Breastfeeding Centre of Excellence

Family practice obstetrics

Batya Grundland
Batya Grundland, MD, CCFP

Family Practice Obstetrics

Women's College Hospital Family Practice Unit
76 Grenville Street 
Toronto, ON M5S 1B2

Phone: 416-323-6060
Fax: 416-323-6351

Dr. Batya Grundland is a practicing family physician at Women's College Hospital and has been involved in family practice obstetrics since 2006. She is the Maternity Care Lead for the family practice groups both at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Women's College Hospital. She is also heavily involved with family practice resident education and curriculum development and is the physician lead for the maternity care curriculum at the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Her clinical and educational focus is around providing and teaching holistic, compassionate family centered care throughout the lifespan.