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President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART)
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President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART)

Racism in health care is a large and complex problem and Sunnybrook recognizes it’s not something that will be solved easily or quickly. The President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) was established in 2020 to focus on producing tangible and visible results that will have a broad impact.

The taskforce includes members from the hospital, Sunnybrook Foundation, and Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI).

The input and efforts from these members as champions of anti-racism at Sunnybrook are key to sparking change within our organization, and we thank them for their ongoing efforts as the work of the taskforce continues.

PART’s terms of reference align with the Ontario Health Anti-Racism Framework and the Toronto Region Anti-Racism Framework, with its vision of ensuring structural and systemic change.

PART has developed and is implementing an action plan with specific measures to combat racism and ensure Sunnybrook is an inclusive organization for our staff and partners, our Black, Indigenous, and racialized clients, and all communities we serve.

Sunnybrook staff: You can find more information about PART on Sunnynet.

Thank you to the PART membership and partners for your leadership and your continued dedication toward anti-racism.

Thank you to every member of Team Sunnybrook who is taking daily steps to make Sunnybrook a more inclusive space for all.

Three Years of PART

In the three years since the inception of PART, the membership has been working diligently to take tangible steps toward making Sunnybrook an anti-racist institution. Like Sunnybrook’s Commitment to Dismantling Racism, PART is using the LEAP framework to measure its action and success.

Transformation through LEAP

Leadership and accountability

Education and training

Actionable data

People and teams

Currently there are five PART subcommittees supporting the advancement of the LEAP Framework, Human Resources, Data, Policy, Education and Training, and Communications.

L: Leadership and Accountability

  • Formalize anti-racism work as a priority in the hospital Strategic Plan.
  • Develop safe and confidential mechanisms for reporting, investigating, addressing and tracking racist and discriminatory incidents that impact patients, families, staff, volunteers and donors.
  • Engage community members and partner organizations to identify disparities in access, experience and outcomes, and to chart a course for corrective action.

2023/24 Achievements

The HR, and Policy subcommittees support this work.

  • Worked with Corporate Strategy and Development Team and individual Programs to embed the LEAP framework and Commitment to Dismantling Racism into Strategic Plans
  • Drafted the Hospital’s Anti-Racism Policy with input from a wide group of stakeholders. Rolled out to staff, volunteers and students
  • Reviewed, revised, and rolled-out policies with anti-racism lens in partnership with HR, including:
    • Abuse of Patients by Staff
    • Development or Revisions of Policy & Guidelines Policy
    • Harassment, Discrimination and Violence Policy
    • Board Diversity Principles
    • Indigenous Ceremonial Practices Policy
    • Incorporating the TAHSN Standards for Religious Attire for Healthcare Workers, Learners and Volunteers Hospital Areas with Sterile Procedures into Sunnybrook policy
    • The Respect Program (Corporate Code of Conduct)
    • Interpreter Services Policy
    • SRI HR Equity in Hiring Guidelines

Looking ahead

  • Serve as an advisory group for new and revised policies
  • Support action to address issues identified in the Staff Engagement Survey and the 120-day Staff Survey

Long-term outlook

  • Work to embed an anti-racism and anti-oppression lens into all policies at Sunnybrook

E: Education and Training

  • Provide ongoing opportunities for all members of Team Sunnybrook to grow their knowledge and develop skills to recognize and challenge racism in all forms within our organization.
  • Embed mandatory anti-racism training, with a specific focus on anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism, into leadership, team and training development programs.
  • Examine current mechanisms for mentorship and scholarship opportunities and revise to ensure equitable access for Indigenous, Black, and racialized people.

2023/24 Achievements

The Education and Training, and Communications subcommittees support this work.

  • Education and Training targets and goals have been included in the Hospital’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.
  • Led the re-design of the Introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning module in partnership with TAHSN Anti-Racism leaders.
  • The San’yas Cultural Safety Training Program has now been embedded into all leadership programs within the Sunnybrook Leadership Institute.
  • Embedded Anti-Racism eLearning modules in the onboarding for all new staff and volunteers, including
    • Introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning module
    • IDEA Fundamentals – CCDI eLearning module
  • The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship Certificate (IDEA-C) Program. This new University of Toronto accredited program launched through Organizational Development & Leadership (OD&L).
  • Led by OD&L, partnered with subject matter experts and educators with lived experience to make the Antisemitism and Islamophobia course available to all staff through the Sunnybrook Leadership Institute (SLI).
  • Planned and supported Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month, Indigenous History Month, Emancipation Day, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation events and educational initiatives.
  • Contributed to Department of Equity and Social Accountability (DESA) Statements on significant events and for days of remembrance.

