Spine Program
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Research & You

It has been said by a wise person, that if you do not know where you have been, you will not know where to go. Another enlightened individual has said that if you do not know history you are bound to repeat it. These are certainly true in all aspects of our lives and also so in our treatment of spinal diseases.

The Sunnybrook Spine Program is committed to advancing the field of spinal surgery and improve the outcomes of patients undergoing surgery. This research spans all areas of our practics from how we do the surgery to who we operate on. We evaluate a number of physical as well as psychosocial factors which are significant in spinal disorders. As part of your experience here you will be meet our research associates and be asked to complete questionnaires before and after your surgery.

These questionnaires are critical in order to evaluate what we do, how well you have done and are part of specific study protocols that have all been approved by our hospital research ethics board. Your cooperation in completing these is greatly appreciated and we assure you they are maintained as part of your patient chart and in the strictest of confidence.