Hospital  >  Departments  >  Strategic Communications

Strategic Communications

Strategic Communications (previously Communications & Stakeholder Relations) staff are available to help support media questions about Sunnybrook and our work.

All media inquiries and questions must be submitted through Strategic Communications:

A team member is available 24-hours a day. For after-hours questions, call 416-480-4244 and ask to leave a message for Strategic Communications. If you are contacting Strategic Communications after hours, please leave your full name and phone number for the staff member returning your call.

Medical, administrative and support staff at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre are expected to forward all media information requests to Strategic Communications. To save time, members of the media should contact Strategic Communications directly and not contact Sunnybrook staff directly.

Strategic Communications staff consider it a priority to respond to requests for interviews, respecting deadlines. There may be times when the appropriate specialist, researcher or staff member is not available. When this happens, we will let you know and, if possible, direct you to another hospital or person that might be able to help with the request.

Media Contacts

Phone: 416-480-4040 ( Please note that this phone number is not monitored outside of regular business hours) 

24-Hour Media Contact Line:
Leave message for Strategic Communications. 
All calls returned promptly.