Looking ahead

  • Ongoing partnerships with OD&L to create and implement anti-racism courses and workshops in the SLI Programs.
  • Rollout the Introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning module to physician, dentist and midwife group.
  • Continue to work with DESA and Strategic Communications teams to communicate cultural and religious days of significance

Long-term outlook

  • Continue to explore how to roll out anti-racism education & training initiatives more broadly across the organization.

A: Actionable Data

  • Collect and report on disaggregated race-based patient health data to better understand how systemic racism impacts all members of the Sunnybrook community and inform program design and delivery.
  • In partnership with HR, collect and report on staff engagement survey data to understand demographics and staff experiences.
  • Collect volunteer organizational governance engagement survey data to inform recruitment strategies.
  • Collect and report on employment equity data to inform quality improvement.

2023/24 Achievements:

The Data, and Communications subcommittees support this work.

  • Demographic data collection is embedded into the Hospital’s Strategic Plan with specific targets measuring the percentage of patients with demographic data collected in new areas across the hospital.
  • Conducted a demographic survey of TAHSN leadership (SLT & Board)
  • Partnered with Education Research for the establishment of Indigenous Data Governance Table and Black Data Governance Table
  • Implemented or integrated the collection of patient demographic data in Trauma Program, Geriatric Day Services, Department of Psychiatry
  • Worked with the Department of Quality and Patient Safety to include consideration of demographic data as criteria for new Quality Improvement Plans
  • Collaborated with HR to include the collection of demographic data in the new 120-day Staff Survey
  • Partnered with HR to expand the Staff & Physician Engagement Survey (2021 and 2023), to include demographic data for staff, and inclusivity and diversity specific questions
  • Ongoing partnership with the Education Research Working Group on a study of the impacts and experiences of anti-racism education at Sunnybrook. Includes support from the Indigenous Data Governance Table and the Black Data Governance Table

Looking ahead

  • Ongoing rollout to implement or integrate collection of patient demographic data across Sunnybrook
  • Ongoing support for integration of demographic data in Quality Improvement Initiatives

P: People and Teams

  • Audit and refocus policies and processes to ensure equitable practices, including: recruitment, hiring and retention; mentorship and sponsorship; professional development and advancement; learning opportunities; and core competencies and performance evaluation

2023/24 Achievements

The HR, and Communications subcommittees support this work.

  • “Nurturing a culture of wellness, equity and anti-racism for all Sunnybrookers” is a key objective of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. The Commitment to Dismantling Racism provides key indicators and objectives for this and PART will continue to support and further these objectives.
  • Supported launch of a Sunnybrook Mentorship Program, in partnership with HR and OD&L, with intentional focus on recruiting racialized staff members
  • In partnership with the Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF), launched PART Professional Development Award for an individual from the Black, Indigenous and/or Person of Colour (BIPOC) community (underrepresented, marginalized group), in support of their commitment to continued professional development
  • Launched new partnership with The MINA Project – an organization committed to confronting inequalities and dismantling barriers for racialized students, by providing industry-specific, career-focused experiential learning opportunities
  • Supported launch of Sunnybrook Jewish Advisory Committee
  • Supported launch of Sunnybrook Muslim Advisory Committee
  • Supported work to expand and sustain the Sunnybrook Program to Access Research Knowledge for Black and Indigenous Students (SPARK)
  • Launched IDEA Ambassador Program to promote inclusion, anti-racism education, and initiatives of PART and DESA, by sharing events with their networks, sharing resources with their teams, and providing feedback on projects and initiatives

Looking ahead

  • Advise Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI) leadership on creation of resources for SRI scientists and staff to guide the recruitment and hiring process
  • Continue to deepen our understanding of anti-racism in HR processes, with a focus on embedding anti-racism initiatives into core-competencies
  • Share results from the Staff Engagement Survey and the 120-day Staff Survey specifically related to lessons learned on diversity of experiences
  • Support the development of a framework for creating a more diverse pool of candidates when hiring new staff and volunteers
  • Ensure that equity is infused in the process for hiring staff & volunteers throughout the hospital
  • Expand the reach of PART by including community partners and volunteers more robustly in PART-led initiatives via the IDEA Ambassador Program
  • Work with DESA and Strategic Communications teams to communicate cultural and religious days of significance

