Head of Neurology to discuss Gord Downie’s care

May 24, 2016

As announced by the band via their social media platforms and website this morning, The Tragically Hip have shared the news of band member Gord Downie’s terminal health condition and their plans to mount a tour this summer. The Hip’s statement reads as follows:

"Hello friends. We have some very tough news to share with you today, and we wish it wasn’t so.

A few months ago, in December, Gord Downie was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.

Since then, obviously, he’s endured a lot of difficult times, and he has been fighting hard.

In privacy along with his family, and through all of this, we've been standing by him.

So after 30-some years together as The Tragically Hip, thousands of shows, and hundreds of tours…

We’ve decided to do another one.

This feels like the right thing to do now, for Gord, and for all of us.

What we in The Hip receive, each time we play together, is a connection; with each other; with music and it’s magic; and during the shows, a special connection with all of you, our incredible fans.

So, we’re going to dig deep, and try to make this our best tour yet.

We hope you can come out and join us this summer - details and dates will be coming this week.

And we sincerely thank all of you, for your continued love and support,

Paul, GordD, Johnny, Rob, GordS

At 11:00am today, there will be a press conference at Vaughan Estate, where Sunnybrook’s Dr. James Perry, neuro-oncologist treating Downie, will be available to discuss the condition and his care team’s approach to treating the illness. Following today’s announcements, there will be no interviews granted pertaining to matters of health. No further statements clarifying status, condition, or progress will be issued to underscore what is already evident: the music will stand to answer all. Joining the ranks of their celebrated catalogue, The Tragically Hip’s 14th studio album, Man Machine Poem, will be released June 17.

View press conference details »


The Estates of Sunnybrook (Vaughan Estate)
Located on the grounds of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, M4N 3M5 / parking available adjacent to Estate
Vaughan Estate, Main Ballroom

Statements precisely at 11:00 a.m.

View a webcast of the event »

Speakers to include:

  • Dr. James Perry, Head of Neurology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Neuro-oncologist, Sunnybrook’s Odette Cancer Centre and Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program and Professor of Medicine at University of Toronto
  • The Tragically Hip managers Bernie Breen and Patrick Sambrook
  • Brief Q&A to follow

Note: band members will not be in attendance

Media contact:

  • Communications & Stakeholder Relations
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • 416-480-4040

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre