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Department of Psychiatry
Hospital  >  Departments  >  Psychiatry  >  Patient care  >  Geriatric Division

Geriatric Division

The Division of Geriatric Psychiatry serves adults ages 65 and older living in the area bounded by Yorkmills Road, the Don Valley Parkway, St. Clair Avenue, and Avenue Road; Our service provides comprehensive mental health care to patients 65 years of age and older, who reside within this hospital geographical catchment area. 

We provide outpatient consultations to primary care physicians, and will provide ongoing follow-up when necessary, as well as a specialized acute care inpatient unit for individuals with severe mental health problems that cannot be managed as outpatients.

The Community Psychiatric Service for the Elderly (CPSE) is a multidisciplinary team which provides home assessments for individuals, who because of physical and mental health problems, cannot be seen at the hospital.

We also have specialized services and clinics for patients with mood disorders, dementia, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. Our medical staff are full-time, University of Toronto, academic physicians whose research interests include clinical pyschoparmacology, cognitive assessment, medical ethics and service delivery.

Learn more about the Geriatric Division: