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Frequently asked questions

When can I be with my baby or babies?
You are not a visitor; you are a team member. You are welcome 24/7.

What are the most important things I can do for my baby/babies?
Be present, provide breastmilk, hold your baby/babies whenever possible, stay healthy, be involved, and clean your hands.

What is the phone number for the NICU?

Where do I get parking passes? Are there discounted passes?
Parking passes can be purchased in Room CG03 (ground Floor, C-wing). A five-day pass costs $65, and allows for in and out privileges. If you have already paid for parking they will count some of your prior receipts toward the cost of a new pass. Discounted multi-use passes are also available. We also have a limited number of NICU Parent Parking vouchers available for families in need; talk to your social worker about these vouchers.

Where can we stay if we live far away?
If you need to arrange for an extended stay, the best thing to do is contact a social worker who can help sort through the options with you. Let a staff nurse know you'd like to see a social worker.

If I have questions, compliments or concerns, who can I contact?
You can begin by speaking with your baby's staff nurse. You can also ask to speak with the charge nurse, the on-call nurse practitioner or the staff MD. You may also wish to contact Marion DeLand, our patient care manager, or Dr. Eugene Ng, the clinical director of the NICU. We welcome your feedback.

How do I contact a hospital chaplain?
Chaplains can be of great help in stressful times and in times of celebration. You can ask a social worker or call Chaplaincy at 416-480-4244.

How do I register my baby's birth?
You can use the Newborn Registration Service to register a child's birth, apply for a birth certificate, apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN), and to register the mother for Canada Child Benefits. If you are a resident of Ontario, you must apply for your baby's OHIP card at the hospital where you gave birth. If your baby was born at Sunnybrook, go to triage (on M5) to fill out and sign the application form. The triage clerk will give you a temporary OHIP slip for your baby. The permanent OHIP card will be sent to your home in 4-6 weeks. The form completed in Triage is different than the one the NICU clerk asks you to sign that allows the Ministry of Health to disclose the OHIP number including version code to the hospital so that the bill for your baby's care is covered.

I I have questions about EI, maternity leave, or the new Parents of Critically Ill Children program. Who can help?
Your social worker can give guidance; ask a staff nurse to connect you.

Can I claim any of this on my taxes?
It depends on where you live and how far you have to travel to come to the hospital. Save all receipts associated with your hospital stay, including food and parking. Check with an accountant to see which deductions apply to you.