Thoracic Cancer
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Thoracic oncology care  >  Mesothelioma cancer care

Mesothelioma cancer care

Mesothelioma are uncommon tumours arising from the mesothelial surfaces (pleural and peritoneum). It is more common in males

Diagnosis and treatment options

  • We offer expert pathology assessment to confirm the diagnosis
  • We work in conjunction with thoracic surgeons at Toronto East General Hospital to use VATS (video assisted thorascopic sugery) to acquire pleural biopsies for diagnosis
  • We offer multidisciplinary management of mesothelioma (radiation, extra-pleural pneumonectomy and chemotherapy)
  • Our EPIC (Effusion Procedure Interprofessional Clinic) and TRAPP (Treatment of Respiratory and Pleural-based Problems) clinics assist in management of effusions related to mesothelioma
  • Our social workers assist with applications for workers’ compensation (if applicable), and with connecting with community resources and with patient groups

Supportive care and information

Clinical trials

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