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Chinese community raises $2.5 million for renovation of Sunnybrook's Schulich Heart Centre

February 5, 2009

In October 2008, business leaders from the Greater Toronto Area's Chinese community came together to form the Honorary Patrons Council, a unique philanthropic venture conceived by John Man, Managing Director, Asian Banking (Ontario) of Royal Bank of Canada. Established to engage and enlist the Chinese community in support of the $25 million campaign to expand and renovate the Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the Council quickly surpassed their original fundraising goal of $1.5 million.

"I am delighted to report that the Honorary Patrons Council raised a remarkable $2.5 million in less than three months" exclaimed John Man.

"We are absolutely thrilled with the Council's remarkable success," declared Kevin Goldthorp, CEO of Sunnybrook Foundation. "Especially given how quickly they were able to almost double their fundraising goal despite the uncertain economic landscape."

Sunnybrook Foundation appealed to the Chinese community for help to meet an anonymous donor's all-or-nothing offer to match all donations made to the Schulich Heart Centre by December 31, 2008, to a total value of $10 million. Shortly thereafter, an anonymous donor from the Chinese community committed to doubling the first $1 million raised by the Honorary Patrons Council.
As noted by Ellen Pun, who sits on Sunnybrook Foundation's Governing Council and is also a member of the Honorary Patrons Council: "Once we reached $2 million dollars, it was relatively straightforward to bring in the final $500,000. The money almost raised itself. The support garnered by Sunnybrook from the Chinese community is just wonderful."

The Council's efforts tipped the Campaign total to just over the required $10 million, thus securing the coveted $10 million match - for a total of $20 million - to modernize the Schulich Heart Centre and equip it to meet the increasing need for leading-edge cardiac and cardiovascular care.

On February 5, 2009, Sunnybrook Foundation celebrated the extraordinary achievements of the Honorary Patrons Council with a dinner hosted in their honour at McLean House at the Estates of Sunnybrook.

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