Long-term outlook

  • Strive to ensure that staff, volunteers, physicians, donors, patients & families, and the community at large are aware of PART projects and the impact the taskforce is having on the hospital

Other 2023/24 Projects and Events:

Launch of Indigenous Wellness Space

With the Indigenous Advisory Committee, PART members celebrated the opening of an Indigenous Wellness Space on Bayview Campus.

This room is available for Indigenous community members and families for meeting and ceremony, and for Indigenous care partners who are onsite to have a space to work or meet with clients. Medicine bundles, a ceremonial drum, and a rattle are available for use within the room and around the hospital.

Honouring the Journey of Wellbeing events and team-based learning

Leonard Benoit, Indigenous Patient Navigator continued to facilitate team-based learning sessions across the organization as part of the program “Honouring the Journey of Well-Being: Smudge and Sharing Circle”. The program is designed to provide a space to learn about Indigenous approaches to wellness, sacred medicines and ceremonial practices, and resources available for support of Indigenous community members at Sunnybrook.

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Black History Month importantly draws attention to the historical struggle and the continued racism faced by Black people. It can also draw attention to the resilience, strength and joy of Black people. Every year, the President's Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) and Black History Month committee invite Sunnybrookers to engage in celebration, learning, and reflection by taking part in events and activities organized throughout the month.

In 2023 the Black History Month theme was Black Resistance: Honouring our Stories. The events organized in 2023 included, an African Drumming Circle with Holistic Vibrancy, Two Movement Breaks with Annie B, a Restore: Wellness Clinic on mindfulness/wellness, a PART conversation on Black Resistance, and anti-Black racism workshops for leaders. Staff were also invited to reflect on what Black History Month and Black Resistance means to them, and how they honour their families and stories. Black History Month trivia was highlighted weekly throughout the month with prizes for staff members, and a special menu was developed by Food Services inspired by the cuisines of the Caribbean and East and West Africa.

In 2024, the theme for Black History Month was The Arts: Experience the Cultures. Staff members were invited to learn about how Black artists have used art to preserve history and community memory, and how they use art for various forms for empowerment. Artistic and cultural movements led by people of African descent often set the standard for popular trends around the world. We celebrated the arts with a number of events and activities, including an interactive Caribbean drumming and folk dance performance with the Spice Island Performers, a Restore Wellness Clinic with Ameerah Craigg, an Afro Beats lunchtime Fit Break with Annie B, a PART Conversation with Dwayne Morgan, two time Canadian National Poetry Slam Champion, and a Fireside Chat with Juno award winning R&B artist Jully Black. Black History trivia was once again a weekly feature. A t-shirt design contest raised funds for The Mina Project – an organization focused on breaking down barriers and empowering youth with transformative opportunities to learn about various fields of work.

PART Conversation: Cultural Connection through Food and Tradition

In honour of Jewish Heritage Month and Asian Heritage Month, food historian and writer Lara Rabinovitch and chef Trevor Lui came together to discuss how food connects us, shared food memories, and explored the long-standing tradition of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas at this virtual event.

Asian Heritage Month

Asian Heritage Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of members of the Asian diaspora in Canada. It is also a time to acknowledge the challenges and racism that members of Asian communities continue to face in this country.

We recognize those who have journeyed from East Asia, Southern Asia, Western, Central and Southeast Asia, their families and descendants. They bring a rich cultural heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religious traditions and have contributed in countless ways to life in Canada — through art, sport, food, business, science and medicine, and more.

Anti-Asian racism continues to be prevalent in Canada. Sunnybrook denounces anti-Asian racism and all racism, and we stand in solidarity with Asian communities who are faced with racist attacks and other forms of macro- and micro-aggressions.

The Asian Heritage Month sub-committee of PART developed a resource section for Staff on Asian Heritage. They also hosted an Origami workshop and a Muay Thai and Tai Chi workshop.

Jewish Heritage Month

Jewish Heritage Month is an opportunity to learn about the impact of Jewish heritage in communities across the country, and to appreciate the significant contributions made by Jewish Canadians to the country’s social, political and cultural fabric.

