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Temporary road closure notice: Bayview Campus

March 26, 2015

Both lanes of the south road (Life Saving Drive) outside S-wing will be closed off to all traffic on Monday, March 30 from 0900 to 1200, as contractors will be using a crane to hoist rooftop units onto the S-wing roof.

How will this affect incoming traffic to the Bayview Campus?

  • To access the Emergency Department, S/C/D/E/F/U wings, the Creche, SCIL, Shoppers Home Health, Parking Garage 3, and Parking Lots 11 and 12, please go around using Raab Blvd and Veterans Hill Trail. (see maps below)
  • T-Wing's East Entrance will remain accessible.
  • Parking & Transportation Services personnel will be situated at the intersection of Wellness Way and Life Saving Drive (between T and A wings) directing traffic, and signage will also be posted around campus to help facilitate the re-direction.

If possible, enter the hospital grounds from the north entrance off Bayview (Armistice Drive) and take alternate routes to get to Life Saving Drive.

Toronto Police, EMS, ORNGE, Wheeltrans, and Toronto Fire have been informed.

While every attempt is being made to prevent and minimize traffic delays for Monday, your patience and understanding in the event of any delays are appreciated.

Closure map (click to expand):

Closure map full

Closure close-up detail:

Closure detail

Road closure detail