Hospital  >  Departments  >  Medicine  >  Divisions  >  Endocrinology

Medicine care team


Dr Jeremy Gilbert

Staff Physician
Associate Professor

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room H1 66
Toronto, ON
M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-6717
Fax: 416-480-4744

Executive Assistant: Thuseeka Selvakumar
Phone: 416-480-6717
Fax: 416-480-4744

Clinical Profile:

Jeremy completed his medical degree, internal medicine training and endocrinology residency at the University of Toronto. He was a clinical associate at the University Health Network for 18 months before becoming an active staff member of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. He attends on the clinical teaching unit for internal medicine 3 months per year. He also attends on the endocrinology consulting service and has a growing outpatient practice. He is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto.

Jeremy is on the executive committee of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Department of Medicine Practice Plan and Medical-Dental-Midwifery Staff Association. He is the faculty advisor for the residents’ council for the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is an executive member of The Banting and Best Diabetes Care and Education Committee and Toronto Diabetes Association. He has just been appointed the new endocrinology lead for the Toronto Central Regional Coordination Centre as part of the Ontario Diabetes Strategy.

Jeremy shows great enthusiasm for teaching. His area of academic interest is undergraduate and postgraduate education in general internal medicine and endocrinology and metabolism. He is the education site director for endocrinology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center. Jeremy is on the residency training committee for the department of medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and is on the postgraduate endocrinology education committee at the University of Toronto. He has completed the Master Teacher program at the University of Toronto. He is the recipient of the 2010 Young Teacher Award through the department of medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center and the 2011 George Frum Award for postgraduate endocrinology teaching at the University of Toronto.

He has a special clinical interest in patients with diabetes and its complications as well as diabetes in pregnancy. His passion for teaching is making Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre a popular place for endocrinology training. His collaboration with other medicine services, such as cardiology, nephrology and cardiovascular surgery is making a positive impact on diabetes care at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.


  • BSc, 1998, University of Winnipeg, Canada
  • MD, 2002, University of Toronto, Canada

Appointments & Affiliations:

  • Staff Physician, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto
  • Assistant Professor, Facuty of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Endocrinology Education Site Director, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Selected Publications:

  1. Katz, P and Gilbert J. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Among Older Adults: An Update on the Evidence. Geriatrics and Aging; Oct 2008; 11; 509-514.
  2. Gilbert J. Pharmacological Treatments for Diabetes among Older Adults: An Update. Geriatrics and Aging; Oct 2007; 10; 551-60.
  3. Margloin, Noble, Kassel, Croul, Gilbert. Intracranial Germinoma Manifesting As An Infiltrating Callosal Lesion and Supresellar Mass. Neuro-Ophthalmology.