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Board of directors

Iliana Oris Valiente
Iliana Oris Valiente

Iliana Oris Valiente is a Managing Director and the Canada Innovation Lead at Accenture, working with senior clients to support their transformation journeys and running strategic internal programs. As part of her role, Iliana oversees teams that bring together specialists in design, data science, emerging technologies, along with diverse industry experts to inspire change and bring actionable insights forward towards proof of concepts, pilots, and beyond. Iliana is heavily involved in leading work related blockchain uses, digital identity, and also oversees the ventures and R&D capabilities in the local market.

Prior to Accenture, Iliana cofounded Rubix by Deloitte, and was the Blockchain Strategy Leader at Deloitte Canada.

Iliana is a finance professional turned intra / entrepreneur, and her strengths include the ability to combine strategic thinking and an aptitude for working with numbers and concrete data. She speaks English, Russian, Spanish, and French, and is well-traveled with international work and life experience. Iliana is a Chartered Accountant, currently based in Toronto, after completing studies in Commerce at the University of Ottawa and Copenhagen Business School.