At Sunnybrook, we recognize the Jewish staff, physicians, learners, volunteers, patients and community members and their important contributions to the organization.

A PART conversation with Rivka Campbell which invited staff members to learn about diversity within the Jewish community.

Indigenous History Month

Sunnybrook and PART, together with the Indigenous Advisory Committee marked Indigenous People’s Day and Month with a Sacred Fire.

Emancipation Day

Sunnybrook marked Emancipation Day (August 1) for the first time with events held at three Sunnybrook campuses. This marks the day in 1834 that the Slavery Abolition Act came into effect across the British Empire.

Indigenous and Black people were once enslaved on the land that is now Canada. Those who fought enslavement were pivotal in shaping our society to be as diverse as it is today.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

With the Indigenous Advisory Committee, we marked the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a call for staff to renew their personal commitments to Truth and Reconciliation. An event was hosted by Leonard Benoit, inviting staff to learn about the development of The Survivors’ Flag, created by the National Centre of Truth and Reconciliation in partnership with Survivors and National Indigenous Organizations. The Survivors’ flag was raised on all Sunnybrook campuses.

Sunnybrook also participated in an orange t-shirt design contest, with proceeds being donated to Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre.

Feast for the Ancestors

Sunnybrook hosted the second annual Feast for the Ancestors: A Sacred Fire. The ceremony, led by Leonard Benoit, the Regional Indigenous Cancer Patient Navigator for Toronto Central, was held to honour our ancestors.

Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day

In Canada, National Indigenous Veterans Day is held on November 8th to acknowledge the significant contributions of Indigenous peoples to military service, notably during the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War.

This year, Sunnybrook staff gathered for a beading workshop led by Joanna Diindiisikwe Simmons, special project coordinator in the Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network and Ojibwe artist.

During the session, Joanna guided staff on how to make a beaded poppy for Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day.

Meet the co-chairs

Alicia Stewart

Alicia is a Patient Care Manager in Nephrology – Integrated Community Program, and Sunnybrook employee for over 10 years. An active contributor to staff and student mentoring, Alicia is excited to serve as PART co-chair to address racism at Sunnybrook: increase awareness, and enhance experiences for all staff, patients and visitors, and learners that embody equity, diversity, and inclusivity (on leave).


Christopher Townsend

Christopher is Director, Social Accountability and Organizational Development & Leadership (OD&L) and co-chairs the taskforce, combining his lived and professional experience, as an advocate of change. In OD&L, our mandate and goal, is to create a culture of engagement, respect and belonging, that supports all Sunnybrookers throughout their careers and leadership journeys.

Christopher is a graduate of the Educator Scholars Program, Centre for Faculty Development, University of Toronto, and serves as committee member on Sunnybrook Education Advisory Council (SEAC). He is a published author and volunteers his time as a musician, teacher and mentor in several community-based initiatives.


Laurie Legere

Laurie serves as the Director of Equity & Social Accountability at Sunnybrook, working in her role to promote a community where health access and inclusivity are paramount. She spearheads sustainable change initiatives to prioritize equity, involvement, accessibility, and inclusion throughout all aspects of the organization, spanning care, education, research, and the workplace.

As co-lead of the Department of Equity & Social Accountability, co-chair of PART and the 2LGBTQIA+ Steering Committee, and facilitator of the Indigenous Community Advisory Committee, her focus in on reshaping the organization's culture, strengthening its foundation, and empowering all teams to promote equity and inclusion within their own areas of responsibility.

With experience spanning 18 years in healthcare and research across Canada and Australia, Laurie brings expertise in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy, community engagement, strategic communication, and change implementation.


Michelle Lynch

Michelle is the Volunteer Resources Coordinator for Acute Care at Sunnybrook, leading hundreds of volunteers of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds who bring a unique touch to the patient experience.

She is an active supporter of diversity-based initiatives within health care with a desire to open doors to build more inclusive and culturally accepting work environments for all.

Michelle continuously strives to develop innovative approaches with technology for teams and champion workplace culture where diversity is valued and recognized from entry level to leadership.

Fully French bilingual, she is a certified instructor/facilitator and life-long learner.

Michelle has been a member of the President's Anti-Racism Task Force from its inception in 2020.


