Veterans Program
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Veterans Program  >  Residents and visitors  >  Pet Visitors

Pet Visitors

Visits with family pets can lift the spirits of residents and provide a welcome diversion. To ensure both the safety of pets and residents, the person accompanying the pets must assume the following responsibilities.

  • All visiting pets must have current immunization and be clean, well-groomed and free of parasites or infection when brought to the hospital. Pet owners must be prepared to present proof of current immunization if requested, including mandatory rabies vaccination. (Health Protection and Promotion Act, RRO 1990, Reg. 567, Rabies Immunization (2005)
  • Ask the resident whether they would like to have the pet visit. The resident's roommate must give consent if the visit is to take place in their room. Consult with the unit ahead of time. Visits are generally not permitted when residents are acutely ill, have pet allergies, infectious conditions or open, draining wounds.
  • Keep dogs on a leash at all times and cats in cages; stay with the pet at all times.
  • Visits should take place during regular visiting hours. Pet visits should not normally exceed two hours, unless the visit is outdoors, so that the pet's elimination needs can be met. Bring the necessary supplies to clean up accidents should they occur in or outside of the hospital.
  • Please remember to have both the resident and yourself wash your hands after every visit.
  • Remove the animal if requested by staff as a result of unacceptable behaviour (eg. excessive barking, biting or nipping) or if the presence of the animal is having an adverse effect on the resident or others.

Animals are not permitted in the following areas:

  • Warrior's Hall (including the Annex and the Games Room)
  • L-wing Fireplace Room
  • Food preparation areas, including the Recreation Therapy kitchens
  • Dining rooms
  • Sunny's Cafeteria (both sides)