Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Patients & visitors  >  Become a Patient and Family Advisor

Become an

Odette Cancer Centre Patient and Family Advisor (PFA)

Smiling womanWho can become a PFA?

This role is open to all Odette Cancer Centre patients, as well as their family members and/or caregivers. We request that at least 6 months are to have passed since you or your loved one’s diagnosis.

What will I do, as a PFA?

Most importantly, you will provide the healthcare and management teams at the Odette Cancer Centre with the opportunity to further improve the patient and family experience.

Why become a PFA?

Your unique perspectives and experiences are invaluable! As a PFA, you will help the Odette Cancer Centre ensure that the person's point of view in the context of the cancer experience is heard and integrated into all service and quality improvements. In turn we hope that this will result in high-quality, person-centered care.

If you have…

  • The desire to participate and collaborate to bring meaningful change to care provided to our patients, caregivers and family members at the Odette
  • The ability to work collaboratively with, and listen to, other families and healthcare providers, to make consensus recommendations

… We cannot wait to hear from you!

Next steps:

  1. Email us at with your interest for the role.
  2. You will be provided with a short application form.
  3. Once reviewed for eligibility, we will call you for a brief phone interview.