Quitting smoking

Learn why quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health:
Thinking about quitting? We can help:
- Speak to your healthcare team.
- Get support from our Sunnybrook Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic by emailing raamclinic@sunnybrook.ca or call 416-953-2475.
- 5-10 sessions of supportive counseling for smoking (nicotine) cessation at no cost
- Skills on how to build motivation, set goals, manage cravings and triggers
- Psychoeducation on forming and breaking habits, stages of change, and coping techniques
- Information and support from a medical professional for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
- Call a Quit Coach at Health811 by dialing 8-1-1 (TTY 1-866-797-0007).
- Visit SmokersHelpline.ca for more information.
- View our tips to quit smoking.
Resources for people with cancer:
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to help your cancer treatment work better and reduce the side effects of treatment.
- Speak to your cancer healthcare team.
- Get support from our Sunnybrook Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic by emailing raamclinic@sunnybrook.ca or call 416-953-2475.
- 5-10 sessions of supportive counseling for smoking (nicotine) cessation at no cost
- Skills on how to build motivation, set goals, manage cravings and triggers
- Psychoeducation on forming and breaking habits, stages of change, and coping techniques
- Information and support from a medical professional for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
For more information and to schedule a session, email raamclinic@sunnybrook.ca or call 416-953-2475.
- Call a Quit Coach at Health811 by dialing 8-1-1 (TTY 1-866-797-0007).
- Visit Ontario Health / Cancer Care Ontario to learn more.
- Watch 'You can quit smoking!' and 'It’s never too late to quit smoking.'
- Take a free online module to learn how quitting smoking can help your cancer treatment.
- Visit SmokersHelpline.ca for more information.
- Indigenous Tobacco Program
- Cannabis and cancer
- Vaping and cancer
Need help finding health information, please email us at patienteducation@sunnybrook.ca.
Your Health Matters by Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Why you should tell your doctor if you smoke
- Surprising ways smoking affects your body (and your family's bodies, too)
- Got surgery coming up? Reasons why it's a good idea to quit smoking now
- How to support a loved one who smokes (and may or may not want to quit)
- The truth about hookah and your health
- Tips to help you quit smoking
- Some startling stats about smoking
We acknowledge that many First Nations and Métis communities have a sacred relationship with traditional tobacco. All mentions of tobacco on this website refers to commercial tobacco products.