Quality strategic plan

What we were told about quality

At the visioning events, participants were asked to complete the phrase, “Great Care is.” The majority of comments from the public engagement events (70.5%) and hospital units (30.2%) reflected the humane aspects of care.

Examples of words used to define Great Care included: compassion, patience, empathy, sympathy, tenderness, connection, listening, valuing humanity, sincerity, respecting. See our “wordle” below.



Envisioning quality: What is great care?

View answers from hospital units

Answers from hospital units (358 comments)

When presented with seven elements of quality care and asked to choose the most important elements, 27% of staff on the units and through an intranet quick poll selected safe followed by compassionate at 24%.

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Great care is (hospital units answers)

  • Humane aspects of care: 30.2%
  • Patient-centred: 8.1%
  • Team/collaboration: 7.8%
  • Communication: 7.3%
  • More staff: 5.3%
  • More/better resources: 5%
  • Responsive to needs: 5%
  • Making a difference: 5%
  • Safe: 4.5%
  • 12+ themes: each <3.5%: 21.8%

View answers from public engagement events

Answers from public engagement events (680 comments)

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Great care is (public engagement answers)

  • Humane aspects of care: 70.5%
  • Patient/family/partner centered: 4.7%
  • Being taken care of: 2.2%
  • Team/multidisciplinary care: 1.6%
  • 25+ themes: each <1.5%: 21%

View most important elements for care at Sunnybrook

The most important elements for quality of care at Sunnybrook

*Cast Your Ballot votes = 188 (choose up to 3 elements) Sunnynet Quick Poll = 751 (choose 1 element)

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Most important elements for care at Sunnybrook

  • Safe: 27%
  • Compassionate: 24%
  • Effective: 16%
  • Efficient: 12%
  • Appropriate: 7%
  • Accessible: 9%
  • Equitable: 5%