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Dr. Ilana Halperin
Ilana Halperin, MD MSc FRCPC

Staff Physician
Assistant Professor

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room H1 45
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-6056
Fax: 416-480-5122

Administrative Assistant: Angela Uy
Phone: 416-480-6056
Fax: 416-480-5122

Dr. Ilana Halperin is a full time staff physician and assistant professor in the job description of Clinician in Quality and Innovation. Dr. Halperin has a BSc from McGill University, an MD from the University of Western Ontario; she completed internal medicine and endocrinology training at the University of Toronto and an MSc in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto.

As the University of Toronto Quality and Innovation lead for the division of endocrinology she leads a group of physicians committed to improving quality and safety for inpatients and outpatients with diabetes and thyroid disease. To enable a standardized approach to monitor and improve care provided to our patients, she has led the implementation and optimization of electronic medical records in the Sunnybrook Endocrine Division and in the Diabetes in Pregnancy clinic and has recently joined the Sunnycare team as the physician lead for standardized inpatient clinical documentation. As the medical director of the Sunnybrook Diabetes in Pregnancy program, she is working to improve the experience and outcomes for women with diabetes from pregnancy to post-partum. As the chair of the Sunnybrook Diabetes Inpatient Committee, she leads a group of professionals from a diverse clinical backgrounds to improve diabetes-related outcomes and patient experience while in hospital.

Dr. Halperin is happy to receive referrals for all aspects of endocrinology but has a special interest in women's reproductive health and pre-conception optimization of chronic endocrine and metabolic conditions including thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and diabetes. She also has an interest in young adults transitioning from paediatric to adult care for their chronic endocrine issues.

Selected Publications:

  1. lIana J Halperin M.D., M.Sc. Prateek Sehgal B.Sc. Julia Lowe MBChB, M.MSc. Michelle Hladunewich M.D., M.Sc. Brian M Wong M.D. Increasing Timely Post-Partum Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Completion in Women with Gestational Diabetes: A Quality Improvement Initiative. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2015 Jun 10.
  2. Halperin IJ, Feig DS. The role of lifestyle interventions in the prevention of gestational diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2014 Jan 1;14(1):452. Principal Author.
  3. Ilana J Halperin, Denice Feig. Insulin Infusion Devices in Pregnancy. In: Moshe Hod, Lois G Javanovic, Gian Carol Di Renzo, Alberto De Leiva, Oded Langer, editor(s). Textbook of Diabetes in Pregnancy. 3. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis; 2016. In Press. Principal Author.
  4. Halperin IJ, Kumar SS, Stroup DF, Laredo SE. The association between the combined oral contraceptive pill and insulin resistance, dysglycemia and dyslipidemia in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Human Reproduction. 2011 Jan;26(1):191-201.

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