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Board of directors

Mr. Poul Winslow
Mr. Poul Winslow

Poul, a respected figure in the world of investment management, retired in May 2022 after 13-years at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB). During his time at CPPIB, he served as the Global Head of Capital Markets and Factor Investing, where he oversaw various departments including Global Capital Markets, Quantitative Equities, External Portfolio Management, Cash and Liquidity, and Strategic Tilting.

Before assuming this role, Poul held the position of Managing Director and Head of Thematic Investing and External Portfolio Management at CPPIB. His journey at CPPIB began in 2009, marking a significant phase in his career.

Prior to joining CPPIB, Poul accumulated a wealth of experience in senior management and investment roles at Nordea Investment Management across Denmark, Sweden, and the USA. Additionally, he served as the Chief Investment Officer for Andra AP-Fonden (AP2) in Sweden, showcasing his adeptness in navigating various facets of the investment landscape.

Poul's academic background is grounded in Economics and Management, having earned undergraduate and master’s degrees from Aarhus University in Denmark. His blend of academic prowess and extensive professional experience has undoubtedly shaped him into a seasoned leader in the realm of global finance.