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Patient & Family Resources

Making Care Decisions When a Patient is Incapable

You may be asked to help with decision-making for a patient in hospital who is considered mentally incapable to make care or treatment decisions. This brochure has been developed to provide you with information about the role of Substitute Decision-Maker and the duties and challenges you may face. 
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Long Term Tube Feeding

Making a decision about placement of a long term feeding tube in an elderly adult can be difficult. Tube feeding may be offered when a patient cannot eat and drink enough to stay alive, or cannot swallow food or liquids safely. However, if tube feeding will offer no benefit or will be too burdensome, health professionals will try to do what is best for the person without using a tube. This booklet is a resource for patients and family members and has many important questions and answers to help patients decide if tube feeding should be started or continued. When a patient is not able to make the decision, substitute decision makers should follow the patient's wishes or do what is best for the patient if the wishes are not known.
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Planning for future care

As a patient or as a family member of someone who is ill or injured, you want to know that the best possible care is being provided when it matters most. This booklet will assist patients and their families in considering the kind of care the patient would want if living with advanced life-limiting illness, an unexpected incapacitating illness and/or is at the end stage of life. When patients are recovering from a serious health problem or have a chronic illness, discussions and decisions about end of life can be very difficult but are also very important.This guide provides information on what an Advance Care Plan is (ACP), quality of life, the role of a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM), Power of Attorney for Personal Care (POA), CPR, and life support.
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