List of PART Members »

Mariam Abdel Malik – Emergency Nursing
Alexis Bungay – Resource Team Nursing
Dorothy Carson – Strategy and Integration
Joanne Davies – Spiritual Care
Dr. Saswata Deb – Emergency Physician
Bertha Effio –Patient Experience Advisor
Shaunteque Harris – Organizational Development and Leadership
Kirishanthy Kathirkamathamby – Research Manager
Gail Klein – Clinical Trials Director of Operations
Laurie Legere- Department of Equity and Social Accountability
Myrene Lychek – Occupational Therapy
Michelle Lynch – Volunteer Resources Coordinator
Rochelle Martin –Patient Experience Ambassador
Vasu Patel – Secretarial Services Manager
Manuela Pechova – Observer and Patient Partner Resource Team Manager
Kevin Reel – Ethicist
Nichole Rodney – Colposcopy Nursing
Dr. Giovanna Sirianni – Palliative Care Physician
Vaishnavi Sivananth – Surgery Recovery Nursing
Alicia Stewart – Patient Care Manager
Christopher Townsend – Organizational Development and Leadership
Stephanie Wong – Social Work
Jennifer Zuccaro – Human Resources Director

Looking back: View PART's 2022 initiatives »

In the two years since the inception of the President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART), the membership has been working diligently to take tangible steps toward making Sunnybrook an anti-racist institution.

PART has five subcommittees:

Human Resources


Completed HR recruitment diversity statement.

Looking ahead:

Continue to deepen understand of HR process.

Recruit for subcommittee.

Long-term outlook:

Support the framework for a more diverse pool in hiring employees at all levels and volunteers.

Assess or develop metrics that reflect diversity experiences.

Ensure that equity is infused the process of hiring staff & volunteers throughout the hospital

Ensure there is an equity panel or staff member who has experience with equity.



Worked with 2 programs to implement demographic data as an objective in their program-level strategic plan.

Worked with Trauma to implement demographic data survey into the workflow one inpatient unit. Presently expanding to a second unit.

Demographic data collection initiated in the Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre.

Participated on the Toronto Region Anti-Racism Implementation Committee to advise on updated Measuring Health Equity Core Questions.

Looking ahead:

Working with Indigenous Advisory Council and others with respect to data sovereignty and storage.

On-going collection of staff & physician demographic data through the staff & physician engagement survey with improved uptake.

Long-term outlook:

Demographic data collection is embedded into the hospital’s Strategic Plan, with specific targets measuring the % of patients with demographic data collected in new areas across the organization each year.



Drafted the Hospital’s Anti-Racism Policy with input from a wide group of stakeholders.

Looking ahead:

After obtaining final approvals, rollout the Hospital’s Anti-Racism Policy to all staff, volunteers and students at all campuses.

Long-term outlook:

We will work to embed an anti-racism and anti-oppression lens into all new policies at Sunnybrook.

Education and Training


Led the re-design of the Introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning module in partnership with TAHSN Anti-Racism leaders.

Introduction to Anti-Black Racism module is now offered in the Sunnybrook Onboarding courses, and included in the new Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship certificate program (IDEA-C) accredited with University of Toronto, through Organizational Development & Leadership (OD&L) – Sunnybrook Leadership Institute (SLI).

Looking ahead:

Work with OD&L to recruit and enroll departments in the Leadership Development and IDEA-C program.

Continue to rollout anti-Black Racism training module to physician group.

Long-term outlook:

We continue to explore how to roll out education & training initiatives more broadly across the organization. With new hires and leaders now undertaking required learning, how best can we expand the reach to other Sunnybrook staff and volunteers. Education and Training targets and goals have been included in the Hospital’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.



Supported 2022 Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month and Indigenous Heritage Month events and communications.

Looking ahead:

Expand reach of PART by including community partners and volunteers more robustly in PART-led initiatives.

Work with departmental and program EDI committees to further recognize and celebrate cultural days of significance.

Long-term outlook:

Strive to ensure that staff, volunteers, physicians, donors, patients & families and the community at large are aware of PART projects and the impact the taskforce is having on the hospital.

Other 2022 Projects and Events:

Black History Month

The month of February marked Black History Month at Sunnybrook. The theme of this year’s Black History Month was: Black Joy and Wellness. Each year, Black History Month importantly draws attention to the historical struggle and the continued racism faced by Black people; it can also draw attention to the resilience, strength and joy of Black people. The theme asked us all to consider activities, rituals and initiatives that Black communities have practiced in an effort to maintain health and well-being — which we tried to reflect in the events and materials shared this month.

