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Research and clinical trials


The chemotherapy/hematology program has an active research program that includes:

Translational research

Our program has produced over 300 publications and over $20 million in research funding. Five of our members are clinician-scientists, and are leaders in translational research. Particular areas of excellence are cancer immunotherapy, chronobiology, stem cells, angiogenesis, and clinical trials.

Quality improvement initiatives

Through research studies, we have identified three areas to decrease the length of stay or reduce admissions to hospital. A major accomplishment has been achieved in our approach to decreasing wait times for chemotherapy in our cancer centre.

Clinical Trials

All of our medical oncologists and hematologists are leaders and collaborators in clinical trials that are part of the Odette Cancer centre in partnership with our colleagues in surgical and radiation oncology in each of the above mentioned disease site groups.

Our medical/hematology oncologists are involved in many clinical trials, for example:

  • Exercise in early breast cancer to determine the feasibility of a randomized trial to investigate whether exercise increases survival in early breast cancer
  • Trials in chronotherapy (the timing of treatment in relationship to the body’s cycles or diurnal variations)
  • Preoperative targeted treatments correlated with changes in tumour tissue and imaging
  • New drugs for various tumour types

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