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Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Patient & family education  >  Workshops and Classes

Cancer patient workshops and classes

Cancer events

If you have any questions, please email us at or call 416-480-4534

Sunnybrook Patient and Family Support

We remain open and available to you during the global pandemic.

Partner organizations hosting online support groups/workshops

Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society is offering a COVID-19 and cancer webinar series offering support and information to people with cancer and their family, friends and caregivers.

Cancer Chat Canada

Online support groups for cancer patients and family.

Learn more and register at

Cancer Connection (Canadian Cancer Society)

Cancer Connection Canada offers a safe space for people with cancer to connect with others affected by cancer.

Look Good Feel Better

Look Good Feel Better is offering two virtual workshops to help manage the appearance related impact of cancer and its treatment in a small-group supportive community.

Markham Lymphatic Centre

This lymphedema treatment facility offers tips for managing lymphedema and coping during COVID-19 through free online workshops. Fridays at 12 p.m..

Wellspring – Well on the web

Wellspring Cancer Support Canada is providing supportive care programs and services, online and at no charge, to help those living with cancer and their loved ones. They offer exercise programs, support groups, nutrition workshops, and many more.