Hospital  >  Departments  >  Operating Room and Related Services  >  Perioperative  >  Pre-Anesthesia Clinic (PAC)

Pre-Anesthesia Clinic (PAC)

The Pre-Anesthesia Clinic team helps to prepare you for your surgery to ensure you are optimized through nursing assessments, lab tests, cardiac tests (ECG) and/or anesthetic consults. This specialty clinic offers both virtual and in-person appointments as well as the ability to self-schedule and adjust appointments in order best suit the needs of patients. The PAC clinic also provides an opportunity for you to ask questions and be given education regarding your surgery.

What to expect when you visit PAC

  • You will speak to a Registered Nurse to discuss your health and medication history.
  • You may see an Anesthesiologist and/or a Pharmacist.
  • Any necessary blood work and ECG will be completed during your visit.

What to remember on the day of your appointment

  • Please bring all of your medications in their original containers. This includes prescription medications, naturopathic medications and any over the counter medications (ointments, vitamins).
  • Bring your health card.
  • Allow at least one to four hours for your in-person visit or in some cases the whole day if you are attending an education class.

What to expect when you are interviewed virtually or by phone

  • A Registered Nurse will call you at your scheduled time and review your health history.
  • Please have all your medications readily available to review with the nurse.
  • Any tests needed will be done from your Family Doctor or as an outpatient. You may be required to come to the hospital for your tests.
  • You may be interviewed by the Anesthesiologist over the phone.