Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Patient & family education  >  PEARL centre  >  Volunteer services

Volunteer services

Have questions about cancer? We have answers.

The PEARL is staffed Monday to Friday with friendly and knowledgeable volunteers. Whether you come in, call or email the PEARL, you will connect with a volunteer. Our volunteers go through intensive Odette Cancer Centre and Canadian Cancer Society training in communication skills, problem solving and how to conduct a "reference interview". A reference interview is a brief conversation during which the volunteer listens and asks questions to find out exactly what information you need so they can get you the best information to meet your needs.

If a volunteer cannot locate the right information they will pass your question and your contact information on to the patient education specialist who will further search their resources — including trusted documents, websites and clinicians to get you the information you need.

The most challenging requests are channeled to the manager of the patient and family education program. 

We will do everything we can to get you the information you need in each and any stage of the cancer journey.


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about cancer?

We have answers


Call: 416-480-4534