Quality strategic plan

Efficient care

The efficient care element incorporates the notions of timely and good use of resources.  

Quality ElementWhat it means for staff

What it means for patients


We make the best use of our resources.

I will receive care to ensure the best possible outcome.

 Lead in Providing Timely Care Without Delay or Waste
Strengthen ongoing efforts to improve efficient and timely access to clinical care Develop and implement a systematic approach to the Choosing Wisely Canada Campaign (CWC) at Sunnybrook.
Continue to advance the “Occupancy 95” Strategy.

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Strengthen ongoing efforts to improve efficient and timely access to clinical care
ActionsSpecific deliverables and timelines
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Develop and implement a systematic approach to the Choosing Wisely Canada Campaign (CWC) at Sunnybrook.
  • Determine leadership for CWC at Sunnybrook.
  • Clarify CWC priorities and enablers at Sunnybrook.
  • Establish hospital-specific goals for CWC with performance measures and timelines.
  • Establish and implement a performance measurement and management process to track achievement towards goals.
  • Address performance issues.
  • Continue tracking achievement towards goals, and address performance issues.
Continue to advance the “Occupancy 95” Strategy.
  • Align “Occupancy 95” Senior Leadership Team priorities with key quality improvement foci including, but not limited to, palliative care, Health Links and “QUICK” clinics.
  • Integrate key flow and occupancy priorities into the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) 2016/17 including: i) repatriation of neurosurgery and trauma patients; ii) Emergency Department length of stay for non-admitted patients; and iii) length of stay for hip fracture patients.
  • Host a Flow and Occupancy Summit to review progress on QIP 2016/17 priorities.
  • Identify QIP 2017/18 priorities, and highlight quality and patient-centered improvements for each priority.
  • Host a Flow and Occupancy Summit to review progress on QIP 2017/18 priorities.
  • Identify QIP 2018/19 priorities.
  • Develop a 2-year plan to connect Sunnybrook and health-care providers in Sunnybrook’s Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) sub-region to 3 key quality and flow deliverables (e.g. discharge summaries to 100% of LHIN sub-region providers in less than 48h).
  • Implement the 1st year of the plan.
  • Implement the 2nd year of the plan to connect Sunnybrook and health system providers in Sunnybrook’s LHIN sub-region around 3 key quality and flow deliverables.