Centre for Preterm Birth: Highest risk mothers, highest risk babies

Over the next five years, Sunnybrook will:

  1. Establish the Centre for Preterm Birth Evaluation and Intervention
  2. Establish endowed Chairs in Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Neonatology. As internationally recognized leaders in their field of research, the Chairs will develop and coordinate new knowledge development and translation at a local, national and international level.
  3. Have a critical mass of recognized faculty researchers and student researchers, including masters and PhD students, who will work within protected research time to advance the goals of the Centre for Preterm Birth.
  4. Develop research themes within the program that will reflect and drive our own clinical practice. These include micro-premature babies, multiples and early fetal ultrasound of complications of high risk pregnancy that necessitate in-utero transfer.
  5. Develop and lead networks of research and knowledge translation within the Toronto area, provincially, nationally and internationally.
  6. Be leaders in database integration and analysis. This will include existing provincial databases such as BORN and ICES, as well as national databases such as CNN.