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Environmental Sustainability

Learn more about Sunnybrook being one of Canada's Greenest Employers in 2012, at Canada's Top 100 project

We're proud to be green! We're leading the way with unique environmental initiatives to the Bayview and Holland campuses, resulting in a better environment for patients, staff and visitors & a greener Toronto.

We are committed to environmental stewardship and to reducing the hospital's dependence on non-renewable energy and waste sources. Through our five key environmental programs; energy conservation, waste management, sustainable transportation, procurement and an awareness & education campaign, we are an environmental leader within the hospital, throughout the community and across the country. Fostering awareness has reduced the environmental impact of hospital activities and has helped us realize our vision of inventing the future of health care.

Our green initiatives include:

Our energy improvements will save $2.6M and reduce CO2 emissions by 8 965 tonnes annually; that's the equivalent of taking 1410 cars from the road. And that's only the beginning...we anticipate the benefits to the environment will increase as we continue to implement energy and cost-saving techniques over the next two years & into the future. Our environmental education initiatives are helping our community make green choices. Together we can make a difference!