A Guide for Patients Having Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

Your home exercise program

This walking program will improve the fitness of your heart, lungs and muscles. All muscles must be built up slowly, and the heart is no exception. This walking program will gradually reintroduce your heart to exercise, starting with very short walking periods. This slow progression provides a safe beginning for improving your cardiovascular fitness. When you complete a level with ease, move to the next level.

Level 1 Goal to walk 5 minutes 5-6 times, daily
Level 2 Goal to walk 10 minutes 3 times, daily
Level 3 Goal to walk 15 minutes 2 times, daily
Level 4 Goal to walk 30 minutes 1 time, daily


  • Begin walking using the guidelines in the activity tracker. Aim to improve approximately one level per week. If the suggested progression is too tiring, or if you miss one day, stay on the same level for another one or two days. If you feel tired or unwell, or have not exercised for two or more days, drop a level when you begin again.
  • Walk at a comfortable pace on a level surface. Do not include any stairs in your walking program.
  • When you can walk for 10 minutes, you may walk outdoors. Exercise indoors if it is extremely cold or hot or if there is high humidity or poor air quality. Some good options are a local shopping centre, apartment hallway, or recreation centre.
  • Be sure to plan your walks and communicate your route with your support person. Do not walk in secluded areas. Walk in areas that are emergency vehicle accessible and bring a cell phone with you.

Activity Tracker

The walking program and other activities should be spread throughout the day and separated by periods of rest.

Use the table below to track your progress. Each person will progress at different rates, and that is okay. Remember to listen to your body and know when it needs rest. Consult your health-care team if you are not progressing through the steps as you would like.

Download our printable activity tracker