Sunnybrook Staff

IMPORTANT: Effective March 1, 2021, access to Sunnybrook’s VPN and external VDI services will require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). As a result of this change, current Sunnybrook VPN and external VDI users will be required to provide two sets of identity verification prior to accessing these services. This method of authentication will require Sunnybrook’s network user ID and password AND a security code generated by Okta service. Please utilize the link below to register for MFA.

IMPORTANT: As of May 1, 2019 access to all non-public Sunnybrook IT services will only be permitted through Sunnybrook’s RDP, VPN, OR VDI services (see links below). This includes sites such as Outlook Web Access (OWA), Sunnynet, eDischarge and SunnyCare. If you have any questions or need support, please contact Help Desk.

Sunnybrook staff links

Return to work

View return to work information for clinical staff: »

All Sunnybrook staff, physicians and residents should continue to check Sunnynet and their Sunnybrook email inboxes for the latest updates.

Technical support

Staff needing technical assistance, password or VPN help, should contact the Help Desk:

Bayview Campus & Holland Centre:
416-480-4159, Option 1

St. John's Rehab:
416-226-6780 ext 57060, Option 1