Quality strategic plan

Safe care

Since many organizations have a major focus on safe practices, safety tends to be regarded as separate from quality. Sunnybrook regards the safe element as an integral part of quality.

Quality ElementWhat it means for staff

What it means for patients


We provide care that keeps our patients and each other safe.

My care will not harm me.

Lead in Providing the Safest Care Based on Best Evidence and Practice
Eliminate preventable harm

Eliminate critical, serious and moderate patient safety events related to escalation of care.
Reduce cardiac surgical site infection rates to below National Surgical Quality Improvement Program benchmarks.
Reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection rates.
Reduce critical patient safety events related to transfer of information.

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Eliminate preventable harm
ActionsSpecific deliverables and timelines
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Eliminate critical, serious and moderate patient safety events related to escalation of care.
  • Establish annual reduction goals for three years.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2016/17.
  • Implement the 2016/17 Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Plan for critical escalation of care events.
  • Explore an early warning score system as part of the electronic vital signs project, determine feasibility, and proceed, as appropriate.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2017/18.
  • Expand focus to include escalation of care events non-critical harm.
  • Identify contributing factors to non-critical events and implement appropriate targeted improvements.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2018/19.
  • Complete implementing improvements targeting non-critical events.
Reduce cardiac surgical site infection (SSI) rates to below National Surgical Quality Improvement Program benchmarks.
  • Establish annual reduction goals for three years.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2016/17.
  • Continue to implement and evaluate interventions within current SSI Work Plan.
  • Identify further cardiac-specific opportunities for improvement.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2017/18.
  • Implement cardiac-specific process improvements across perioperative areas.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2018/19.
  • Complete implementing cardiac-specific process improvements across perioperative areas.
Reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection rates.
  • Establish annual reduction goals for three years.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2016/17.
  • Continue to implement interventions and partnerships to achieve goals.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2017/18.
  • Continue to implement interventions and partnerships to achieve goals.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2018/19.
  • Complete implementing interventions and partnerships to achieve goals.
Reduce critical patient safety events related to transfer of information (TOI).
  • Establish annual reduction goals for three years.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2016/17.
  • Confirm current baseline to determine target.
  • Implement current TOI Required Organizational Practice (ROP) Action Plan.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2017/18.
  • Complete ROP action plan (by Nov 2017 survey).
  • Identify opportunities for an electronic TOI enabler in alignment with the clinical documentation and SunnyCare systems.
  • Achieve the reduction goal for 2018/19.
  • Continue to develop or implement an electronic TOI solution.
  • Analyze remaining contributing factors identified via Safety Reports and implement appropriate corrective actions.