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Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Integrated Community Program  >  Palliative Care  >  Palliative care consult team  >  Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

How can the Odette Cancer Centre's palliative care clinic help me?

Our clinic is staffed with palliative care physicians who have expertise in all aspects of palliative care, which includes the management of cancer related pain and other symptoms. We have nursing staff dedicated to our clinic and they are patients' primary contact person between appointments. The clinic also has pharmacists and social workers that are available to help meet patient's needs.

Can I receive palliative care at home?

The level of palliative care available to patients at home depends on where they live. Certain geographical areas have palliative care physicians that can make home visits. As well, many family physicians may be willing to see the patients they know well in their home. Nursing care and personal support care in the home are available and the amount of time that these health-care professionals can spend in the home is determined by the needs of the person living with cancer. Patients are encouraged to ask their nurse or doctor about home care or contact their local community care access centre (CCAC) directly.

Can I receive palliative care in the hospital?

If palliative care patients are admitted to hospital, our team of physicians and nurses will be available to care for their palliative care needs while they are in the hospital.

What is a palliative care unit?

The palliative care unit is located on the first floor of Kilgour Wing (K1E) overlooking a park-like setting. It is designed to create a comfortable home-like environment. Their mission is to promote the highest quality of life for Veterans and Community patients facing advanced disease at the end of life. With expertise in pain and symptom management, they provide compassionate, holistic care through the skill of their interdisciplinary team, and through innovative research and education.

I want to discuss issues around death and dying. Who can I talk to?

We have several palliative care physicians, nurses and social workers that are very comfortable having conversations with patients and families about death and dying. For many people, it is an unfamiliar experience and part of our role is to provide patients and families with the information they request and that is most helpful to them.

I do not wish to discuss issues around death and dying. Is that okay?

Yes. Patients can decide whether or not they want to discuss any issue around their care. However, decisions about care will need to be made, so it is important that patients designate a loved one who, if necessary, can make decisions on their behalf.


If you wish to acknowledge the work of the palliative care consult team in the form of a gift, please visit the Sunnybrook Foundation website.

Location and contact

Palliative care unit admissions (K1E/K1C)

For Palliative Care Unit Referrals.
Please refer to Making A Referral
Phone: 416-480-6182
Fax: 416-480-6118

Palliative care consult team

For inpatient consultations and ambulatory care clinic visits.
Please refer to Palliative Care Consult Team
Phone: 416-480-6100 ext. 67255
Fax: 416-480-5146
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding palliative care referrals and resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For urgent matters outside of business hours, please call locating at 416-480-4244 and ask the operator to page the "on-call palliative care physician/consultant".

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