The Critical Importance of Enterprise Risk Management at Sunnybrook

Our Enterprise Risk Management program (ERM) will be vital to address the challenges and risks that we face.

As we consider the approach and evolution of our ERM, we must take into account the many changes presented by the pandemic and the need to be increasingly resilient and adaptable to adverse events in order to take advantage of opportunities.

Sue Thorne, Risk Manager

Sue Thorne, Risk Manager

Looking forward, our work will focus on:

1. Extending our ERM mindset across governance, senior leadership, and front line management

Empowering our front-line managers with increased transparency and awareness through discussion and debate of emerging local risks will create rigour, agility, and accountability for decisions. Enterprise risks would encompass broader representation beyond the senior leadership team and Board allowing for greater opportunity to identify themes to enrich our ERM conversations.

2. Building an ERM system made for the future

Sunnybrook has a strong reputation in leading ERM practice in Canadian health care, and aided the development of a nationally recognized risk management program. Currently we are engaged in a process to assess and evaluate the current state of our ERM program specifically focused on how we can evolve, adapt and make it suitable for the diverse range of risks that we face today and may encounter in the future. The next advancement of our ERM system will be focused on supporting risk identification and management of our progress toward eliminating or mitigating our risks.