Quality strategic plan

How we developed the quality plan

A Quality Strategic Plan Executive Committee guided the strategic planning process. Members included representatives of patients, senior executive and medical leaders, the Board of Directors, management, clinical staff, and quality and patient safety staff. The committee discussed quality and safety models and approaches in healthcare and other sectors, oversaw the consultations, and guided the development of the plan.

An extensive and broadly-inclusive consultation process was launched using traditional and innovative methods to gather input from a wide range of stakeholders.

Over 1,000 individuals gave their opinions and ideas including patients, residents, families, caregivers, hospital and medical staff and leaders, students, volunteers, community-based providers and referral facilities, and external thought leaders with regional, provincial, national and international quality expertise.

This rich input was used to draft a preliminary definition and underlying principles for quality, and draft goals, objectives and priorities for the next three years. Over 70 retreat attendees discussed and debated this preliminary material. Their input and advice were used to shape the final plan.

View our consultation methods »

Group MethodsBy the numbers

Hospital committees

(including middle and senior leadership at the executive, operations, medical and clinical levels)
Regular meetings 12 committees

Hospital staff

Unit Events

Cast Your Ballot for Quality (Vote for 3 top elements out of 7)

Cast Your Ballot for Quality (Written comments)

Visioning exercise: Great Care Is …

Cast Your Ballot for Quality

188 voting ballots

342 discrete written comments

Visioning Exercise

358 discrete visionary words/ phrases to describe great care

Focus Groups

Multi-professional groups (Bayview 3; Holland 1; St. John’s 1)
 5 focus groups: 46 individuals

Focus Groups/Interviews

Targeted individuals and departments
 10 meetings: 49 individuals
Interviews with Senior Leadership 10 individuals

Intranet Quick Poll

Survey: The most important element for quality of care at Sunnybrook (Vote for 1 element from a list of 7)
751 responses

Medical leadership

 Interviews, Focus Groups, Regular Meetings  23 interviews and meetings: ~50 individuals

Mix of stakeholders

Public engagment events (led by Creative Arts Therapy in the hospital lobbies)

Bayview, Holland, St. John’s, Veteran

Visioning exercise: Great Care Is … (Answers on paper hearts and post-it notes)

4 Lobby Events:

434 hearts and notes

680 discrete visionary words/ phrases to describe great care

Internet survey

63 surveys

Patients, Residents, Families

 Patient and Family Advisory Committees  4 committees: ~15 individuals
 Conversations with Patients (Led by staff)  96 Conversations With Patients: 229 discrete comments

Community-based Providers and Referral Facilities

Interviews  5 individuals

External Thought Leaders

Interviews 15 individuals