Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Surgery  >  Education & training

Education & training

Medical student education

We are one of the largest teaching academies within the University of Toronto (U of T). Third and fourth year medical students from the university are routinely assigned to our surgeons for training.

We also welcome visiting medical students from all over the world to visit and observe our clinical programs. Recently students have come from Germany, England, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Poland as well as from many parts of Canada.

For more information about student electives, please contact Sheila Binns in the undergraduate medical education office at the U of T.

Residency program

Our residency program comprises four main surgical groups or disciplines:

  • Gynaecologic oncology
  • Head and neck
  • Urology
  • General surgical oncology, which includes the following disease site groups: breast, colorectal, stomach and liver, pancreas and biliary tract cancers

Each of these groups has its own specialty residency training program. For more information, please go to the department of surgery, U of T website.

Fellowship program

  • We have formal U of T fellowship programs in nearly every one of our surgical groups
  • All of our programs are approved by the U of T and are in collaboration with the Princess Margaret Hospital which is the other major cancer hospital in Toronto that is also part of the U of T.

Our fellowship programs include:

  • Gynaecology/oncology fellowship (headed by Dr. A. Covens)
  • General surgical oncology fellowship (also part of society of surgical oncology fellowship matching program)
  • Urologic oncology fellowship
  • Breast surgical oncology fellowship
  • Headand neck oncology fellowship

For more information, please contact Tess Weber, post-graduate coordinator, department of surgery at 416 978 8945 or email: