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Michael Garron Hospital and Sunnybrook formalize agreement to enhance patient care

April 13, 2017

Sunnybrook and Michael Garron Hospital leaders Sunnybrook and Michael Garron Hospital leaders Sunnybrook and Michael Garron Hospital leadersSunnybrook and Michael Garron Hospital

Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook) are expanding and formalizing their collaboration to improve access to high quality healthcare services for all residents in their shared communities.

To thrive and grow as a community, everyone, particularly those in greatest need, should have access to the right care, at the right time and in the right place. Sharing the same vision for equitable care, the two organizations officially signed a Strategic Alliance Agreement in April 2017 – signifying their commitment to working in partnership with one another and establishing a closer and more integrated collaborative relationship.

The goals of the partnership are to:

  • create a corridor of care for referral and repatriation for highly specialized tertiary and quaternary services needed by the residents of the respective catchment region;
  • reduce duplication and improve health system capacity by using the program strengths of each organization;
  • understand how collaboration could improve the health system of east Toronto and beyond;
  • enhance each organization's ability to provide high-quality services to the patients they serve;
  • explore opportunities for enhanced research and teaching activities between the organizations;
  • explore opportunities in corporate support function efficiencies;
  • explore the opportunity to identify shared Quality Improvement plan (QIP) targets.

A number of clinical collaborative initiatives are already in place between the two organizations. This Agreement will govern the advancement of these existing initiatives, as well as further initiatives.

Clinical services, including a number of existing collaborations, that Michael Garron Hospital and Sunnybrook agree to explore for the purposes advancing the goals of this Agreement include but are not limited to:

  • Cardiovascular Services;
  • Prostate Robotics Services;
  • Long Term Ventilation and Respiratory Support Services;
  • Pathology; and
  • Thyroid and Thoracic Cancer.

This agreement does not preclude any pre-existing partnerships that Michael Garron Hospital and Sunnybrook enjoy with other local, provincial, national and international partners.


“This agreement marks a strengthening of the collaboration between our two organizations. It helps formalize our existing achievements and creates the necessary framework to establish a closer and more intergrated relationship going forward. This will enable our clinical teams to come together to improve access for our patients, reduce duplication of services and improve the quality of care for all of our patients.”

Dr. Barry McLellan, President and CEO, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

“Michael Garron Hospital’s vision is to create health, build community. By formalizing this strategic partnership with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, we can easily share and implement best practices, build capacity and ensure that we maintain the high-quality of care that defines our hospital. It’s relationships like these that help us to achieve our strategic priorities as well as our commitment to building healthier communities.”

Sarah Downey, President and CEO, Michael Garron Hospital

“We take great pride in this partnership and look forward to further collaboration with Michael Garron Hospital’s senior leadership and clinical teams to improve access to care for the patients of east Toronto. This alliance is consistent with and furthers the important goals of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's Patient's First agenda. "

Mr. Blake Goldring, Chair, Board of Directors, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

“It’s very exciting that Michael Garron Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre have chosen to strengthen their collaboration together. The hospital’s Board of Directors believes that through this partnership, we’ll be able to continue to adapt our services to meet the needs of a changing environment, and provide our communities with seamless, patient and family centred care across the health continuum.”

Krystyna Hoeg, Chair, Board of Directors, Michael Garron Hospital

“Strong partnerships, such as this one between Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Michael Garron Hospital, are the building blocks of a better integrated health care system here in Toronto and across Ontario. I proudly support this collaboration and the great potential it holds for driving excellence, integration and innovation in patient care.”

Susan Fitzpatrick, CEO, Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)