Gynecological pathology team

Staff pathologists

Dr. Reda Saad

Phone:  416-480-4011


Appointments and Affiliations:

Teaching and Research:

  • Involved in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate teaching of residents and fellows in the area gynecologic, breast pathology and cytopathology in the Department of Pathology at Sunnybrook
  • Participated in the LMP Summer Student Program, helping junior investigators to become familiar with research
  • Cross-appointed with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, where he teaches a pathology course for second and third year students
  • Research involves gynecologic, breast and cytopathology
  • Published over 70 peer-reviewed papers, review articles and international presentations and four cytopathology book chapters
  • Invited to provide several presentations at prestigious international conferences
  • Current research includes: angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis of gynecologic tumors, molecular markers in breast and endometrial carcinoma, prognostic and diagnostic markers in endocervical cancer
See current publications list at Pubmed