Quality strategic plan

Our quality elements

Sunnybrook has six strategic quality goals for 2016-2019


Lead in providing the safest care based on best evidence and practice. Learn more »


Lead in providing the best and most appropriate care. Learn more »


Lead in providing timely care without delay or waste. Learn more »


Lead in valuing the humanity and vulnerability of our patients and families. Learn more »


Lead in partnering with patients and families to improve care and services, as well as other health-care providers to deliver integrated and coordinated care.

Lead improvements in system quality with partner organizations. Learn more »

Quality culture

Lead in developing a quality culture with empowered leaders, healthy staff, high functioning teams and supporting structures. Learn more »

Each goal has objectives and actions that will have high impact on quality and patient safety over the next three years. A supporting implementation plan – which includes specific deliverables, timelines and responsibilities for each action – has also been developed.