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Department of Surgery
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Ross Tilley Burn Centre

The Ross Tilley Burn Centre is a state-of-the-art facility providing tertiary care for the majority of burn injury patients in Ontario. We are the only program in the province that provides a wide range of services from admission to follow-up and reconstructive surgery, and are the largest burn centre in Canada. Our unique non-refusal policy means we will admit every burn patient in Ontario who requires admission to a burn centre. This is crucial to burn care across the province, and will avoid referral or transport delays, which are detrimental to these patients. We also care for patients with large and complex wounds.

Visit the full Ross Tilley Burn Centre website »

Stats at a glance

  • Roughly 30 per cent of patients treated at our Burn Centre come from the GTA, while 70 per cent come from other areas of Ontario
  • We are equipped with a dedicated operating room and intensive care unit
  • We’re home to the only tissue bank in Ontario that stores temporary skin to treat major burn injuries
  • Statistically, 56 per cent of patients are burned by a fire, 21.5 per cent by scalds and 11.5 per cent suffer electrical burns

American Burn Association Verification

After a rigorous review process, Sunnybrook’s Ross Tilley Burn Centre has become the first Canadian burn program verified by the American Burn Association (ABA). The burn verification is a joint process between the ABA and the American College of Surgeons designed to verify a burn centre has the resources necessary to provide optimal care to burn patients from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

Working with St. John’s Rehab

Ross Tilley Burn Centre and St. John’s Rehab have embarked on a joint program in electrical injury care and research to ensure the highest possible quality of care is available to patients with electrical injuries. The program will also advance medical research that will save and improve the lives of patients in the future.
The program will focus on electrical injury care and research, anchored by the Ross Tilley Burn Centre for acute care and St. John’s Rehab for rehabilitation.


The Ross Tilley Burn Centre conducts clinical, clinical translational and basic science focused on burns. We study stem cell, skin replacement technologies, wound healing, metabolism, inflammation, infection and immune system. The lab is housed at Sunnybrook Research Institute. Over 15 PHDs, MDs, PhD students and techs work in the lab dedicated for the benefit of burn patients. Three prospective randomized clinical trials are run out of the Burn Centre. Research is funded by NIH CIHR, Sunnybrook, PSI, and the Canadian Military.


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