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Healing the Future,
With Your Legacy.

For Professional Advisors

Legal name: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foundation

Charitable registration no.: 89920 9118 RR0001

Address: 2075 Bayview Avenue, Suite KGW-01
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5

Main contact: Christa Kelly
Philanthropy Officer, Gift & Estate Planning
(416) 816-5340

Suggested wording for Will:

“My trustees shall deliver, pay or transfer a specific amount or a portion of the residue of my estate to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foundation.”

“My trustees shall deliver, pay or transfer a specific amount or a portion of the residue of my estate to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foundation, to be used for area of interest. In the event that circumstances make the specific use of this gift no longer practical or desirable, the Board of Directors of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foun­dation is hereby authorized to make changes in its use conso­nant with the spirit and general intent of the gift.”

If your client wishes to designate their gift to a specific area within the hospital, please contact us for detailed Will language.

Let us thank you.

If your client has included a legacy gift to Sunnybrook and is willing to let us know, kindly have them contact Christa Kelly at 416-816-5340 or email, so we may thank you and welcome them as a member of the Kilgour Legacy Society.