cure, and developing innovative treatments that improve and extend life.

From our Chief...

Dr. Michelle Hladunewich

"When we put patient care first, excellence in medical research and education naturally follows" - Dr. Michelle Hladunewich