Department of Surgery
Hospital  >  Departments  >  Surgery  >  General Surgery

General Surgery

The division of general surgery is comprised of world renowned surgeons with expertise in both acute care surgery, trauma and oncology. Our trauma surgeons manage the busiest academic trauma centre in the country and provide both academic and clinical excellence in all areas of trauma general surgery, including abdominal wall reconstruction, critical care medicine and international quality improvement initiatives.

Our surgical oncologists specialize in hepatobiliary and upper GI malignancies, advanced colorectal cancers, breast cancer and melanoma. With dedicated academic surgeons focused on each of these subspecialties, the surgical oncologist have very focused and high volume practices and are globally recognized leaders in their fields.

Our acute care surgery team offers academic acute care general surgery in combination with our trauma and oncology surgeons in order to provide the best and most streamlined acute care surgical care to our patients.

Division head

Dr. Shady Ashamalla


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