Important wayfinding information for patients visiting G-Wing. Read more »


Strategic Direction 3: Improve Quality and Create a Better Care Experience

Achieve the best possible outcome for patients while exceeding their care expectations.

Sunnybrook is committed to world-class quality care, and will develop processes and culture to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients while exceeding patients’ and families’ expectations for care.

Objective 1

Demonstrably achieve excellent patient and family experiences.

Objective 2

Ensure seamless, high quality patient transitions within Sunnybrook, our community, and across the Ontario health care system.

Patient stories

Natalie G's story

Natalie G. woke up one morning in June suspecting she had food poisoning. The 41-year-old visited Sunnybrook’s Emergency Department and was quickly diagnosed with a blockage in her intestine, resulting in emergency surgery.

“Staff were so kind, at every turn, which really put me at ease,” she says.

Read her full story »

Natalie G. woke up one morning in June suspecting she had food poisoning. The 41-year-old visited Sunnybrook’s Emergency Department and was quickly diagnosed with a blockage in her intestine, resulting in emergency surgery.

“Staff were so kind, at every turn, which really put me at ease,” she says, admitting she initially felt anxious about visiting a hospital during the pandemic.

A month later, Natalie returned to the Emergency Department when her fingers became so swollen she couldn’t remove her rings. She smiles when she thinks of the team who were determined to save her engagement ring and wedding band. “Their compassion really meant the world,” she says, adding that one physician froze her finger and saved her engagement ring.

The freelance transcriber, and mother of one, says, “I’m so grateful for the kindness of every staff member I encountered. Thank you, Sunnybrook.”

Barbara Alleyne's story

Barbara Alleyne

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a temporary Mobile Health Unit (MHU) was erected at Sunnybrook. Barbara Alleyne was the first patient admitted to this unique care environment in April 2021.

“I thank [the care team] for taking care of me and just keeping my spirits uplifted,” says Barbara.

Read her full story »