Sunnybrook Academic Family Health Team

Patient Experience Survey 2019: Results

1057 total responses


  • 63% female
  • 37% male


  • Under 18: 1%
  • 18-35: 4%
  • 36-55: 20%
  • 56-75: 47%
  • Over 75: 28%

Reasonable wait time to get an appointment:

  • Always: 58%
  • Often: 27%
  • Sometimes: 10%
  • Rarely: 3%

Reasonable wait time in the clinic for your appointment:

  • Excellent: 33%
  • Very good: 40%
  • Good: 19%
  • Fair: 7%
  • Poor: 1%

When you see your doctor/nurse: 

  • 94% of the time they involve you as much as you like in decisions about your care
  • 96% of the time they give you an opportunity to ask questions
  • 95% of the time they spend enough time with you

Overall satisfaction with our...

  • Reception staff: 92%
  • Medical residents / students: 80%

What are we doing well:

  • "After hour clinic works really well. Also waiting room times have improved."
  • "Able to get an appointment with member of the team quickly when needed."
  • "Excellent care, never feel rushed to get my questions answered, feel involved in decision making."
  • "Patient-first approach, non-judgemental, knowledgeable, family oriented, wonderful reception."
  • "What impresses me is the comprehensive checking for potential problems, and precautionary remediation where necessary."

What could we do better:

  • "Email reminders when necessary check-ups, tests, physicals are required at various age groups."
  • "Seeing a medical resident sometimes feels that my rapport with the GP is compromised."
  • "More receptionists to answer the phone. I find there are times when I am trying to book an appt, I am put on hold for a long period of time."
  • "Clarify when we should use the after-hours services."
  • "Cut down on the wait time in the reception area."

Thank you for helping us improve the patient experience at the
Sunnybrook Academic Family Health Team!