Hospital  >  Departments  >  Anesthesia  >  Anesthesia Team

Anesthesia Team

  • Department Chief Dr. Colin McCartney
  • Deputy Department Chief Dr. Jason Taam
  • Anesthesia Site Chief, Holland Orthopedic and Arthritic Centre – Dr. M. van der Vyver
  • Director of Acute Pain Service – Dr. Howard Meng
  • Director of Chronic Pain Program – Dr. Gil Faclier
  • Director of Cardiac Anesthesia/TEE – Dr. Sophia Wong
  • Director of Obstetrical Anesthesia – Dr. Lisa Roberts
  • Director of Pre-Anesthesia Clinic – Dr. Jane Huang
  • Director of Anesthesia Research – Dr. Stephen Choi
  • Medical & Research Director, Sunnybrook Canadian Simulation Centre  Dr. Fahad Alam
  • Anesthesia Resident Coordinator – Dr. Devin Singh
  • Undergraduate Anesthesia Clinical Clerk Coordinator – Dr. Stephanie Ladowski
  • Fellowship Program Coordinatory – Dr. Paul McHardy

Faculty List

  • Dr. Fahad Alam
  • Dr. Pam Angle
  • Dr. Arsenio Avila
  • Dr. Sinziana Avramescu
  • Dr. Imad Awad
  • Dr. Herman Chan
  • Dr. Michelle Chochinov
  • Dr. Mabel Choi
  • Dr. Stephen Choi 
  • Dr. Gil Faclier
  • Dr. Harry Foster
  • Dr. Marianne Graham
  • Dr. Stephen Halpern
  • Dr. Edgar Hockmann
  • Dr. James Helman
  • Dr. Jane Huang
  • Dr. Kamal Hussain
  • Dr. Chris Idestrup
  • Dr. Angela Jerath
  • Dr. Alayne Kealey
  • Dr. Jonathan Kong
  • Dr. Stephanie Ladowski
  • Dr. Claude Laflamme
  • Dr. Carol Loffelmann 
  • Dr. Clarita Margarido
  • Dr. Faraj Massouh 
  • Dr. David MacLean
  • Dr. Colin McCartney 
  • Dr. Paul McHardy
  • Dr. Howard Meng 
  • Dr. Jacobo Moreno 
  • Dr. Anwar Morgan
  • Dr. Beverly Morningstar
  • Dr. Ahtsham Niazi
  • Dr. Beverley Orser
  • Dr. Pablo Perez D’Empaire
  • Dr. Daniel Riegert
  • Dr. Lisa Roberts
  • Dr. Debashis Roy
  • Dr. Ben Safa
  • Dr. Chadi Saliba
  • Dr. Anita Sarmah
  • Dr. Marcos Silva
  • Dr. Lesley Sinclair
  • Dr. Oskar Singer
  • Dr. Devin Singh 
  • Dr. Lavarnan Sivanathan 
  • Dr. Marietjie Slabbert 
  • Dr. Jason Taam
  • Dr. Keith Tanner
  • Dr. Jordan Tarshis
  • Dr. Martin Van der Vyver
  • Dr. Julian Wiegelmann
  • Dr. Sophia Wong
  • Dr. Doreen Yee

Location and contact

Anesthesia department

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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2075 Bayview Avenue,
M-wing, 3rd floor,
room M3200
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-4864
Fax: 416-480-6039

Holland Centre

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43 Wellesley Street East,
Toronto, ON M4Y 1H1

Phone: 416-967-8500

Simulation Centre

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Susan DeSousa or Agnes Ryzynski  

Phone: 416-480-6100 ext. 63377

Fax: 416-480-6039
