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Sunnybrook Ukraine Tourniquet Drive

March 17, 2022

Two weeks ago, staff and friends of Sunnybrook’s Tory Trauma Program launched a tourniquet drive to show solidarity and emergency response to health-care practitioners at our contact hospitals in Ukraine. We have been informed of the need for tourniquets across the country. Funds are being gathered and pooled for the exclusive purpose of sending tourniquets to Ukraine.

Thanks to the generous support of Sunnybrook staff and families, and friends/supporters from across Canada (from BC to Newfoundland), over $25,000 has been raised so far. This will result in over 900 combat arterial tourniquets being sent to hospitals across Ukraine.

You can join us in a tangible response to help health-care colleagues in Ukraine. Sunnybrook has a history of partnership with Ukraine: In 2019, Sunnybrook formalized the Sunnybrook Ukraine Surgical Educational Initiative. The initiative focuses on expanding surgical capabilities of hospitals in Ukraine to enhance care for patients. Over the years, Sunnybrook has led physical missions and symposiums in Ukraine with Sunnybrook staff (surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, and more), as well as virtual symposiums throughout the pandemic. The current situation in Ukraine is distressing and has directly affected colleagues and infrastructure at our contact hospitals.

The Tory Trauma Program is continuing to collect funds to mobilize a shipment of tourniquets to Ukraine. For approximately every $30, one tourniquet will be sent to Ukraine. Tax receipts will not be issued.

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