This year the President's Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) and Black History Month committee invited Sunnybrooker’s to engage in celebration, learning and reflection by taking part in events and activities throughout the month. These events included: Movement Break with Annie B, two podcast listening circles, a Black-owned business market, Restore Virtual Session on mindfulness/wellness, and anti-Black racism workshops for leaders. Staff were also invited to share their moments of Black Joy.

Asian Heritage Month

Asian Heritage Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of members of the Asian diaspora in Canada. It is also a time to acknowledge the challenges and racism that members of Asian communities continue to face in this country.

We recognize those who have journeyed from East Asia, Southern Asia, Western, Central and Southeast Asia, their families and descendants. They bring a rich cultural heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religious traditions and have contributed in countless ways to life in Canada — through art, sport, food, business, science and medicine and more.

Anti-Asian racism continues to be prevalent in Canada. Sunnybrook denounces anti-Asian racism and all racism, and we all stand in solidarity with Asian communities who are faced with racist attacks and other forms of macro- and micro-aggressions.

The Asian Heritage Month Subcommittee of PART developed a unit/departmental activity to highlight the different connections we have to countries on the continent of Asia. Maps were distributed/posted to Sunnynet for download and Sunnybrookers could initial or mark where they lived, where their family lives, where they studied and more.

Jewish History Month

Jewish Heritage Month is an opportunity to learn about the impact of Jewish heritage in communities across the country, and to appreciate the significant contributions made by Jewish Canadians to the country’s social, political and cultural fabric.

Here at Sunnybrook, we recognize the Jewish staff, physicians, learners, volunteers, patients and community members and their important contributions to the organization.

An audit released recently by B’Nai Brith found that the number of Antisemitic violent attacks increased in Canada in 2021 by 700 per cent over the previous year. And we have heard recently in the news here in Toronto about Antisemitic symbols, gestures and slurs being used increasingly by students in schools and at post-secondary institutions.

An all-staff email brought attention to the month and a staff profile on Dr. Ayelet Kuper was posted to social media.

PART Conversation: Cultural Connection through Food and Tradition

In honour of Jewish Heritage Month and Asian Heritage Month, food historian and writer Lara Rabinovitch and chef Trevor Lui came together to discuss how food connects us, shared food memories, and explored the long-standing tradition of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas at this virtual event.

Indigenous History Month

June was National Indigenous History Month and June 21 was National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is a time to celebrate, recognize, learn, reflect, appreciate and honour the history, contributions, cultures and diversity of Indigenous People in Canada. The President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce along with the Indigenous Advisory Council hosted two educational workshops in honour of this month. Resources and training opportunities were shared with staff via Sunnynet and Snapshot.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Sunnybrook staff, volunteers, students and physicians were invited to attend a screening of the film 'Unforgotten', a 2 minutes and 15 seconds of silence and discussion and reflection led by Dr. Mike Anderson and Leonard Benoit of the UHN Indigenous Health Program.

All were once again invited to reflect and consider our individual and collective responsibility to Reconciliation. Commitment Cards were developed in partnership with the Indigenous Advisory Committee. The card invites staff to commit to an action toward reconciliation. Some leaders reflected and share the steps they took to work toward their 2021 commitment.

Staff were also invited to wear orange shirts and to tie an orange ribbon on a tree branch in a quiet moment of reflection.

SunnyBook (Virtual Book Club for staff)

This book club with a social justice focus is registered with Amnesty International. It is a joint project of PART and the Wellness Committee at Sunnybrook.

Like Sunnybrook’s Commitment to Dismantling Racism, PART is using the LEAP framework to measure its action and success. The four components of the LEAP framework will help guide Sunnybrook’s commitment, transformation and vision.

Below and under each of the subcommittee links above, you can find some information about PART’s work over the past year. The highlights mentioned are the work of PART committees, members or allies, and by no means capture each and every equity, diversity and inclusion initiative taking place across the hospital’s campuses. Thank you to every member of Team Sunnybrook who is taking daily steps to make Sunnybrook a more inclusive space for all.

Thank you to the PART membership and partners for your leadership and your continued dedication toward anti-racism.